Secret Sports Signal: HIGH-FIVE to faculty
Post date: May 20, 2020 8:09:34 PM
RD-blog-number-2572 by Herb Zinser
Secret Sports Signal:
HIGH-FIVE to faculty
BIO-computer Language systems
Here we will cover various SECRETS about the sports industry and their HUMAN bio-computers and the secret LANGUAGES their systems use.
Humans are bio-computers.
We are comprised to 2 major computer science BASES:
Base 2 and Base 16.
Base 2 legs.
Base 2 arms.
Base 2 EARS.
Base 2 Binary eyes.
Base 16 LUNGS that breathe the oxygen atomic bio-physics computer of atomic mass 16.
Thus the HUMAN computer science game known as BASE registers with BALL = Basic Assembler Land Language
uses an EARTH geography / soil surface ..known as a BASE + BALL data field .... better known in newspapers sports as the BaseBall Field.
That COMPUTER EARTH …. computer program ….. Baseball game ….
only has 4 base registers --> 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, and Home Plate.
Baseball computer science evolution started in North American in the 1920's with people like Babe Ruth. Then in the 1950's Warren Spahn ...spanned the information to IBM engineers to help them build copper wire versions of BaseBALL ...... very advanced versions such as the system 370 with OS/JCL.
Let's look at Base 16 hexadecimal body language signal used by sports to professional sports.
For other uses,
see High five) and Give me five. ...
The gesture probably originated in physics and was adopted by American professional sports. ...
Sartre existential physics of various expression dimensions and formats
A gesture of greeting, elation, or victory in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person. high -five v. high-five Slang. n. a gesture of ...
630 × 517 - It is no surprise that the high five started in sports because it is the
High-five definition, a gesture of greeting, good-fellowship, or triumph in which one person slaps the upraised palm of the hand against that of another.
612 × 345 - David Freese gets a high five from Daniel Descalso after his two-run home ... › ... › Education & Reference › Words & Wordplay
4 answers - Mar 8, 2008
What does "give me a high -five " mean?
when and why do people use it?
Hexadecimal Number System
The hexadecimal (base 16) number system operates the same way as the decimal (base 10) number system, except it is based on sixteen instead of ten (fingers).
High-Five = High-values minus 5 = 255 - 5 = 250 --> Base 16 Hex'fa' --> message to faculty
COBOL : what exactly LOW-VALUES and HIGH-VALUES mean
Dec 21, 2011 – COBOL : what exactly LOW-VALUES and HIGH-VALUES mean. First of all, what is a collating sequence? Collating sequence is the logical ...
MAINFRAME FORUM: What is high values and low values in cobol
6 posts - 5 authors - Jul 25, 2006
Hi All, Any one of you can please explain to me what is high values and low values in cobol(EBCDIC). I heard that low values are 00, and high ...
Hi All, Any one of you can please explain to me what is high values and low values in cobol(EBCDIC). I heard that low values are 00, and high values are FF. But I wanted to know what will happen when I do the following operations?
In computing
255 is a special number in some tasks having to do with computing. This is the maximum value representable by an eight-digit binary number, and therefore the maximum representable by an unsigned 8-bit byte (the most common size of byte), the smallest common variable size used in high level programming languages (bit being smaller,
but rarely used for value storage).
The range is 0 to 255,
which is 256 total values.
For example, 255 is the maximum value
IN summary
Low-values = base 16 Hex'00' = zero = decimal 000
High-values = base 16 Hex'FF' = decimal 255
The Oxygen B100D computer SOFTWARE …..
range is 0 to 255,
which is 256 total values….
That is Base 16 numeric B100D …. HEX’100’ = 256 …..
Giving blood iron
Heme Fe(2) Iron-56 equation
and the ION (Input/Output numbers for accounting)
Why is the signal HIGH-Five?
It is a brain control signal used to control university professors and science / math/ engineering students in the Aldous Huxley........BRAVE NEW WORLD social; psychology manipulations wars ...via televisions and print.
High-Five --> High-values - 5 = 255 - 5 = 250 --> convert back to Base 16 Hex'fa' --> language stem prefix --> Fa --> needed to control base 16 oxygen breathing FA structure --> Fa,Cult.y.
Thus the university sports and sports industry control all math and physics professors ...who are social science puppets. String theory forewarned them about that possibility of puppet string theory ..... but INTELLECTUAL arrogance ignored the practical wisdom and STREET LEVEL psychology needed to INTELLECTUALLY fight the television brain programming TRICKS.
Consequently, the 23 chromosome students hostages at the Wisconsin string theory tragedy DEMO ...Marionette puppet THEATER at Marinette High School ...with Nature's statistical sample space VICTIM .... the Boy Scout SAMPLE Sam Hengel.
Wisconsin School….. Boy Scout Samuel Hengel murdered After ...
Nov 30, 2010 - A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting ... His family described Sam as someone who was "active in the
Boy Scout COMPUTER EARTH network ….
…………output data port of Porterfield
Escape key | Definition of Escape key at › browse › escape-key
Escape key definition, a key (frequently labeled Esc) found on most computer keyboards and used for any of various functions, as to interrupt or cancel the ...
Escape Key Definition - › definition › escape_key
May 25, 2017 - The Escape key is located in the upper-left corner of a computer keyboard. It typically resides to the left of the Function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc.)
Escape Key Definition ..Computer Earth
Escape K ey …… Cape cod(e) and bio-computer President Kennedy
.. States of Existentialism and their dimensions, formats, and expression systems …….
VIA the I/O PORT available at
Porterfield, Wisconsin using the
Horizontal land surface and geological underground soil ... sin wave as a data carrier wave
And the human bio-computer OUTPUT device
…… Boy Scout … output SAMPLE SPACE using SAM Hengel
What is the Escape key (Esc)? Webopedia Definition › TERM › Escape_key
The Escape key is a key on computer keyboards, usually labeled Esc. Pressing the Escape key usually cancels the current operation or exits current window.
Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey ... - wgnhs
Nikola Tesla EARTH systems ….underground wireless .. atomic communication continuum
and the ancient Eygptian
BOOK of DEAD technology
Subject(s):, Bedrock Geology, Groundwater, Paleozoic Bedrock, Water. Physical Desc.: 23 p ... Geology of the Niagara Escarpment in Wisconsin, Free Download ..
Escape of data VIA Sister Carrie … system data carrier waves … book Theodore Dreiser
An Inventory and Assessment of the Resources of the Niagara ... › niagara escarpment march 2001
studying the geology of the Niagara escarpment in Wisconsin and have provided ...
between Green Bay and Marinette on the west coast is in its natural state, .
Dr. Livingstone, I presume - Wikipedia › wiki › Dr._Livingstone,_I_presume
Dr. Livingstone, I presume?, a famous greeting of Henry Morton Stanley upon locating David Livingstone in Africa.
…… atomic stone, rock, limestone, granite,etc
Dr. Livingstone, I presumeDr. Livingstone, I presume
Dr. Living atomic stone, IP address ……
Resume / profile / biography of the 2-legged human person
What is the Escape key (Esc) of COMPUTER EARTH
land (local area network data) ….
atomic soil/ground ….. Margaret Mead atomic social science database ? Webopedia Definition › TERM › Escape_key
The Escape key is a key on computer keyboards, usually labeled Esc. Pressing
Legs walking (body weight pressure)
squeezes data out from
the EARTH atomic soil DATABASE.
the Escape key usually cancels the current operation or exits current window.
Magritte window
The painted landscape on broken glass shows that illusion and reality are one and the same. In other words, Magritte posed the problem of the window not only as an allusion to the Renaissance concept of the perspective of painting, but the window as the problem of representation of the exterior and the interior.Mar 13, 2009
Part 2: Magritte's "Window" paintings - Matteson Art
The HIGH-Five signal also claimed the life of Future Farmer's of America ......Wisconsin specimen base 16 Hex'Fa' = 250 --> Matt Anderson.
The universities, farm organizations and Boy Scouts will not help research these symbolic problems that are used to program the brain bio-computers of teenage students and young men.
The secret languages of the universities provide some CLUES ..
UW Animal Research Achievements « Animals in Research and ...
Based on research with monkeys, horses, chickens and mice, the late UW –Madison scientist Howard Temin shared the 1975 Nobel Prize for predicting and ...
In year 2012 George Orwell double-speak languages ...the above message also says
Doublespeak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The NCTE's publications resonate with George Orwell's name, and allusions to him abound in statements on doublespeak; for example, the committee quoted ...
Origins and concepts - Theoretical Approaches - Main contributors to Doublespeak
monkeys --> Money keys --> financial systems
mice--> the computer keyboard with mouse
Animal Sciences | College of Agricultural and Life Sciences ...
Additional teaching and research facilities are available at the UW ...
These include the sheep unit farm; turkey and chicken research units; beef feedlot cattle ...
sheepskin diploma unit farm;
turkey --> T + ur + key --> theoretical uranium 235/ 238 key
and chicken research units --> Bertrand Russell / Alfred North Whitehead.... Principia Mathematica featherless bipeds
beef --> be + ef --> Base 16 Hex'ef' = 239 ..ef + fort --> effort needed to think clearly about esoteric puzzles
Thus we see a VIEW of several needed to understand various situations in year 2012.
Nature continues its evolution of symbols and languages its efforts to clarify the incomplete explanations of EVENTS that are printed in newspapers.