The Principles: 

Restoring health is based on three (Osteopathic) principles. 

…and then time, thoughtful advice and care will often complete the cure. 

The Process 

The Osteopath searches for the parts of the body not moving correctly (I e the joints, muscles, membranes, organs etc), then diagnoses which are the important causative ones and mobilises them. 

At the Wishing Well we use the minimum force (sometimes almost imperceptible) to release these restrictions which makes most treatments painless – and enjoyable. Note that most commonly a restriction causes another part of the body to be used incorrectly so the pain is usually distant from the area worked on. 

A detailed explanation of the problem and the suggested correction is always given along with an assessment of the likely outcome and number of treatments.  

The History 

Osteopathy has grown in numbers of treatments every year in Europe and America. Competent Osteopaths are booked fully two to six weeks ahead. In the UK last year there were 30,000 visits per working day  (General osteopathic council stats Jan 2023). 

Started in 1860’s by Dr Andrew Still as a complete system of medicine, it initially treated all health problems from consumption through to toothache…and occasionally back pain. Of note is that during the great 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, in which 50 to 100 million died, it is recorded that patients under medical care in the US had a death rate of 6% (27% in Boston) while those under Osteopathic care 0.5%. (Dr Claudia Anrig – > flu). 

In 1890 Dr Sutherland, one of Dr Still’s students, noticed that the cranial sutures resembled fish gills. He went on to postulate that the cranial bones were mobile and developed Cranial Osteopathy. While it is principally known for treating headaches in fact as the great spiritual song says ‘the head bone is connected to the neck bone’ so cranial mechanics can affect the whole body. In 1981 conclusive scientific evidence * measured the sutural motion which has been further corroborated since. 

The palpatory skills of cranial mechanics can also be applied to the abdomen and aid the work of Osteopaths on the organs. 

 With the rise of allopathic medicine Osteopaths became known for musculo-skeletal problems due to political reasons. More recently research carried out on back pain contrasting and comparing Osteopathy, chiropractic and physiotherapy has showed positive results. 

Today Osteopathy is a Masters university course and we are titled “Registered Health Care Providers” 

* Heifitz MD, Weiss M. Detection of skull expansion with increased intracranial pressure. J Neurosurg. 1981;55:811‐812.