

Share your thoughts with the world

World Speech Day Japan 2023


Theme: "Shared ideas for a better world"                                                       


Speech Contest Final                    スピーチコンテスト決勝

Saturday 25 March 2023              2023年3月25日(土曜日)

Application Deadline:                    参加申し込み締め切り:

31 October 2022                                     2022年10月31日

Overview  概要

World Speech Day is a speech event that is currently held in over 100 countries, celebrating the power of speech. People from various backgrounds deliver incredible speeches on different topics under the motto #unexpectedvoices.

World Speech Day Japan project 2022 had brought people together via the workshops and forums where participants in the UK and Japan could meet, discuss, share their thoughts and help each other to prepare for their speeches. There are two speech categories, 1)Speeches in Japanese by the students learning Japanese, 2) speeches in English by Japanese native speakers. The participants will present their unique message from their heart using the foreign language they are learning.


World Speech Day は、現在100 か国以上の国々で開催されているスピーチ大会で、さまざまなバックグラウンドを持つ人々が

#unexpectedvoices をモットーに、さまざまなテーマのもとすばらしいスピーチを発表しています。2022 年度のプログラムでは、日本と英国から参加者を募集し、ともにディスカッションや意見交換、フィードバックを行いながら、テーマを定め、スピーチを準備してきました。参加者が、ワークショップを通じて、スピーチを通じてメッセージを伝えることを学び、培ってきたものを生かしながら、外国語でのスピーチで、各々の心からのメッセージを皆さんにお届けします。

Organiser 主催者:

Durham University CFLS (Centre for Foreign Language Studies) URL: https://www.dur.ac.uk/cfls/


For more information, contact: kaoru.umezawa@durham.ac.uk

Home page / ホームページ:


Facebook Fanpage / Facebook ページ:



World Speech Day は、現在100か国以上の国々で開催されているスピーチ大会で、さまざまなバックグラウンドを持つ人々が #unexpectedvoices をモットーに、さまざまなテーマのもとすばらしいスピーチを発表しています。

World Speech Day is a speech contest that is currently held in over 100 countries. People from various backgrounds deliver incredible speeches on different topics under the motto #unexpectedvoices.

The next event will take place in March 2023, hosted by The Centre for Foreign Language Study (CFLS) at Durham University. Following the success of the event in 2022, it will bring together learners studying English in Japan, and learners studying Japanese in the UK and other countries. 

CFLS home page

CFLS event link

Mr Kazuya Takahashi, Deputy Director,

 Japan Foundation, London 

Japan Foundation is supporting this year’s event, and has awarded funding to CFLS, Durham University.  

Official event 

of the Japan-UK 

Season of Culture.


Mr Toshinori Sano, 

Councillor at  Embassy of Japan in the UK

of WSD

Simon Gibson

World Speech Day was launched by Simon Gibson (Founder; pictured) at the Athens Democracy Forum in 2015.

The idea came from Simon's work in establishing a free database for contemporary and historic speeches. During this work, it became clear that speeches change the world; socially, politically, in the arts, business and religion. They play a profound role in holding our societies together and shaping change. The plan was forming:   a day to celebrate speeches and speechmaking through live public speaking events around the world, reaching out to #unexpectedvouces everywhere.

In 2019 more than 100 nations across the globe have been involved in WSD.

Schools, universities, speakers' clubs, think tanks, community groups, companies, NGOs - all holding meetings in classrooms, auditoria, community halls, even cafes. Proving the unique power of speeches to explore new ideas.

The idea of World Speech Day has taken hold and grown not because of any power at the centre, but because of its highly (almost uniquely) devolved structure.           It is the tireless work and energy of the event hosts and national Ambassadors which have taken WSD forward so rapidly.

In an exciting new dimension to activities with schools worldwide, from 2020 WSD will be partnering with the British Council's "Connecting Classrooms ThroughGlobal Learning" initiative. For more information on the program visit:https://connecting-classrooms.britishcouncil.org/ 

WSD  Japan 

National  Ambassador 

       梅澤 薫          Kaoru Umezawa

Assistant professor (Teaching), CFLS, Durham University

World Speech Day Japan is organized as a part of World Speech Day where more than 100 countries take part every year. 

Thanks to the support from the Japan Foundation, it has become possible to run this event in much a bigger scale since 2021. 

During my career as a language teacher, and especially in my public speaking class, I have always been impressed how young people have a lot going on in their mind that is worth sharing to the world. And since I started to get involved in organizing World Speech Day, I came to believe more strongly that every such message should be treated important no matter what the speaker's age, race, language, culture, or educational background is. 

To put an idea into a concrete shape is not always easy, and to make it understood exactly as the speaker had intended could be even more challenging. 

In this event, the participants from different background learn and discover the way to do this gradually, through dialogue and interaction among them. 

The event is an opportunity for people to present their idea / message to the world through the speech. The participants from Japan and the UK (and other countries) meet online and work together to prepare their speeches in the language they are learning (i.e. Japanese or English).  

At the previous World Speech Day Japan in 2021,  11 speakers from Japan presented speeches in English and 7 speakers from the UK and other countries presented speeches in Japanese. Each speech was unique and carried a special message that inspired the audience. Over the three months preparation period, the participants had made and practiced their speeches through the meetings and workshops. 

The event takes the form of a speech contest, but with an emphasis on the process of preparation and post-event reflection, which allows participants to develop new skills and meet people from different backgrounds and across borders. Through this process, we aim to provide an opportunity for participants to deepen their intercultural understanding and grow as people with a broader perspective.   

                                                                                                      July 2021 / Kaoru Umezawa