2019-12-07 Relentless Struggle

Relentless Struggle

Champion, is a former senior policy advisor to a Minister of National Defence and the current editor of The Dorchester Review. His current work was commissioned by Reserves 2000 as a part of their information campaign and documents their relentless struggle to save the Army Reserve during the period 1995 to 2019.

Champion has augmented the very considerable archives that he was provided with numerous interviews and other material from both sides which delve deep into the issues and personalities that shaped this fight. He names names and points fingers.

The 'struggle' is between Reserves 2000 and the supporters of those on part-time reserve service and the Regular Force leadership and their adjuncts, reservists on full-time service at administrative headquarters. Funding is the issue. Funds, controlled by the Regular Force, are allocated in a disproportionate share to reservists in full-time positions seriously undermining part-time reservists' numbers and training.

The book's main premise is that for the much of the time, the Army made plans for the Army Reserve's future without consulting with part-time reservists and without a big vision for the Army Reserve's future. Champion delves into the attitudinal differences between these two groups as they progressed over the years and how, from time-to-time, Reserve 2000's intervention at a political level saved the Army Reserve from serious harm from indifferent, or even hostile, actions or plans generated by various Regular Force commanders or staff. It's not a one-sided view, however. The author provides explanations for why some of these plans came into existence and gives due credit to several politicians and Regular Force commanders who in fact stabilized and improved matters.

I highly recommend the book to all Canadian Army personnel; Regulars as well as Reserves.

Relentless Struggle:

Saving the Army Reserve 1995 - 2019

By C.P. Champion

Ottawa: Durnovaria, 2019

494 pages; $29.95

ISBN: 978-1-9991945-0-5