7 Easy Steps for Expert of WordPress: How to Become a WordPress Expert

If you've been using WordPress for a while, you're probably used to how your site functions on a daily basis.

In this article, we'll discuss how to become a "WordPress Expert" and then walk you through some steps to get there.

It's crucial to realize that we use the term "experts" loosely when we speak about WordPress. WordPress is a large platform with many options. It's impossible to learn all there is to know about the Content Management System in a single lifetime (CMS).

However, there are methods for learning all there is to know about WordPress. For the sake of this article, we'll define an expert as someone who understands WordPress, can build a high-quality WordPress site, stays current on platform news and updates, and participates actively in the community.

Let's start the celebrations!

A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a WordPress Expert

Here are a few ideas on how you may become engaged in the WordPress community. We'll also provide some suggestions for learning resources at the end.

Step 1: Assess your present knowledge and write a list of any areas where you are lacking.

Even if you have a good understanding of WordPress, you're fully aware that you have certain gaps in your knowledge.

Consider what WordPress duty you presently pay someone else to do for you as a quick way to assess your existing knowledge vs your goals. Do you outsource design, development, SEO, maintenance, and speed optimization?

Learning how to do such tasks alone can help you become a more self-reliant user.

Alternatively, since it's tough to know what you don't know, browse an online WordPress course to see if there are any courses on unfamiliar subjects. Below is an example of a common online beginning WordPress course.

Once you've determined what you still need to learn, you'll have a better idea of what learning opportunities to pursue.

Step 2: Double-check that you understand how WordPress' primary components work together.

The WordPress core, your theme, and a variety of plugins are the three most significant moving parts in WordPress. While you may have a basic understanding of each component, there's a good chance you can learn more.


To begin, the "WordPress core" refers to the WordPress core files. You should be familiar with the main core files and what they do. You should also be aware of which ones you may safely modify and which you should avoid at all costs.

Another component of WordPress competency is knowing how to use the built-in and custom post types, as well as the template files that go with them.

Once you've understood the concept of custom post types, you may create your own unique post types, and your website's content will begin to stand apart. You may create a custom post type for almost any set of content you wish to display on your site.

For example, you might develop a website that lists and links to available autos and is published as a custom post on the back end. You may devote a portion of your website to recipes, events, or movie reviews, each with their own set of features.

New post type plugins make it simple to create custom post types, and you can learn to build them yourself as your skills improve.

Because the Beaver Builder plugin works with custom post types, you can create unique posts that describe automobiles as well as beautiful information displays. Beaver Themer may also be used to design layouts for the pages that explain the cars and categories.


Themes control the look and layout of components on the page that aren't text, such as headers and footers. A limited number of page layouts and several basic design choices are also included in many themes. Because WordPress requires the usage of a theme, it's a good idea to stay informed about the most popular free and premium WordPress themes, as well as what makes each one unique. You should also make sure that the theme on your site is up to date with the latest WordPress core updates.

It's also helpful to understand the WordPress theme structure and the difference between parent and child themes.

Once you have a better grasp of the more technical aspects of themes, you will be able to decide whether you like a barebones theme that you can further modify or one that comes with a multitude of choices. As your skills improve, you'll be able to evaluate themes for code quality and performance.

Knowing what a theme does can help you understand how and where to utilize a Themer layout to override it, even if you simply want to use the Beaver Themer add-on plugin to create areas of the page that are generally controlled by the theme.


In contrast to themes, which regulate layouts and aesthetics, WordPress plugins handle functionality. From page builders to specialized content design components (sliders, galleries, forms), as well as security, performance, backup, and analytics tools, there's a plugin for almost every kind of feature. Every WordPress user should have Yoast SEO, Jetpack, and WooCommerce installed.

There are a lot of free plugins out there, as well as paid plugins with greater capabilities. Unique post types are used by a lot of plugins, notably those that help with content management and design.

The WooCommerce plugin, for example, adds a Products menu item to the WordPress admin panel, from which you can choose a product and create a custom post.

As you learn to write and construct several sites, it's not difficult to transform your own code into your own custom plugin. It's not difficult to make that custom code into your own custom plugin if you find yourself adding the same custom code to the functions.php file for the majority of your sites to produce the same custom functionality.

Step 3: Become familiar with the Customizer and other WordPress options.

Anyone may use WordPress to build a website using templates, themes, demos, and other ready-made components. WordPress experts, on the other hand, may take websites to the next level by customizing them extensively.

Building a bespoke WordPress site may be done in a number of ways, including utilizing plugins or custom code. It's crucial, though, to start with a thorough grasp of WordPress' built-in customization possibilities.

You'll need to know how to utilize the Customizer and WordPress' primary settings to call yourself a WordPress expert.

Despite the fact that each theme's Customizer settings varies, you should be able to quickly change the parameters of the theme you're working with to create a unique-looking site that meets end-user needs.

The Twenty Seventeen theme's Customizer settings are shown in this example.

Using standard WordPress settings, you should be able to add various structures and functionality to a site. To name a few basic skills, you should be able to:

• Create a website's static home page.

• Maintain a list of memberships and comments.

• Prevent search engines from finding a webpage.

• Create a permalink structure that is consistent.

Using these things is, to some degree, the best method to learn them. A little practice might help you improve your talents. On the other hand, the WordPress Codex contains useful information regarding the Customizer and WordPress settings.

Step 4: Learn about WordPress's technical foundations.

Understanding how WordPress, its themes, and plugins are created is a key part of fully understanding them, which takes some technical knowledge. Now, we're not arguing that being a WordPress master demands a broad understanding of a variety of coding languages.

On the contrary, you may be an expert even if you can't do much more than explore with WordPress.

Although WordPress doesn't need coding knowledge by default, understanding the foundations of the languages that make up the platform's core may help you with debugging, responding to user queries, and advanced customization.

This demands a basic grasp of how HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript are used in WordPress. Suggestions may be found at the bottom of this page in the learning resources section.

Step 5: Become knowledgeable about databases and database management.

One of the most distinguishing features of WordPress is that it is a database-integrated content management system (CMS), which means that pages are dynamically changed to HTML and furnished with content from the database.

Learning how the database stores information about posts and custom posts will help you troubleshoot if you run into problems. Themes and plugins store their data in the database with their own distinct prefixes, which might be handy for debugging.

The flexibility to create custom fields in the database that can be utilized with both normal and custom post types is one of the many benefits of this system.

Returning to the automobile example, you might add custom fields for all of the information you want to show with each vehicle, such as year, make, model, condition, and so on, which you can then display uniformly on the page when writers fill up the post with car descriptions.

Beaver Themer can connect to custom fields in WordPress, Advanced Custom Fields, and Pods, enabling you to add custom fields to your Beaver Builder layouts quickly and easily.

A screenshot of an event from the Events custom post type is shown below. On the single event pages, the Beaver Themer Singular layout is utilized. The date, time, and whole Special Notes sidebar all contain custom fields, ensuring that all event pages have the same information in a consistent place.

In this example, the CPT and custom fields were created by the Pods plugin, and the custom field connections were made possible by Pods' interaction with Beaver Builder.

Unless you're troubleshooting, you won't interface directly with the database, but WordPress experts should be able to do a few basic maintenance tasks. When manually installing WordPress, for example, you need be aware of the responsibilities of phpMyAdmin and the database:

To improve site speed, you must also understand how to conduct basic database maintenance, or at the absolute least, how the database affects performance so that you can use a plugin to handle this task.

Step 6: Familiarize yourself with WordPress's hosting options.

Hosting is a vital component of the process of keeping a website up and running behind the scenes. The following are some important aspects of hosting to be aware of:

• How web hosting works and what to look for in a hosting firm

• What are the different sorts of hosting services?

• Which companies are the most well-known?

• What is the difference between WordPress hosting with a manager and WordPress hosting without a management?

These essentials may assist you in selecting the optimal hosting plan for your website and resolving server-related issues. It will also help you communicate more effectively with the technical support team at your hosting firm.

Step 7: Volunteer and participate in the WordPress community.

One of the many aspects that sets WordPress apart from other systems is that it is open-source, meaning that anybody may look at the code. As a result, a big number of WordPress pros and enthusiasts may actively contribute to the platform's growth.

Contributing to the platform's enhancement and extension is the next step towards becoming an expert. You may be able to assist with WordPress core development if you have a lot of technical knowledge and experience. Tags; issue,

However, as previously said, you do not need to be a developer to be a WordPress expert. You may assist by adding your views and ideas in a number of ways after you've learnt the basics.

The best place to start is most likely with WordPress Core. You may write comments, report problems, and even collaborate on support cases there:

If this isn't your strong suit, there are a plethora of other options. You can also do the following:

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• Join the Theme Review Team as a member.

• Become a part of the Plugin Review Team by volunteering.

• Create WordPress documentation.

• WordPress needs to be translated into more languages than English.

• Contribute to the development of the WordPress user interface.

• Ensure that WordPress is accessible.

• Create WordPress training lesson plans.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to become involved. Being a part of the platform's ongoing evolution not only keeps you informed about upcoming changes, but it also helps to keep the platform alive by contributing to the WordPress community.

Another responsibility that comes with being a WordPress expert is sharing your knowledge with less experienced users. Users on the Support Forums are inundated with requests for help with particular issues, and they depend on generous experts to answer. hours, projects, speed optimization, developers, quality, view, service, service or projects, wordpress experts project Tags: hours, projects, speed optimization, developers, quality, view, service, service or projects, wordpress experts project

Creating blog posts, video tutorials, or even a podcast on WordPress-related subjects may also be beneficial to new users. Consider how much knowledge you might learn from WordPress blogs and tutorials created by volunteers.

To be clear, you don't have to launch a blog or a YouTube channel to share your knowledge. You may always contribute to a bigger WordPress blog or even write guest posts.

Consider submitting an application to speak at a WordCamp or WordPress gathering if writing and video editing aren't your strong suits. You'll find plenty of opportunities to put your abilities to good use and share your knowledge if you know where to search.


All you really need is a basic understanding of how WordPress works to keep things running smoothly on your site. If you want to add more complicated features and reduce your reliance on outside help, you'll need to develop your knowledge and become a WordPress expert. When you need to solve a problem or add some advanced features to your website, the time and worry you save by learning will quickly pay off.

In this essay, we looked at seven steps you may take to become a complete WordPress expert:

1. Assess your current understanding and develop a note of any gaps.

2. Make sure you know how WordPress' main components work together.

3. Learn how to use the Customizer and other WordPress features.

4. Get to know WordPress's technical underpinnings.

5. Learn about your database and how to maintain it current.

6. Become familiar with the different WordPress hosting options.

7. Give back to the WordPress community by participating in it.

Educating Resources

If you have no previous coding experience, a free site like Codecademy may assist you in learning the fundamentals of coding:

Its entry-level development courses should provide you with the necessary skills to do basic tasks. Reading blog posts may also assist you in learning, however it will need some trial and error.

If you want to go that far, the WordPress Codex is also an excellent place to start studying the fundamentals and work your way up to full WordPress honors.

You may learn on your own by reading blog articles and watching video tutorials, or you can take an online WordPress course. If you're ready to spend a little money in your future success, check out our choices for WordPress online training courses and WordPress books.

Do you have any queries on how to master WordPress? Please leave your queries in the section below.

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