Who were the Victorians? When did they live? What was life like for them?

You will find out all the answers to these questions, and more, during our new topic!

Week 1 - What was life like in Victorian times?

Mrs Root has put together a learning activity for you. Read the Word document first to tell you what you need to do.

week 1 victorians.docx
Victorian paintings.docx

Week 2 - William Morris, a famous Victorian artist.

Focus on improving your art skills this week inspired by the distinctive art of William Morris.


The Powerpoint will tell you all about William Morris as well as show you lots of examples of his lovely work. Do you think he had a distinctive style?

Your turn!

Create your own art now in the style of William Morris. Use repeating patterns and shapes inspired by nature.

Starting Points

Use these lovely colouring sheets as ideas and starting points.


An easy way is to use a potato or a piece of card cut into the right shape. Or, you could draw freehand if you prefer.

Week 3 - Life in a Victorian school!

Find out what schools were like in Victorian times and how they are different from schools today.

Victorian Schools.docx
Victorian Schools powerpoint.ppt

Week 4 - Queen Victoria

Find out about the life of Queen Victoria by creating a factfile and also a piece of art!

Queen Victoria.docx
Queen Victoria Presentation.pptx

This photo of Queen Victoria was taken in 1882 by a photographer called Alexander Bassano. She would have been 62 years old.

Art Activity: Can you sketch a picture of Queen Victoria from this photograph? Ensure that you remember to use your shading skills.

We would love to see your finished work! Send photos to stjoseph@sjnewman.co.uk for your chance to be featured on the school Facebook page!

Week 5 - Victorian Inventions

Lots of amazing things were invented by the Victorians. In this lesson you will research some of these inventions but also learn about some of the inventors.

Victorian Activities.docx
Victorian Inventions.ppt
Victorian Inventions fact cards.pdf
newspaper template.doc

Primary Homework Help

BBC Teach

Links to KS2: The Victorians