WooCommerce Support: BestPractices for WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular WordPress eCommerce plugin. Learn how to combine the power of WooCommerce with WP Engine's performance and security.

Best Practices for WooCommerce Development

• WooCommerce advises using a plugin (such as Jetpack) or a child theme to add custom code. Child themes inherit the original theme's appearance and functionality, but they also allow you to add unique styles and functions that override them.

• In your theme or plugin code, use WooCommerce hooks and filters. Because these hooks and filters were created and tested by the WordPress community, they're the best method to make use of WooCommerce's features.

• Stay up to speed with the WooCommerce team's announcements. Their developers release updates on a regular basis, either to improve performance or to introduce new features. Keep up to date by reading their development blog.

• Use the WordPress REST API endpoints for WooCommerce to safely integrate any number of apps and services into your site. Create a "headless" site or administer a single product base across several sites.

Encrypt the data of users

• Make sure customer payment information isn't kept in your site's database by using secure payment gateways like Paypal, Authorize.net, and Stripe.

• The payment gateway is safe in and of itself, but the sites that collect the information should be as well. By adding an SSL to checkout and login pages, you may send secure customer and order information.

• Learn about WP Engine's security environment and how your site is protected at the server level.

WooCommerce and Effective Cache Support

One of the most crucial stages in ensuring that your site performs at its best is to keep it cacheable. Caching, on the other hand, should not obstruct regular and anticipated tasks like logging in or placing an order. We've gone to great lengths to guarantee that your website is fully functioning from the start.

All Sites' Default Excluded Pages





If WP Engine recognizes WooCommerce on your site, we'll apply extra cache exclusions automatically.

Excluded Pages in WooCommerce






Arguments Excluded by WooCommerce



Cookies that aren't used by WooCommerce aren't used by WooCommerce.


wp woocommerce session

woocommerce cart hash

NOTE: If you're utilizing custom page URLs (for example, /basket), you'll need to explicitly exclude such pages by contacting our Support team.

Delete Cache

Any developer or site manager should know how to clear the server cache. In this article, we'll show you how to clear server caches.

If you've modified a page but don't want to clear all caches, you may use the WP Engine Advanced Cache plugin to purge particular page caches by URL.

Setup a WooCommerce Store: Products Extensions

When copying between a STG/DEV environment to test or draft changes, there are several common best practices to follow. Because your PRD WooCommerce site may take orders, add items, and so forth, these procedures are especially critical. When transferring data up from STG/DEV, make sure you don't overwrite this critical database information in Production.

Copy Site as usual if you don't want to deploy the database to PRD.

If you want to deploy database information to PRD while keeping database information on PRD, follow these steps:

1. When you're in production, export any orders, products, or customer data you want to save.

2. Copy the database from Staging/Development to Production.

3. Import any data exported in Step 2 into production.

NOTE: Before starting this procedure, we recommend putting the site in maintenance mode so that no new information is uploaded. Make careful to return to maintenance mode thereafter.

WooCommerce Data Export/Import

There are a variety of plugins and tools available to help with the changeover. The nature of your export and, as a result, your business will influence which choice you choose.

WooCommerce CSV Importer/Exporter – Product exporter/importer built-in to WooCommerce.

WP All Export – Provides a variety of export options for Orders, Customers, and Coupons.

WooCommerce Export/Import Plugin – Useful for exporting Orders.

WooCommerce CSV Import Suite – WooCommerce's paid export/import suite.

WP All Export for WooCommerce – Allows you to export and import products with ease.

Default WordPress Export/Import Tools — These exports can be rather extensive, and there are plugins available that are better suited to exporting particular WooCommerce data.

What if new STG/DEV pages/posts were created?

The simplest option is to manually convert that material from STG/DEV to PRD using the WordPress Default Export/Import Tools so that it is not overwritten and lost.

WP All Export includes additional customisable export choices if more particular export criteria are required.

Make a copy of Legacy Staging and paste it into Live.

You will have the opportunity to select certain database tables when copying from Legacy Staging to Live. If you want to keep your database information on live, you'll want to omit any WooCommerce tables from this deployment.

Orders from WooCommerce

wp posts

wp postmeta

wp woocommerce order items

wp woocommerce order itemmeta

Users of WooCommerce

wp users

wp usermeta

WooCommerce CLI for WordPress

WooCommerce offers its own set of WP CLI commands, in case you didn't know. This means you can use our SSH gateway to access to your site and perform WooCommerce-specific commands, simplifying activities like exporting and importing. Consider the following scenario:

All client data is exported in CSV format and saved to a file:

wp wc customer list --format=csv >> my_customers.csv

Clear the cache for product/shop transients:

wp wc tool run clear_transients --user=1

More commands can be found here: Help

wp wc --help

Here's where you can learn more about WooCommerce WP CLI commands.

Enhance the performance of WooCommerce

We advocate a number of things for all WordPress blogs, including using a CDN and compressing images. To discover more about how to improve WordPress help performance, see our guide.

We recommend a few more procedures for WooCommerce-enabled WordPress sites:

Use WooCommerce Admin to manage your store.

Excess MySQL requests to the database might cause the server to become overburdened when running reports. Instead, you may use WC-Admin to operate this functionality in your browser using JavaScript.

Here's a link to the WooCommerce Admin plugin.

Transients that are crystal clear

Database bloat might occur as a result of transients, slowing down your site. Being able to manually clean them away is a smart approach to remain on top of site performance.

1. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard and log in.

2. Click on WooCommerce.

3. Go to System Status.

4. Select Tools from the menu bar.

5. Select Clear Transients from the drop-down menu.

Delete Every Session

A site's performance can be slowed by a large number of WooCommerce Sessions. This means that deleting Woo-created sessions can assist with performance.

1. Go to your WordPress admin dashboard and log in.

2. Click on WooCommerce.

3. Go to System Status.

4. Select Tools from the menu bar.

5. Select Clear All Sessions from the menu.

In addition to removing sessions, it's a good idea to change the robots.txt file on your site so that bots can't generate sessions while crawling it.

User-agent: *

Disallow: /*add-to-cart=*

Cart Fragments should be disabled.

Cart fragments try to keep track of the contents of the carton on each page. This is sent as an uncached request, putting a burden on the server and lowering performance.

Learn how and why you want to disable cart fragments by reading our tutorial. Tags: WordPress customer, API fix, API email, blog, management, site, plugins, contact, store, storefront, shipping, resources, marketing, themes supported, wordpress supported, subscription, email management, products, shipping store, plugins management, blog management, blog store management, shipping resources, marketing extensions, products storefront shipping store, plugins storefront shipping store, theme, blog email, issue, wordpress customer support, marketing extensions, products resources, customer email contact, customer wordpress email contact, contact help blog. issue,

Troubon leshoot WooCommerce Themes Contact

When dealing with difficulties in the WooCommerce environment, it's important to remember that the problem isn't necessarily caused by WooCommerce. To rule out typical plugin/theme/DNS interference, follow the troubleshooting procedures below.

• Check for any WooCommerce updates.

• Use the HostFile technique to make sure DNS isn't getting in the way.

• Disable Object Caching for the time being.

• Copy to STG/DEV to deactivate all plugins and experiment with a new theme.

More specific procedures may be found in our WordPress Troubleshooting guide.

Redirect Loop on the Checkout Page

WooCommerce's settings allow you to force HTTPS on the checkout page. When this setting is used in conjunction with the Secure Specific URLs option in the WP Engine User Portal without additionally defining /checkout in that setting, a redirect loop will occur.

Secure All URLs in the WP Engine User Portal is the answer.

Product Attributes That Aren't Present

After pushing between PRD and DEV/STG, Product Attributes may not appear correctly. There are a few options for resolving the issue:

• Remove transients from the equation.

o WooCommerce > Status > Tools > Clear Transients o WooCommerce > Status > Tools > Clear Transients o WooCommerce > Status

• Reset the permissions on the files

• Construct a test attribute.

o Attributes > Products Choose a name for the attribute and then click Add Attribute.

o The preceding characteristics should now appear on the page.

• Deactivate WooCommerce and then reactivate it.

• To recover versions that may have been discarded, use the following SQL query:

o SET wp posts UPDATE 'publish' is the post status. WHERE post type equals'product variation' AND post status equals'trash';

Get started with the WooCommerce-specific help desk ticketing system.

Our WooCommerce support desk plugin was created specifically for eCommerce enterprises. From a single dashboard, you can link all of your support channels and examine all incoming tickets. Customer care representatives can now deliver prompt and tailored assistance.

Email, chat, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp all have a single inbox.

Smart ticket assignment based on criteria that may be customized

Use premade replies to save time.

Use rules to automate responses.

There are no restrictions on the number of users.

Get stats on your agent's and team's performance.

Boost your WooCommerce sales with Live Chat.

When visitors arrive on your website, engage them and convert them.

• Customize the look of your live chat to fit your brand.

• Capture lead information and let consumers know turn-around timeframes

• Easily distinguish between customers and visitors

• Customer Support staff receives complete context of every discussion

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