WSD Japan 2019


Emiri Elif Endo

from Sophia University

"Hello, I'm studying English Literature at UEA, and I love Norwich! I'll be talking about how I am a world citizen."

I am a world citizen


Saori Kon

from MRes, UEA

Interweaving 'World' Borders

Hello, I'm studying an MRes in Philosophy at UEA. I'll be taiking about what being a 'world citizen' means and how we can interpret the world - not only the world around us but also the worlds within us, and how we can interweave the two.

Risako Ishida

from Kobe college

People all over the world are all your friends

Hello, I'm studying Translation and Philosophy at UEA. I'll be talking about how people all over the world are your friends.

Nice to meet you all!

Kazuma Osonoe

From Waseda University

What is 'World Citizen'?

Hello, I'm an exchange student from Tokyo studying International Development at UEA. I'll be talking about what 'world citizen' means. I'm very proud of myself for giving a speech in my second language!

Yusuke Miyoshi

From MA, UEA

Mutual understanding in an Aging World

Hello, I'm studying an MA in International Social Development at UEA. I'll be talking about the future of caring for elderly people in an aging world.

WSD Japan 2019 Judges

Beth Derks-van Damme

Beth Derks-van Damme leads the Future Leaders project in the Schools of Politics, Philosophy, Language and communication at the University of East Anglia. She is a passionate advocate to give young people a voice and give them the insight, skills and confidence to lead on instigating positive social change.

Eddie Booth

Eddie Booth is an oration coach for the English Speaking Union. He has coached widely within the UK and abroad, working with the finalists at the 2018 International Public Speaking Competition, and has taught all ages groups, from primary to university. He is also the former President and two-time head coach of the University of East Anglia’s Debating Union and is particularly interested in encouraging young people from diverse backgrounds to become involved in debating.