
WSD Japan Spring 2021

Presenting in Japanese

Daniel Williams

University College London

(MSc Machine Learning)

(Alumnus 2020)

George Mullins

Durham University

(y4, Anthropology)

Giulia de Vivo


(Secondary Education)

Edmund Ho

Durham University

(y4, Law)

Francois Mercier

Nathan Stewart

Durham University

(y4, Anthropology)

Speech videos from the final


"One way? No way!"


"The importance of international exchange"


"Online school and computers have changed our learning"

「法律は何のために制定しますか? 日本とイギリスの法律を比べて気がついたこと」

"Why are laws established? What I discovered when comparing Japanese and UK laws"


"The real cost of our electronic devices"


"Why people should learn a foreign language"