
Official List

Select þe name for more information

Story I: The First Humanoid Animal

(under development)...


Story II: The Fabricator

Short Story

Hate your body? Think your ugly? ...have cancer?

No more, for with this serum / with this machine, you can be as cute, handsome, and healthy as you want

Story III: Organic Demons

Short Story

Highly disturbing / distressing content.
Viewer discression is advised!

Story IV: Keyano Zora

(early development)...

The origin of the best bird: Keyano Zora

Story V: Peloha Has Fallen

Peace, love, happiness, but also torture, betrayal, despair.

Here is a fictional story of the struggle between good vs evil:

There is an empire filled with a great diversity of different creatures: Aquatic creatures, terrain creatures, aerial creatures; Four legs, or two legs; two legs and wings, or two legs and fins; scaley, furry, feathery, just plain skin, or a combination…

But out of all of these many different creatures, one reigns over all and takes everything.

Welcome to The Supreme Raptor Empire.

All Raptors are supreme, and all others serve them… but not for long…

There is no comfort without pain

Story VI: Pre-Mature

(future project)...

Join Kuloko in his adventure through his blissful early years of school

Story VII: Star Angels


(early development)...


Do you know the old sci fi series “Star Trek”?

Well þis is basically þat but I made it and þe job of þe crew is slightly different;

Þe Star Angels do embark on space exploration, but þey are also for FBI type stuff but in space, major rescue missions, peacekeepers, and preserving stable inter-planetary and floating-city relationships.

This series is currently a WIP (Work In Progress):

Last update: 1-26-2023 (7:07 PM)

Story VIII: Zora Technology

(future project)...

Experience the joy and luxury of great technology

(future project)...

Story IX: Broken

(early development)...


A family of 5 friends are happy, having fun, and enjoying life like normal. Until one day, after a strange unknown incident, they suddenly became delusional and hallucinogenic. Strange things start to happen, reality falls apart as they decline into madness, seemingly without any explanation, until the very end, when it is revealed what had happened that day at the park, and what was actually happening this whole time…


This story gets very disturbing: Reader discretion is advised

This story was partially inspired by the “Don’t Hug Me .I’m Scared” series on YouTube.

Story X: Blood Factory

Helplessly trapped in the deep depths of the dark side of my creativity

(future project)...

Very disturbing and destressing content.
Viewer discression is strongly advised!

Giant underground facility with constant extreme paranormal activity, swarming with demons who find their entertainment by trapping emotional organisms (independent "mortals" equip with personalities and emotions) deep in their dark stronghold of an uncharted mechanical facility and performing "experiments" with them. They test how long they can survive under very disturbing or unnatural conditions.

(future project)...

Story XI: Drone Sports!

(early development)...


(Not Flying 4-Propeller Cameras, Remote Control Organisms!)

Story XII: The Game of Life


More Stories

(comming soon...)