Edward Snowden helps explain REALITY

Post date: May 28, 2020 4:12:49 AM

RD-blog-number-3206 by Herb Zinser

Edward Snowden helps explain REALITY

Central Intelligence Agency

The CIA with the Edward Snowden job assignment --->


Definition of snow job in the Online Dictionary. ... snow job. n. Slang chiefly US and Canadian an instance of deceiving or overwhelming someone with elaborate ...


Official site provides news and information, publications, offices of the CIA, and careers. Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state, and studies in ...


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is one of the principal intelligence-gathering agencies of the United States federal government. The only independent U.S. ...

The CIA's headquarters is in Langley, Virginia, a few miles west of Washington, D.C.

Its employees operate from U.S. embassies.

In other words .......

The CIA's head with eyes and ears

is in Langley(e) --> Lang + ang + angle + eye --> Language angstroms (wavelengths of light) angle (Index of reflection and thought ,etc)

Its em = electromagnetic life forms operate from U.S. em = electromagnetic Hertzian wave embassies .... such as the electromagnetic war.

Some of these em life forms .... em subroutine programs ..... use the human biology body and brain bio-computer as an host operating platform for their electromagnetic existence, amusements, and brain manipulation control systems.


Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes.



Official site provides news and information, publications, offices of the CIA, and careers. Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state,

and studies in ... super-symmetry physics EVENTS with analysis tools: mirrors, parallel processing, symbolism, approximation, contradictions,etc.


Ed Witten on M theory, supersymmetry and appreciating calculus ... Witten was not one of the creators of string theory, but since he joined "Team String" in the ...


Introduction to Supersymmetry. 20th century physics has seen two major paradigm shifts in the way we understand Mother Nature. One is quantum mechanics, ...


What is supersymmetry? Supersymmetry is a conjectured symmetry of space and time — and a unique one. It has been a very popular idea among theoretical ...

Nature's EXTERNAL CIA .... an example report

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

special project ---> Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (a Boy Scouts of America den)


adapted to REAL life in year 2013

with Edward SNOW(den) and the WHITE house

News for Boy scout den VIA messenger SnowDEN about Uncle SAM and SAM Hengel

www.scouting.org › Boy Scouts of America Cub Scouts Activities

A den is a group of six to eight boys, within the pack, that meets several times a month between pack meetings. The boys in a den are usually all at the same

A den is a group of six to eight boys,

A den is a group of six to eight boys,

A den is a group of six to eight boys ---> average size 7 makes then eligible candidates for the 7 dwarfs

that meets several times a month

that meets several times a month

that meets several times a month --> about 7 times a month the 7 dwarfs meet and are reminded of responsibility code 77 .... year 1776


Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer specialist who worked for the CIA and the NSA and leaked details of several top-secret ...

Booz Allen Hamilton - ‎Tempora - ‎Julian Assange - ‎Sam Adams Award


Edward Snowden --> alphabet symbol CIA code -->

Education RD site --> Research & Development site of puppet sting theory bio-physics with Marionette puppet strings located at the super-symmetry SYMBOL MACHINE approximation parallel ...named .... Marintette High School, Wisconsin.


Dec 6, 2010 - 30, 2010 in his Marinette, Wis. home about being held hostage at Marinette High ... A 15-year-old boy who held 23 students and a teacher hostage in a Wisconsin ... Sam Hengel's family held the gathering in a school auditorium in ... They hung up Hengel's Boy Scout and tae kwon do uniforms and his ...


Hengel's son, Sam Hengel, held a class at Marinette High School hostage at gunpoint Nov. ... He was a good student and enjoyed Boy Scouts and Taekwondo. .... (AP) -- The teacher held hostage with 23 students in a Wisconsin high school ...

Let's look at the 100 year history behind SAM Hengel math and bio-math signaling EVENT ...... and the supplemental message FROM Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE system and one of its social engineering proejcts named --> Snow White and the Seven DWARFS.

Nature's SNOW WHITE symbol code is mathematically mapped FROM the symbol/word/equation source domain TO destination range ...... the existential subset of humanoid display agents and subset human institutions

--> SNOW WHITE becomes SnowDEN and the WHITE House.


When the Magic Mirror proclaims Snow White as the fairest one of all, she flees into the forest and befriends the lovable seven dwarfs!

the Magic Mirror proclaims Snow White

the Magic Mirror proclaims Snow White

the Magnetic FIELD Mirror ..... pro--> myoglobvin IRON protein proclaims --> North Pole noun Snow with adjective White

the Magic Mirror proclaims Edward Snowden and the White House ...the Nature's current humanoid assignment of Shakespearean players .......

Then we shall outline the 100 year system from the year 1910 math . science logic book (Principia Mathematica) to the

mathematical SAMPLE SPACE in the probability of chance of expression EVENTs in geography region covered by the University of Wisconsin chancellors of Nature's chancellor equation --> Chance cell orders (signals) ...such as the molecular cell biology 23 chromosome signals via SAMPLE --> SAM Hengel ..... a SAMPLE space EARTH LAB physical and symbolic specimen.


In probability theory, the sample space of an experiment or random trial is the set of all possible outcomes or results of that experiment. A sample space is ...


Uncle Sam (initials U.S.) is a common national personification of the American government that, according to legend

Uncle Sam → sample space


7.1: Sample Spaces and Events. (Based on Section 7.1 in Finite Mathematics). Note There should be navigation links on the left. If you got here directly from the ..

Let's start over again ...... a explain the social science information system concepts and ideas (from Carl Jung collective unconsciousness levels to the subconscious , etc) ...... and conclude with the BOY SCOUT den message of Edward SnowDEN.

The C.P.Snow project signals and messenger Edward Snowden help explain the Boy Scout brain message of Sam Hengel from the Computer Earth system 370 I/O Port geography area of Porterfield, Wisconsin.

Let's look at year 2013 news about Alfred North WHITEHEAD

and C.P.Snow and the newspaper snow job code: SNOWDEN.

Edward Snowden: I Didn't Give Secrets to China or Russia - Mashablemashable.com/2013/07/10/snowden-china-russia/‎

Jul 10, 2013 - Edward Snowden said during a recent interview he did not give any secret information to China or Russia while in either of those two countries.

Let's look at the intellectual source of the above codes ......

C. P. Snow -

The Two Cultures debate controversy Rede Lecture 1959


C. P. Snow - Rede Lecture 1959. The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. Picture of C. P. Snow On 7th May 1959, the physicist and author C. P. Snow ...

Thus the current Edward Snowden controversy is part of the SCIENCE WARS ...and the SCIENCE of newspaper and Washington, DC manipulation and bull-story systems

Science wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_wars

The science wars were a series of intellectual exchanges, between scientific realists and postmodernist critics, about the nature of scientific theory and ...Historical background - ‎The science wars - ‎See also - ‎Notes

NY Times Magazine Discusses "The Science Wars Redux"www.democracyjournal.org/news/ny-times-magazine-quotes-berubes-the...‎

Feb 28, 2011 - In the February 25 issue of the New York Times Magazine, author Judith Warner wrote about the conservative war on the scientific ...

Let's outline the history of the situation ... starting with year 1910.


Alfred North Whitehead - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_North_Whitehead

In Principia Mathematica Whitehead and Russell attempted to "describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths ...

Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand ...quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umhistmath/AAT3201.0001.001?rgn=main;view...

Page [unnumbered] PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA ..... in common with all other logicians ancient and modern, had allowed some error to creep into his premisses; ...

Full text of "Principia Mathematica Volume I" - Internet Archivearchive.org/.../PrincipiaMathematicaVolumeI/WhiteheadRussell-PrincipiaM...

125. net the set of 3 volumes PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA BY ALFRED NORTH ... On the other hand we have symbolic logic, which, after a necessary period of .... all other logicians ancient and modern,

had allowed some error to creep into his


Then came C.P.Snow


Charles Percy Snow CBE (15 October 1905 – 1 July 1980), who was raised to the peerage as Baron Snow, of the City of Leicester, was an English chemist, physicist, and novelist who also served in several important positions in the British Civil Service and briefly in the UK government.[1] He is best known for his series of novels known collectively as Strangers and Brothers, and for "The Two Cultures", a 1959 lecture in which he laments the gulf between scientists and "literary intellectuals".[2]

The Two Cultures

The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society"

was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.

What world expressions ..... DEMO the split?

split into the titular two cultures - examples

--> the North and South Vietnam war

--> the North and South Korean disputes

split into two cultures

split into two cults --> the world's .......... DEMO


The year 2001 molecular cell biology expression of the year 1959 C.P. Snow nicotine cigarette smoke VIA super-symmetry physics and bio-physics SMOKE SIGNAL technology.


Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE military system used modern super-symmetry transfer technology tools like parallel processing, partial mirrors , etc.

Here the 1959 C.P.SNOW lecture and thoughts ....... used Nature's military nicotine amd acetylcholine equivalence relationship



Nicotine imitates the action of a natural neurotransmitter called acetylcholine ... Whether it is acetylcholine or nicotine that binds to this receptor, it responds in the .

Then programmable human cio-computer brain ..... that technology was used to program the SEP 11, 2001 hijacking pilots ..... to do what they did.

This brain programming was well-known to the Pentagon before year 2001.

HowStuffWorks "How Nicotine Works"science.howstuffworks.com/nicotine4.htm‎

Nicotine works by docking to a subset of receptors (the hijacking guinea-pig pilots) that bind the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that (depending on what ...

The Mind Has No Firewall,

U.S.ARMY WAR College

From Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity.[2] We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body's data-processing capability are well-documented


Other famous C.P.Snow signals are ...


CP violation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_violation

In particle physics, CP violation (CP standing for Charge Parity) is a violation of the postulated CP-symmetry (or Charge conjugation Parity symmetry): the ...CP-symmetry - ‎Experimental status - ‎Strong CP problem

CP violation | symmetry magazinewww.symmetrymagazine.org/article/october.../explain-it-in-60-seconds‎

Oct 1, 2005 - If nature treated matter and antimatter alike, then, in physics-speak, nature would be CP-symmetric. If not, CP is violated. Experiments have ...


Physics - A new source of CP violation?physics.aps.org/viewpoint-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.081801

by VM Abazov - ‎2010 - ‎Cited by 111 - ‎Related articles

Aug 16, 2010 - Searches for

new sources of CP violation are a staple of high-energy physics

( for example the high-energy usage of the engines of the jet airplanes used to attack the TWIN TOWERS on Sep 11); a recent result presents an effect that could be a sign of new ..

--> CP bio-physics social sciences violation?

CP violation (physics) -- Encyclopedia Britannica - Britannica.comwww.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/141428/CP-violation

In particle physics, violation of the combined conservation laws associated with charge

conjugation (C) and parity (P) by the weak force, which is responsible for ..

congress .... (C) political party (P) by the weak force, which is responsible for ..

ssman (C) atomic human Petrie (P)

Congressman Tom Petri | Representing Wisconsin's 6th Districtpetri.house.gov/‎

Contact CP project--> Congressman Petri. Welcome to the on-line office for Congressman Thomas Petri. Please visit the Contact Me page to contact Tom electronically or click ...Student Loan Bill - ‎Contact Rep. Petri - ‎Email Rep. Petri - ‎Washington, DC Office


More famous C.P.Snow signals ...

US Secretary of the Treasury Snow at .....

US Secret for the science Treasury of C.P.Snow ..

John William Snow (born August 2, 1939) was the CEO of CSX Corporation, and served as the 73rd United States Secretary of the Treasury under U.S. President George W. Bush. He replaced Secretary Paul O'Neill on February 3, 2003 and was succeeded by Henry Paulson on July 3, 2006, in a move that had been anticipated


Thus we see over 50 years of SNOW messages and signals.

What else is new in the world?

Let's recall the message from 400 years ago ....

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely playerswww.phrases.org.uk › Phrase Dictionary - Meanings and Origins

From Shakespeare's As You Like It, year 1600: JAQUES: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances ...

In the year 2013 perfomance ...we have

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely playerswww.phrases.org.uk › Phrase Dictionary - Meanings and Origins

From Shakespeare's As You Like It,

address1600 Pennsylvania Avenue JAQUES: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players (p layers --> processing layers of society):

They have

their exits and their entrances ...


Edward Snowden Giving US Secrets To China - Business Insiderwww.businessinsider.com/edward-snowden-giving-us-secrets-to-china-2...‎

Jun 14, 2013 - Last weekend, after 29 year-old government contractor Edward Snowden revealed himself to be the source of several major U.S. intelligence ...

A small

Chinese electric car firm

is currently seeking

permission to name its new electric car technology 'Snowden'--named for the former U.S. intelligence contractor now in political asylum in Russia, after leaking top-secret mass surveillance details to the press.

In a shameless but amusing attempt to ride the publicity of the Edward Snowden situation, electric car firm Hong Yuan Lan Xiang (HYLX) wants to trademark the name 'Snowden' for its top-secret electric car tech currently in development.

Thus we see the Maragret Mead atomic nuclear family and atomic political science communication conflicts. Representing the periodic atomic table government is the element copper with atomic number 29....... asisgned to atomic bio-physics humanoid message display agent:

Edward Snowden with 2 major attributes ---> proper noun EARTH LAB identifier SNOW and atomic number age 29.

Thus we see the Washington, DC = Direct Current violations of electon communication theory ...about brain electron HONOR and INTEGRITY codes and the Hierarchy Problem of physics political authority ERRORS and atomic social anthropology ERRORS..


Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper

Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and

atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical ...Copper (TV series) - ‎Copper (disambiguation) - ‎Copper in health - ‎Verdigris

David Copperfield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Copperfield

David Copperfield is the common name of the eighth novel by Charles Dickens, first published as a novel in 1850. Its full title is The Personal History, Adventures .

Camp David Ac = Alternating Current -->Accords

- Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_David_Accords

The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978, following ...

Electric current - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_current

Electric current can be measured using an ammeter. Electric currents cause many effects, notably heating, but also induce magnetic fields, which are widely

Thus we see the deeper levels of REALITY that underlie the Edward Snowden message about Nature's INTELLECT and its communications and information systems with subset humans and subset human institutions.

Next, we look at the RudolF Carnap bio-math logic signal about the BS = Boy Scouts ..... a vital signal ignored by the organization and all of the male adult citizens that were members of the Noy Scouts as young men. Treason to teason and math logic is their adult policy.

Below..... name in the list of B-S ---> applied logic and semantics -->

name in the sample list of Boy Scouts (current and graduated scouts) --> SAMple Name --> SAM --> SAM Hengel

The Boy Scouts, the FFA, the 4-H club and other organizations refuse to help understand these situations.

They are superior to those humans that try to research in tragic signaling events.

Now, let's look at some of the pieces of the puzzle from the SAMPLE SPACE geography region of Porterfield Wisconsin and the Computer Earth system 370 OS/JCL region of OS = Oshkosh and their brain bio-computer JOB CONTROL LANGUAGE manipulation commands.


Nov 30, 2010 - Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital ... Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield was a large sign that said

www.websleuths.com › ... › Crimes-Spotlight on Children

Nov 30, 2010 - 25 posts - ‎15 authors

Marinette Police Chief Jeff Skorik says 15-year-old Samuel Hengel of Porterfield, the suspect in Monday's hostage situation, died about 10:45 ...

Thus we see the Computer Earth features of the Matinette geography region ..... I/O Port message, ERRORS, Einstein's data processing data field THEORY ---> key words --> Port ERROR field ---> Portersfield.


This chapter covers the following subjects: Understanding I/O Ports—This section describes the types of I/O ports used to send information to and from the ...


Computer Input/Output Ports and Interfaces. 1. Terms and abbreviations: port an electrical connection using multiple wires to send data typically between a ...