WordPress Support: WordPress Website Support and Maintenance from the USA

We can assist you if you have a problem with your WordPress website or require ongoing support and maintenance.

Are you in need of a quick WordPress fix?

If something is broken or not working on your site, our WordPress support team can repair it in a flash.

Do you require continuing Help?

We provide monthly WordPress SEO and maintenance subscriptions for all types of WordPress sites, from personal blogs to huge business websites.

Why should you use us for WordPress support?

You'll notice that we're not your typical WordPress support company. Rather of relying on a team of WordPress experts to solve solely empiric difficulties, our support packages include everything from design to development, copywriting to strategy.

Under one roof, you'll find all of the abilities you'll require.

We're situated in the United Kingdom, and our WordPress maintenance staff is entirely in-house. You can contact us by support tickets, phone, or even in person, whatever method is most convenient for you. Having your complete staff in one location saves you hour and money while also ensuring that things get done!

That's it in a nutshell.

We provide a one-stop WordPress maintenance solution in the UK that covers all areas of your site.

We'll ensure sure your site is up to date, optimized, SEO'd, backed up, and performing as well as it should.

WordPress maintenance plans are available.

For your website, we provide all of our core WordPress technical support and maintenance services:

WordPress core updates are released on a monthly basis.

Updates to the theme

Updates to plugins

Security Monitoring 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Protection against hacking

Ensure you have daily backups.

Modifications to the theme

Site Improvements

Suggestions for improvement

Reports on the health of the site on a monthly basis

SEO Reports on a Monthly Basis

Professional WordPress assistance is available.

Additional assistance is required.

Furthermore, our support contracts provide you access to our agency's services for things like:


Checking for errors

alterations to the design

a strategy consulting firm

advising on branding

Editing images

SEO guidance

Inbound marketing is a type of marketing that attracts customers via the internet.

Email assistance is available.

Creating art

Everything is done on-site.

We don't utilize freelancers to handle support queries at Toast; everything is handled by our own staff.

a company that provides

Support is more than simply technical help, so you can utilize your support hour to consult with our whole team - from artwork to strategy.

Support that is proactive.

Reports are sent forth. These reports will serve as a reminder that you have work to accomplish. We'll take care of everything. We won't leave you guessing about what you're paying for.

Pantheon is a Unique WordPress Hosting Company

Pantheon's WordPress hosting provides unequaled performance, uptime, and scalability for your sites. With minimum operational overhead, publish in real-hour and take charge of your roadmap. Our hosting and WebOps (Website Operations) platform can help you generate outcomes with Wordpress, whether you're a small firm or a large corporation.

WordPress Hosting Platform with the Fastest Response Time

The speed of a website is important. According to Google, a two-second increase in load hour would result in a 30-60% rise in visitor abandonment. You can rest easy knowing your site is constantly functioning with Pantheon Wordpress hosting, thanks to our super-efficient container-based technology. Pantheon has been compared to other providers in a number of independent benchmarks, and we regularly come out on top.

WordPress Architecture without a Server

Pantheon hosting helps marketers and developers to create and publish compelling, high-speed, always-on digital content without IT overhead using a serverless CMS approach to WordPress. By building the underlying infrastructure on repeatable application containers, we provide your WordPress portfolio endless scalability and let you provide high-quality digital experiences across any device.

Manage all of your WP site/website from one location.

Pantheon is the best platform for large-scale WordPress deployments. Manage your whole site portfolio from a single dashboard, and deploy code to hundreds (or even thousands) of WordPress sites with ease. Our scaling containers provide you complete access to the depth of WordPress without causing turmoil in monolithic WordPress Multisite installations.

With Confidence, Handle Traffic Spikes

You incur the risk of downtime with most WordPress hosting companies during traffic surges or when other sites monopolize shared resources. You can scale to millions of pageviews on Pantheon without sacrificing speed. Furthermore, the platform's container-based infrastructure is significantly more dependable than virtual machines or clusters. That's what I call enterprise-level WordPress hosting.

Traditional WordPress Hosting vs. Managed WordPress Hosting

The bare-bones version WordPress hosting is limited to server space and a few fundamental capabilities. You are responsible for constructing the infrastructure, installing the development tools, and providing your own support. Pantheon's managed hosting platform takes care of architecture, capacity, setup, and more. Each Pantheon account has a number of tools aimed at making creation and management as simple as possible.

Pantheon is ranked first in G2 Crowd's Managed Hosting Relationship rankings. If you're moving a big portfolio or a complicated architecture, Managed Updates from our Professional Services team assures your site's continuing dependability and security, allowing you to focus on the important tasks.

Version Control Integrated

Without slowing anything down, say goodbye to cowboy code. Work directly on Pantheon to quickly prototype or debug new features while keeping all code changes under version control.

Hosting for WooCommerce

Faster page loads will increase sales, and you'll have all the protection and infrastructure you need to expand (or scale) your firm.

Boost Developer Productivity by Automating It

From detection to deployment, streamline the web operations process for updates using pre-configured automation and desired frequency.

Backups that are carried out automatically

Job workers also operating in the site's region store and produce nightly automatic backups of your site's database, files, and code. Any database or file clones between site environments are also managed by regional employees.

Updates that are made automatically

Updates that are simple to install and include built-in testing environments guarantee that security patches are implemented quickly and with confidence.

WordPress Performance Enhancing Tools

Pantheon's hosting and WebOps platform includes the greatest tools for increasing speed. High-speed edge caching and strong application caching are provided by Varnish and Redis, while application performance monitoring is provided by New Relic. Our global CDN ensures blazingly fast response times all around the world.

WordPress Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Our support team is made up of WordPress development specialists that are always ready to diagnose problems and offer solutions. There will be no finger-pointing between your website and our platform because our crew is as familiar with WordPress as they are with Pantheon. We'll assist you in resolving the issue as promptly as possible.

What to Do If WordPress Keeps Logging You Out (6 Methods)

If you're attempting to work on your website and WordPress keeps logging you out, you're probably becoming upset. It's not just inconvenient to have to re-enter your credentials every few minutes; it's also time-consuming and disruptive to your workflow.

This issue is frequently caused by a problem with the cookies WordPress utilizes to ensure that you have permission to access the backend of your site. Fortunately, this typically indicates that the remedy is straightforward.

In this video, I'll show you how to address the problem where WordPress continually logging you out (also known as WordPress session timeout error).

Let's get this party started!

1. Delete Your Browsing History

Clearing your browser's cookies and cache is the first thing you may do. Your site may be attempting to validate your login credentials with an expired cookie.

Depending on whatever browser you're using, this procedure may differ slightly. Because Chrome is the most common browser, I'll use it to illustrate. To begin, click the three-dot symbol in the top-right corner of the window to open your browser settings:

From the major settings page, go to Privacy and security > Clear browsing data, or pick More Tools > Clear browsing data from the settings menu for a shortcut:

Make sure Cookies and other site data, as well as Cached images and files, are both checked in the following window. Then choose Clear data:

Check to check whether it worked on your WordPress site. If you're still getting logged out on a regular basis, try the next option.

2. Delete the Cache on Your Website

You may need to delete your site's cache if you're using a caching plugin to assist speed up your site. This option is normally found in the settings of your caching plugin:

If you've just updated your plugin, it may also remind you to delete the cache.

3. Check the Cookie Settings in Your Browser

It's also conceivable that your browser is set up to block cookies from being sent to your WordPress site. Depending on whatever browser you're using, you'll have to check this issue differently. I'll teach you how to locate the right Chrome settings in this article.

Go to your Privacy and Security settings first:

Look for the Cookie and site data area after clicking on Site Settings:

If “blocked” appears under Cookie and site data, this is most likely the source of the WordPress keeps logging out issue. Select Allow all cookies from the options on the following screen after clicking this section:

After that, you can try to visit your website once more.

4. Double-check that your WordPress and site addresses are same.

If none of the solutions above work, it's possible that the URL address stored in your WordPress site's cookies does not match your Site Address. Navigate to Settings > General in your WordPress dashboard to see if this is the case:

Make sure the WordPress Address and Site Address settings are identical. That means making sure they're both using the same protocol, whether it's HTTP or HTTPS:

Make any required adjustments and then save your modifications. You can put your WordPress Address and Site Address in your wp-config.php file instead if you're having difficulties finishing this operation because WordPress keeps logging you out.

You'll need a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) project like FileZilla and your FTP credentials, which your server will supply. Connect to your server using your FTP program, and then look for wp-config.php in the public html directory:

To change it, open it up and paste the following code before the line that says That's all; no more editing! Good luck with your writing:

define('WP HOME','http://yoursite.com'); define('WP SITEURL','http://yoursite.com'); define('WP SITEURL','http://yoursite.com'); define('WP SITEURL','http://yoursite.com'); define(

Simply change the URLs with the address of your own website. You may then try signing into WordPress again after saving the file.

5. Look for a Plugin problem to fix.

If none of the preceding alternatives have worked, the next step is to see if a plugin is causing WordPress to continuously log you out. If you have a plugin installed that uses cookies and is having problems with them, this might be the explanation.

To test your plugins, I recommend creating a staging site that allows you to do so securely and separately from your actual site.

First, use the Bulk actions tool on the Plugins panel to disable all of your site's plugins:

Examine your site as usual to check whether WordPress logs you out again or whether the problem appears to be repaired. If you can stay signed in, you can re-activate your plugins one by one to identify which one is causing the issue to recur.

You may either uninstall the plugin and replace it with a comparable utility or troubleshoot the problem further (perhaps with aid from the developer or the resources they've supplied) once you've identified which plugin is causing WordPress to continuously logging you out.

You may disable all of your plugins through FTP if you can't access your WordPress dashboard for long enough. After connecting your client to your server, go to public html > wp-content > plugins:

To disable your plugins, rename each of their directories (e.g. plugin-name-deactivated). The plugins will re-activate if the names are changed again.

6. Modify the length of time WordPress remembers users.

Finally, you may specify how long WordPress should remember users who have selected the Remember Me option on the login screen:

This won't necessarily solve the issue that keeps WordPress from logging you in. However, it should allow you to view your dashboard for longer periods of time, which might be handy while you're trying to figure out what's causing the problem.

To do so, add the following code to the functions.php section of your theme (or, preferably, your child theme): add filter( 'auth cookie expiration', 'keep me logged in for 1 year' );

performs return YEAR IN SECONDS; / 1 year in seconds; keep me logged in for 1 year( $expirein )

If you like WordPress to remember users for a shorter length of time, you may use the DAY IN SECONDS, WEEK IN SECONDS, or MONTH IN SECONDS time constants instead of YEAR IN SECONDS.

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Allowing users to be signed in for lengthy periods of time might provide a security concern, such as if someone gains access to a user's computer while their account is logged in. As a result, you'll need to carefully consider the benefits and drawbacks of the time you've picked.

Last thoughts

Trying to work on your site when WordPress constantly logging you out might be aggravating. Fortunately, there are a few fast adjustments you may take to get your workflow back on track.

We looked at a few different solutions to this problem in this lesson. Clearing your browsing data and your site's cache, as well as verifying your browser's cookie settings, are good places to start. If it doesn't work, double-check your WordPress and Site Addresses, look for a plugin problem, or increase the session length limit.

Do you have any queries regarding what to do if WordPress logs you out repeatedly? Please share them with us in the comments area.

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