WSD Japan 2020


Nico Funada

What can we do to contribute to world peace?

from Keio University

Hello. I am an English literature student from Tokyo, Japan. I was in UEA last semester and currently I'm studying in France. My topic will be 'How can we contribute to World Peace'.


Hina Nakayasu

from Okayama University

What we can change in the way we vote

Hello, I am studying Economics at UEA as an exchange student from Okayama University. I’ll be talking about what I am considering about politics, especially an election. I look forward to giving speech!

Mai Takatori

from Kobe College

It is dangerous to judge people by their appearance

Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Mai Takatori and I am studying Language and communication at UEA. I am an exchange student from Kobe College. I am going to talk about whether people can actually avoid judging people by their appearances.

Moeko Nishiyama

From Waseda University

Have Fun and Save Our Planet

Hello, my name is Moeko Nishiyama. I am studying business at KU leuven in Belgium as an exchange student from Waseda University. I will talk about how we can contribute to sustainability as youths.

Minamo Mizuno

From Keio University

Not only Japanese are victims, but they can be racists: consideration from the issue of coronavirus

Hello everyone. I’m studying International Development at UEA. I came from Keio University as an overseas student. I’ll talk about what can we do for sustainability.

Hiromasa Ozawa

From Waseda University

Hello. I’m an exchange student from Tokyo, Japan. I’m studying Economics at UEA. I’ll be talking about where our identity would be.

WSD Japan 2020 Judges

Beth Derks-van Damme

Beth leads the Future Leaders project in the Schools of Politics, Philosophy, Language and communication at the University of East Anglia. She is a passionate advocate to give young people a voice and give them the insight, skills and confidence to lead on instigating positive social change.

She brought World Speech Day to the UEA and to the Netherlands

Also, she is the main organizer for the first ever National Political Speech Competition for UK students.

Mark E. Critchley

Mark has been Director of the Centre for Foreign Language Study at Durham University since October 2013. Committed to extending language ability across all sectors of society, he is currently (2019-) Chair the Association of University Language Communities in the UK & Ireland (AULC), having previously been Vice-Chair (2015-17) and Secretary & Treasurer (2017-19). Mark is also a member of the Coordinating Committee of Cercles, the confederation of language centres in higher education in Europe.

In 2016-17 Mark led the Language Learning Frameworks project, supported by the British Academy and in collaboration with 15 University partners. This project developed the first set of recommendations for language course design, aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), in terms of input study hours for language courses of different durations and intensity in the 10 most commonly taught languages in the UK. He continues to work collaboratively with a range of colleagues across the language sector in the UK, Europe and elsewhere. He is active in promoting world languages across UK language centres.

WSD Japan 2020 Student Ambassador

Yin Kwan Lao

Student Organiser of the World Speech Day Japan

A final year student who majors in BA Modern Language and Management Studies at the University of East Anglia. Participant of the 13th BATJ Japanese Speech Contest during her 2nd year. Currently supporting the organisation of WSD Japan at Norwich, UK.

WSD Japan 2020 Pogramme

☆Mai Takatori☆鷹取 まい

”It is dangerous to judge people by their appearance”


Do you have a confidence to say that you do not judge people by their appearance? I would like to talk about how dangerous it is to make judgements by the way people look.



☆Hina Nakayasu☆中安 陽菜

”What we can change in the way we vote”


In my speech, I’m going to talk about how the politicians try to manipulate the voters in Japan and what we need to be aware. Less and less people are interested in politics, and one of the causes is collusion between government and the press. I would like to suggest what we can do to improve this situation.



☆Minamo Mizuno☆水野 みなも

”Not only Japanese are victims, but they can be racists: consideration from the issue of coronavirus”

「被害者にも加害者にもなり得る日本人: コロナウイルスによる差別とともに考える」

Today, the coronavirus pandemic has been a big issue. Not only virus but also racial discrimination is spreading globally. I would like to talk how I feel it as a Japanese and what we can do.



☆Nico Funada☆船田 如子

”What can we do to contribute to world peace?”


I will talk about my ideas of introducing new ways of history-telling. From my experience, I have a belief that it is crucial to learn from the past for making a peaceful world. However, not everyone can easily have a change to listen to those who have experienced wars. My idea is that new style of history-telling through recordings or media will help.



☆Moeko Nishiyama☆西山 萌子

”Have Fun and Save Our Planet”


Many people are saying that environmental problem is one of the most serious issues in the world. You might try to be eco-friendly from a sense of duty. However, I believe that we can enjoy contributing sustainability. I am going to introduce the way to tackle environmental issues making use of the power of "fashion".
