Welcome to the website of Dr. Peter Woo, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Biola University. He has published hundreds of solved problems for the journal Crux Mathematicorum. We share his love here for math, music, missions, family & God—to be a blessing for all. Read my short bio or spiritual biographical sketch.
a curated collection of favorites
Fun at Biola. There is much fun and joy at Biola where I taught.
母親溫暖的手 (Mother's Arms)
我的母親—胡劉美徒 (Mom's Life)
My thoughts at 72, 73, lessons from sparrows, how I know God is real
Blog with 6 articles from 2015
Booklets to read & download (PDF)
Fishing Boats Again! What a Happy Sight! ~ 35 stories from Gloria's beloved life
十一個愛情故事 | Love Stories ~ 11 stories from 2001-2010
Essays from SW China (2004)
Memories of Mr. Woo Yan Tak (English) | 胡恩德先生-中文版
Memories of my Mother--Anna LauMeiTo Woo (English & 中文)