IRON-56 and the year 1956 isotopes PEST in Europe

Post date: May 18, 2020 9:37:47 PM

Rd-blog-number-3645 by Herb Zinser

IRON-56 and the

year 1956 isotopes PEST in Europe

Principia Mathematica

Let's look at some messages from Principia Mathematica .... signaling events that occurred between year 1910 and now, year 2014.


The Principia Mathematica is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics, written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913.

PM, as it is often abbreviated, was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven.

PM (Protein Machine time),

as it is often abbreviated, was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic

from which all

mathematical truths could in principle be proven …

……..hemat …… blood truth … BS word test

IRON-56 and the year 1956 isotopes PEST in Europe

This report will be described in 2 parts --> Part 1 with Principia Mathematica and Part 2 with the Borde-Sorkin conjecture

To understand the messages, we need to outline a model ... a structure that we can use.... to think within.

Let's take our CLUE from previous messages left by others.

Let's look at the message of the following: Galileo and Two Chief World System, Charles Dickens and the TALE of Two Cities, the 1955 appearance of Watson with the double-helix and the 1955 appearance of Watson with IBM Base 2, the TWIN Towers book MAN(uscript) and the TWIN Towers skyscraper buildings in MAN(hattan), etc.

These well-known messages suggest the partition of Sartre .... earthly .. existential space/time into 2 major regions. For this section of the blog post we will focus on one model that helps us understand the BIG PICTURE and the tragic mathematical-physics signaling EVENTs that occur .... such as the Hungary uprising in year 1956..

We see the importance of understanding the concept book by Charles Dickens -->

Tale of 2 Cities ...... a simple model of the situation

a) a COMPUTER EARTH geography CITY like Baltimore, Maryland, USA

b) a SYMBOL city of BAL (Basic Assembler Language) with human bio-computer entities

Thus we see the symbol conflict ...the symbol expression WAR and its mapping to physical REALITY and the symbol conflict is transformed by physical biology violence ... such as --> year 1956 in Europe in Hungary.


Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all isotopes, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. › Home ProductsTranslate this page

Name, IRON-56 METAL. Description, Enrichments may vary, please inquire at time of order. Isotope, (56FE, 99%+). Catalog Number, FELM-2490. Quantity, ME.

in other words .... the SYMBOL MACHINE expression below ... › Home ProductsTranslate this page

Name, IRON-56 METAL. Description of Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead

Enrichments may vary, please inquire at time of order (year 1910) . Isotope, (56FE, 99%+). Catalog Number, FELM-2490. Quantity, ME.

Name, IRON-56 in book cover --> to * 56 --> implies atom * 56

Thus we see the Principia Mathematica SYMBOL MACHINE conflict signal (to * 56) get converted to a physical conflict DISPLAY in year 1956 in Europe..‎

Iron 56 Metal (Iron-56) is a stable (non-radioactive) isotope of Iron. It is both naturally occurring and a produced by fission. Iron 56 Metal is one of over 250 stable ...


Warsaw Pact countries on one side of the Iron Curtain appear shaded red; ...... First Domino: International Decision Making during the Hungarian Crisis of 1956, ...

Analogous terms - ‎Pre–Cold War usage - ‎During the Cold War


The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 or Hungarian Uprising of 1956 (Hungarian: 1956-os forradalom or felkelés) was a spontaneous nationwide revolt against the ...

Imre Nagy - ‎Pál Maléter - ‎State Protection Authority - ‎Significant events

Pál Maléter

Pál Maléter

Pál Maléter

P... M ---> agent for --> PM, as it is often abbreviated, was an attempt to describe a set of axioms and inference rules in symbolic logic from which all mathematical truths could in principle be proven

Pál Maléter



Years of service


4 September 1917

Eperjes, Kingdom of Hungary

16 June 1958 (aged 40)

Budapest, Hungary


Colonel General

Pál Maléter (4 September 1917 – 16 June 1958) was the military leader of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

Maléter was born to Hungarian parents in Eperjes, a city in the northern part of Historical Hungary, today Prešov, Slovakia. He studied medicine at the Charles University, Prague, before moving to Budapest in 1938, going to the military academy there. He fought on the Eastern Front of World War II, until captured by the Red Army. He became a Communist, trained in sabotage, and was sent back to Hungary, where he was noted for his courage and daring.

In 1956 he was a colonel and the commander of an armoured division stationed in Budapest when he was sent to suppress the Hungarian Uprising, but on making contact with the insurgents he decided to join them, helping to defend the Kilian Barracks. He was the most prominent member of the Hungarian military to change sides, allying himself with his countrymen rather than the Soviets.

Now, lets look at Part 2 of this BLOG post using the Borde-Sorkin conjecture.

The Borde-Sorkin applications VIEW of Hungary, Iron Curtain 1956 Europe and string theory ........

Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes‎


by A Borde - ‎1999 - ‎Cited by 29 - ‎Related articles

Apr 27, 1999 - 1 Institute of Cosmology, Department of Physics and Astronomy ... these geometries, we verify Borde and Sorkin's conjecture that causal discontinuity

Topology Change and Causal Continuity‎


by F Dowker - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 40 - ‎Related articles

Aug 4, 1998 - gies, Sorkin has conjectured that there may be an intimate connection between the ... the Borde-Sorkin conjecture is assumed to hold. We then ...

Sorkin has conjectured that there may be an intimate connection between

Sorkin has conjectured that ..... be an intimate connection between

Sorkin conjectured that an intimate connection between

S...................................intimate connect --> IRON Curtain, atomic mass, gravity interaction with iron mass , Hungary 1956

Now, let's look at the gravity field and its interaction with brain mass and brain mass thoughts, The interaction of the gravity field with brain thought fields allows the gravity field to acquire thought data ..... thus over many years ... we see the evolution of physical gravity into an additional format .. ... the gravity SYMBOL MACHINE thought processor. The gravity data fields give gravity an INTELLECT.

Thus gravity has the grammar that was acquired from the human brain. A adult human brain with trivial , nonsense thoughts ..... insect level thoughts that downgrade the gravity data field INTELLECT ..... hence, the creation process of gravity insects ( poor quality gravity grammar subroutines) that travel thru the gravity field . › Mathematics General

354 BordeSorkin Conjecture. 410. 36 A HandleBody Calculus for Topology Change. 411. 361 Handlebody Decompositions. 414. 362 Instantons in Quantum ...

Stephen W. Hawking, ‎G. W. Gibbons, ‎E. P. S. Shellard - 2003 - ‎Science

... strings 310 critical phenomena 325 Blandford Znajek process 226 Bogolibov transformation 543 Boomerang experiment 43, 739, 760

The Borde Sorkin conjecture ...

The Borde Sorkin conjecture ...‎

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The Borde S + orkin conjecture ...

The Borde System orkin conjecture ...

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The Borde Sorkin conjecture ...

The B ........orkin conjecture ...

    • Wikipedia
    • Iron-56 (56Fe) is the most common isotope of iron. About 91.754% of all iron is iron-56. Of all isotopes, iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon. With 8.8 MeV ...

    • Wikipedia
    • Jump to Iron-56 year 1956 IRON social and political science expressions - [edit]. Main article: Iron-56.

The New York Times


Nov 21, 2012 - Uprising in Hungary: Soviet tanks in Budapest, 1956. ... in 1945, that an Iron Curtain was being drawn through the heart of Europe.

Above we see the proper noun names --> Garcia R.D. Sorkin ---> in other words the CIA Research Development System orkin man analysis of the brain grammar insects ..... thinking ERRORS caused by the lack of study, the lack of algebra exercises, and the lack of PSSC physics LAB experiments.

The CIA R.D. code ...the Morse function ---> Morse code for the parallel Western Union --> the West Road intellectuals in Cambridge and the signals they have ignored from the West Road shopping mall tragedy in Omaha AND West Gate tragic signal from Nairobi,Kenya.

Thus we see year 2014 ...that Europe has a brain problem in basic awareness of the basic components of REALITY. Too much television, too many parties, to much talking ..... and their lack of SERIOUS interest in what happens around them.