The United Creatures of Peloha


The three shades of pink: Peace, Love, and Happiness

The green star represents the core of good that generates the three shades of pink


The finned tail of a Dolphin representing the marine creatures, the paw of a wolf representing the land creatures, and the wing of an eagle representing the aero creatures, together hold up one big pink heart that represents the good-hearted, the peaceful, the passionate, and the healthy of all of Peloha

National Anthem

The Three Shades of Pink

There was evil, there was pain, there was suffering in the rain…

But there's always hope…

There were terrible places with terrible people, and many of them were lethal…

But good never truly dies…

Creatures struggled and suffered, and they were denied the help of their fellow creatures,

they were hurt by their fellow creatures…

But when they dreamt about relief / when they dreamt about peace, they dreamt about us! When they were sleeping in the mud, crying in the rain / when they were curled up in pain, they prayed to us!

When they ran from evil, pleading and fearful, they ran to us!

All they wanted was no pain. All they wanted was rest and warmth.

We gave them that and more!

All they wanted was to be loved. All they wanted was the freedom to love.

We proudly took them in and love now fills their hearts!

Everyone, any species, is welcome in our beloved home of the three shades of pink!



All creatures are welcome to join or visit this community of people who are united in order to preserve our greatest values: Peace, love, and happiness, and to allow for our advancement into the future