
Arcomelo is a group of performers and scholars brought together by an ancient friendship and a common interest in Italian instrumental music of the seventeenth-eighteenth century, which is in our opinion an essential experience for the constitution of modern European sensibility but unfortunately still largely neglected in terms of roots, aims and protagonists.

Our mission is to return this experience to the dimension and understanding it deserves through research, publications, editions and a targeted dissemination activity, based first of all on performance.

The first opportunity to share these objectives arose in 2013 in Fusignano, on the occasion of the International Symposium for the Third Centenary of Arcangelo Corelli’s death, from whose Arcadian name (Arcomelo Erimanteo) we derived ours.

Since then we have held other conferences but also released volumes, editions, concerts, recordings and more will come in the future.

Above all, we hope, through this website, to share wishes, commitments and activities with many of you.