
General Federal Services

UPP Federal Resistance
(the military)

UPP Civil Security
Police, rescue, and other first responders

Quick Summery

Great power requires great responsibility;
The UCP has a government with powers spread between many systems who constantly and thoroughly check each other for any corruption and is quick to thoroughly eliminate it and instate any needed regulations against it from happening again.

Great communities require great preservation;
The UCP does not negotiate with terrorists. Anyone appointed to any federal security associated position are given intensive training and are required to agree to very strict policies and regulations that prevent corruption, hijacking, usability of hostages, etc.

The UCP Government does not mess around when it comes to the security and defense of the beloved community. The UCP is indeed a happy place with cute seemingly "weak" creatures with soft traits of acceptance and peace. But if they are attacked or threatened in any way, the attacker will be met with very strong retaliation

Peloha is a place of great peace, love, and happiness for all that surrounds itself with a thick, hard shell of protection with absolutely no toleration with whatever vicious cruelty an evil that goes on outside it's boundaries.

As per it's mission, Peloha allows anyone to join regardless of origin or previous relation. As long as they wish to join, Peloha will provide with all it can safely. But for security purposes, immigrants may be put through variable checks, monitorizations, and temporary restrictions to prevent any terrorism, spying, or internal attacks

(more information soon…)