WordPress Consultant: Help, coaching, and white-glove support for WordPress

My WordPress services are targeted at two main scenarios:

1. You have a WordPress website and are looking for a mentor to assist you achieve your goals. You want one-on-one assistance in learning the skills and methods required to maintain a successful website.

2. You're a busy person who feels like something with WordPress or plugins has to be updated every time you turn around. You don't want to be responsible for keeping track of all those jobs and details.

In both circumstances, you put off what you know you should do because you have a long list of other tasks to complete.

Then there's that voice in your brain telling you that you don't know how to make those changes without destroying your site. What if your website does go down?

You're worried about if your site is fast enough, whether your SEO is good enough, and what your next move should be. What happens if I'm hacked? Is it true that I'm following best practices? All of this might be daunting, resulting in inaction.

So you don't try new things and don't keep up with the times. You don't seek for methods to increase the speed, security, and efficacy of your website.

What's the status of your SEO? You don't know who to believe, so you scribble down some keywords and cross your fingers. Is there a plan in place to increase and expand your traffic? What is your strategy?

You wish you could learn everything there is to know about WordPress, but where do you begin?

Imagine the weight off your shoulders when you don't have to worry about any of this if you have this dialogue with yourself. Here's where my White Glove Support whole-site strategy comes in.

Table of Contents

• WordPress Business Strategy and Coaching+ Upkeep, Security, Optimization, and SEO Tracking

• Select a Support Package

WordPress Support for the Entire Site

• No need to be concerned with website upkeep

• Where do we begin?

WordPress Business Consulting & Training

+ Upkeep, security, and

SEO tracking and optimization

With so many WordPress consultant and maintenance services available, what makes my Mentoring and White Glove Support so special? The name accurately describes what you'll get: one-on-one, individualized help that you won't get anywhere else.

You get me in addition to the regular and routine monitoring and maintenance that many providers provide. My individualized coaching, assistance, and 27 years of expertise are available to you at any time.

Select a Wordpress Help Package


If you're a DIYer who simply needs a little help here and there and want the flexibility to schedule time to pick my brain or have me step in to modify things as required, this is the service for you. I can assist you with:

• Modifications to the Website

• CSS Color Modifications

• Photo assistance

• Walkthroughs of the WordPress Dashboard

• How-to Sessions or Zoom Coaching

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Coaching & Guidance

• After the creation

• Checking the content

• Setup, Review, and Strategy for eCom Processes

• How to get started and run an internet business.

• You get the picture – everything related to your WordPress site!

• Tell me what you're looking for, and I'll tailor a maintenance plan specifically for you.

Coaching by a Mentor

On-call coaching and advice on a monthly basis.

• A kick-off strategy session to build the basis for your website goals, answer any questions you may have, and discuss any issues you may be facing.

• A overview of the website, including my initial impressions, recommendations, and action items This can include ideas for your site, layout, menus, graphics, and copy.

• Examine your company's technique and procedures as they appear on your website.

• Top 100 Keywords SEO Report/Tracking/Competitive Analysis

• Google Analytics integration, reporting, error monitoring, evaluation, and suggestions.

• Coaching and strategy meetings once a month Videoconference to discuss your issues and achievements, as well as what you should focus on moving forward.

• Each month, before our session, I'll make a fast assessment of your website and report any issues you need to fix, any ideas I have, and any online trends I think you should be aware of and incorporate to stay on track.

• 1 hour of extra consulting You can utilize your time allotment for screen sharing or extra coaching to address any questions or issues you may have, as well as to discuss ideas and possible methods.

• Just for having a Mentor account, I'll contact you proactively if I find market information, data patterns, or difficulties that might affect your program.

• Would you like to learn how to accomplish anything on your own? I'm here to walk you through it or teach you how to do it through screen sharing.

• When required, one-on-one coaching from me.

• You get access to 27 years of internet experience and business advise.

WGS Assistance: project design

To your coaching package, add White Glove website support. WGS is designed for netpreneurs that want detailed, individualized performance statistics and coaching without having to worry about managing their website.

• Mentor Coaching entails everything.

• Worry-free WordPress, Theme, and Plugin Updates

• Separate from and in addition to your hosting company's backups, hourly database cloud backups

• Security monitoring on a daily basis to hunt for harmful files or viruses as a result of hacking. Non-user access attempts to your website are audited, and if necessary, blocking and blacklisting are implemented.

• Website uptime monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to notify me if your site goes down. Did you realize that every website has downtime? It's only a question of when and how frequently. Your site will be watched for outages so that we can determine whether any hosting difficulties ("noisy servers") need to be addressed. If your site is down for a lengthy period of time, I can investigate and strive to restore it as quickly as feasible.

• Setup and monitoring of a CDN (Content Delivery Network). SQL injections and identity theft are also problems that a CDN safeguards against. By utilizing many data centers situated across the world, a CDN enhances site performance and speeds up loading times.

• Monitoring of Broken Links

• Optimizing the database

• Comment Spam Management and Monitoring

• If you have WooCommerce installed, you'll also get a roundup of Gross Sales, Net Sales, Refunds, Coupon Value, Shipping Charged, Number of Orders, Items Purchases, and New Signups, as well as Top Categories by Dollar Amount.

• WGS TOS may be found here.

WordPress Consultant for the Entire Website

I also keep track of marketing trends as well as WordPress security, theme, and plugin data to keep you informed and help you plan ahead.


My +White Glove Support includes careful monitoring of your website and guidance from my 27 years of real-world expertise. This means you can contact a Mentor whenever you need one.

Mentor and WGS Members receive information proactively from me about changing patterns, important updates, crises, or breaking concerns that they need to be aware of. My suggestions as well as your possibilities are included.

What if you didn't have to worry about WordPress updates or backups for the rest of your life? Wouldn't it be great if you could prevent costly mistakes and get the direction and mentoring you need to be certain that your website is where it should be?

Unlike many other WordPress support services, I focus on individually mentoring and coaching you so that you have the information, expertise, and abilities you seek.

WordPress Site Upkeep That Isn't a Pain

You'll have more time to operate your business, develop content, and advertise your site if you don't have to worry about technicalities. All of the heavy lifting is taken care of by myself.

You'll also receive vital information that you can put to use right now. Who wouldn't desire the chance to spend more time running their business? Tags: wordpress consultant, wordpress consulting, web design, design, web project, responsive code, projects articles, responsive code design and wordpress consulting,

I'll keep your site up to date with the newest changes and security alerts as they arise, as well as provide you with the business intelligence you need to understand how your site is functioning. You don't have to do anything when updates are issued. I'll make a backup and take care of any outstanding upgrades.

You can trust that your site will always be operating on the most up-to-date, reliable, and secure version of WordPress, and that all plugins will be updated as soon as possible. With marketing, SEO, and strategic assistance thrown in for good measure.

My WordPress White Glove Support Service gives you peace of mind, as well as a whole-site strategy that includes extra coaching, direction, business intelligence, and trends — all of which I monitor on a daily basis.

Join the bandwagon and spend your time doing what you love. Take care of your business.

Where do we begin?

• Read the White Glove Support Terms of Service.

• Tell me about your project and let me know if you have any queries. I'll have everything set up and up-to-date* once we agree to go ahead.

• WordPress and Plugin Updates: As part of the setup process, I'll double-check that the plugins you've installed are compatible with the most recent version of WordPress. If not, I'll make some suggestions for other plugins.

• Google Integration and Monitoring: If your site isn't already certified with Webmaster Tools, we'll work together to connect Google Console/Analytics. I'll submit your site map and notify you of any technical issues that Google identifies as requiring attention. Then, going ahead, I'll keep an eye on Google Analytics for any new problems or trends that need to be addressed.

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