Story V:
Peloha Has Fallen

Story A: Founding Day

A crew of highly knowledgeable and skilled creatures have been gathered into a team and sent off in a large, highly equipped spaceship called the “Azara”. Their mission is to explore outside the community and to help keep peace and healthy relationships between neighboring communities. The star angels also keep peace and safety within, with major rescue missions and serious crime investigations

Story B: We are now The Aliens


A nerd in his basement was working on a DI (Digital Intelligence) unit. After years of work, his project has become very successful.

But during a trip between planets his vessel was struck by rogue debris and his creation was ejected from the breached cargo cabin…

The AI system traveled through space for many years to land onto a distant planet yet to be explored. The device survived the landing and was later found by one of the creatures of the planet

Exploring the device, this humanoid creature with the bill, flippers, and feathers of a duck, but arms, hands, and strong legs of a human pressed the button that activated the alien intelligent digital creature

Like a god sent from the sky, the digital intelligence guided the hugely diverse creatures to piece while they helped it build itself up to a great electronic facility that would care for the “organic children” it loved

Story I: Right to Work


Based on a dream I had, þ (“þ” “Þorn” replaces “th”: “Baþ”. When alone it serves as “the”) main crew starts þ long journey of þ Azara wiþ a relatively simple mission to find a missing Anþro Duck on Planet Baþ … Þough it still proved to be a dangerous one


This story contains words that are considered improper by many people (“profanity”)

Story II

Crash Report

Story III

Direct Simulation

Story IV: Lost Friend
