Origin of the Earth

The Timeline

A timeline is a display of a list of events in chronological order. Timelines are particularly useful for studying history, as they convey a sense of change over time. Wars and social movements are often shown as timelines and they are also useful for biographies.

Timelines are also used in the natural world and sciences, for subjects such as astronomy, biology, and geology:

The primary defined divisions of time are eons. Eons are divided into eras, which are in turn divided into periods, epochs and ages.

The Hadean

It's a geologic eon of the Earth, and lies before the Archean. It began with the formation of the Earth about 4.6 billion years ago and ended about 4 billion years ago.

The name "Hadean" comes from Hades, the ancient Greek God of the underworld, in reference to the hellish conditions on Earth at the time: the planet had just formed and was still very hot due to high volcanism, a partially molten surface and frequent collisions with other Solar System bodies.

Watch and research!

Watch these videos, do a bit of research, and using your words write a report using Google Docs, Report_Origin_Earth_G(N)(C) including:

An Introduction:

  • Presenting what you have been working on.

A Summary of the following points, including:

    • Description of the planet.
    • Rotations of the Earth.
    • Seasons and Solstices.
    • Description of the atmosphere.
    • Description of water (origin and process).
    • Description of Pangea.

Remember to include important dates, for example:

  • Origin of the Earth.
  • Meteor showers...
Origin of Earth.mp4

As a conclusion:

  • Mention something new that you have learnt (which you didn't know before)
  • Write about something in this topic that you would like to learn more about,