Projects, Fall 2019

Projects assigned in Fall 2019: Introduction to Data in Social Context

Project #1

1) 10 page report, approximately 2000 words, with 5 photographs and 5 tables, charts, or graphs that answers the research question

2) Presentation, 3 slides, 3 minutes, in class September 30

Required elements:

  • Research question and thesis statement addressing research question
  • Photographs (minimum 5) from Virginia from Library of Congress Child Labor Collection
  • Tables, charts, and graphs (minimum 5) created in google sheets using child labor statistics or other reliable sources for statistical information about child labor
  • Discussion of three sources about child labor in Virginia (posted in Canvas)
  • Citations for all source materials

Due by 9 am on September 30 in Scholar as a word attachment (grade penalty after 9 am)

Grading rubric:

Research question examined with sources and analysis: 10 points

Analysis of photographs and captions: 15 points

Analysis of data: 15 points

Analysis of child labor articles and reports: 15 points

Clarity and correctness of writing, grammar, and punctuation: 10 points

Citations: 10 points

Presentation: 10 points

Individual evaluation (submitted by Oct 2 at noon using online form (Links to an external site.)): approximately 75-100 words for each question

What did you learn from contributing to the project? 5 points

What did you contribute to the project? 5 points

How did the Lewis Hine photograph shape the research project? 5 points

Project #2

Project 2: Elections and Counties / Cities in Virginia


Predict outcome of vote for assigned house and senate districts (15%)

Estimate likelihood of outcome

Predict percentages of voting

Analyze factors shaping election in each assigned district (35%)

History of previous elections

Demographics of district

Candidates and campaigns

National and state-wide trends

Understand demographic data in Virginia (50%)

Locating, collecting, sorting, cleaning, and analyzing data

Historical trajectories and trends

Understanding regional differences

Comparing 10 factors for each assigned county / city







Educational attainment

Public schools


Socio-economic status


Preliminary presentation on elections, October 16

Poster presentation on demographic data, To be determined Cancelled

Presentation of election predictions, November 4 (day before election day)

Paper on elections and counties / cities, 2000 words, 10 data visualizations, due November 13

Research question(s):

Data Sources





Presentations (Team)

Report (Team)

Self-evaluation: 5 in-class assignments, 1 post-project assignment

In-class assignments: one sentence answer for each question:

1) what did you contribute today to the group project?

2) what will you prepare for the next class work session?

Assignments open at the start of class, 10 am, close two hours after class, 1 pm

Answers count toward self-evaluation part of project grade

Approximately five assignments will be required for project #2

Project #3:

Self select team members (minimum 4, maximum 9)

Select themes from list of options (or suggest theme)

Project outcome: poster (1 research poster or multiple posters using other formats)

Poster draft, due December 4

All posters on display, Newman Library, Dec 9, 10-11 am

Research question: What do students need to know about surveillance based on what you have learned about data in social context?

Teams finalized and begin work on November 15

Work sessions: November 15, 18, 20 (no class 11/22), December 2, 4, 6