Visit to CosmoCaixa

What are we going to do?

In order to introduce the general information about the History of Earth, life and civilizations we will visit the CosmoCaixa Museum of Barcelona.

In groups, you will collect information about the following aspects:

  • The division of geological time.
  • Origin and evolution of the Univers.
  • The Solar System and the Earth.
  • The life and the kingdoms evolution.
  • Humans evolution.

Teachers will give you some information about these themes and you will take notes and pictures with your mobile phones.

The purpose of this is to collect all the data needed to create a "Virtual visit" of the Museum at school. Don't worry: we are going to investigate more about each period of time every week of the project.

Don't forget a mobile phone per group, your pencil case and a notebook!

Which is the division of the geological time you will study?

1. Origins of the Universe and the Earth: from 13,800 to 3,800 million years ago (Hadean Eon)

A huge explosion leads to the creation of the Universe and the formation of the Solar System. The Earth and Moon are formed and the first atmosphere surrounding the Earth develops.

2. Archaean Eon: from 3,800 to 2,500 million years ago

The formation of Ur, the first continent, and the emergence of the prokaryotic cell, the first life form. The first living things on Earth –bacteria– appear.

3. Proterozoic: from 2,500 to 542 million years ago

The continents form. The eukaryotic cell –the precursor of multicellular life forms– appears, and life diversifies. The first fungi, protists and ancestors of plants appear.

4. Lower Palaeozoic: from 542 to 359 million years ago

The great mountain ranges are formed and significant climatic changes occur. Explosion of life in the oceans. Molluscs become more complex and adapt to different habitats. The first arthropods and first aquatic vertebrates appear.

5. Upper Palaeozoic: from 359 to 251 million years ago

The continents join to form the super-continent Pangaea. Oxygen levels in the atmosphere increase. Some life forms leave the water and take to the land. The first plants and first land bound vertebrates appear.

6. Mesozoic: from 251 to 65 million years ago

The huge continent Pangaea splits up into smaller continents. Marine invertebrates diversify significantly. Dinosaurs and the first birds appear. The first flowering plants appear. A massive extinction occurs, wiping out 75% of all species.

7. Cenozoic: from 65 to 0 million years ago

The continents move to their present positions. The Alpine orogeny commences and the great mountain ranges appear (Himalayas, Atlas, Rif, Baetic, Pyrenees, Apennines, Alps, Balkans and Carpathians). The Mediterranean Sea is also formed. This is a period of vast fluctuations in temperature and of ice ages. Mammals occupy most of the continents. The first primates appear, an evolutionary line that will lead to the origin of today’s humans.

8. Evolution theories

Throughout history, science and religions have tried to explain phenomena of the world: who we are, where do we come from? What theories do you know that explain the origin and evolution of the species? They are religious or scientific theories?

Earth Today



Protozoa and algae




Minerals and rocks

Scientific Classification

Virtual Tour

Use the app Prezi to create a presentation about the part you have studied.

In groups, decide the common style of the presentation.

Before creating the Prezi presentation, open a Google Docs with the name Esquelet_Prezi_Museu_G(N)(C). It must contain:

  • Guió del Prezi: ha d'incloure tot el text que escriureu al Prezi per tal de corregir-ho abans de la seva publicació.
  • Guió de l'exposició oral: Separat per oradors i zones del museu que explicareu.
  • Recordeu fer una portada, un índex i afegir la numeració de l'aigua.