KD Module Four:
Scarry Comments

Unfortunately, the Humans just can't behave; Their ignorance, their stubbornness. Many Humans keep themselves vulnerable to becoming possessed by Evil / they aren't wise enough not to fall into evil's trap and take hold of their actions.
The Humans have been of Pure Evil to themselves for Centuries before... But they never learn...
It is part of My Plan to let my Children show the Humans just how stupid they are being and give Them Their Thousandth Chance to turn to Peace.

But that is still yet to come. Right now, I must show you just how terrible one can be to another / the terrors My Children, (who you will see soon) and eventually I, will protect the innocent from / The Horrors The Innocent should never have to experience, to be abolished

Proceed with caution however; For The Following Content is very stressful and very disturbing:

You will see Extreme Physical Damage brutally delt to Sensitive Creatures, and Innocent Creatures unfairly and unnecessarily experiencing Extreme Pain and Suffering

If You do not wish to see Any More, skip to The Next Module, for This may not be suitable for Some and should only be viewed by Strong, and Mature Audiences

There will be More Content Like This in The Future: Make sure to keep Watch for More Warnings

Creatures like The New (non-human) Ones You have seen so far are commonly known as "Furries" in The Real World. Some People like Them, Some People are Them. Various Inaccurate Stigmas and Rumors float around like Usual, but still not Everybody Likes Them, which is fine of course.

However even to This Day, Serious Evil seems to float about some Humans. The Type Of Humans who just can't seem to leave Others They hate alone because They think that They have a duty to deal with what They have decided Themselves to be Something that has to be dealt with in Various Ways;

I was browsing Reddit One Day and was unfortunate enough to be reminded of Said Evil that some People are completely careless that They have:

You might have read through That and remained perfectly mentally stable. I on The Other Hand realize just how horrific of A Scene This Comment suggests:

I said this would be only one step away from torture; purely unregulated terror to a purely defenseless victim.

I said it would be the KKK all over again; uncontrolled hatred toward a specific group of people that turns into pure evil

The uncontrolled beating splitting Completely Innocent skin.
The Careless Humans humoring about the defenselessness of the Innocent as they take Things to the Next Level and bring Their Metal Bats, Their Sledge-Hammers to The Show.
The Humans thinking They're cool when They bring Their Nailed Bats to mass-administer Tetanus Disease, Their Hunting Knives ("We can hunt Furries because they're Animals!"), Their Pickup Trucks to run Them over with Their Oversized Tires and their Sports Cars to drag Them with Their Spiked Chains as They celebrate with Their Base Speakers blearing and LED Chassi Lights shining

This Destruction leaves Scars, ruins One's Health They work hard to keep now made even harder while trying to survive The Flying Hammers and Chainsaws, Brings terror and constant fear when all They wanted was peace and love

So I said may such a day be immediately abolished and never happen to anyone let alone furries