Corona virus

Just a few thoughts on COVID 19                                                                              14/04/20

The Clinic is taking all the neccessary precautions at this time. We are open for emrgency and urgent consultations, as well as for key workers. Please do ring for advice.

"Have I got it!"

 Before getting out of bed take a deep breath and hold for 10 to 20 seconds. If you cough or feel your throat tightening you may have it. Ref John Ogden, Yorkshire naturopath - official diagnostic advice South Korea.

And you are not a sitting duck, so from the received knowledge of the Complimentary medical tradition

For the immune system:

                 Note;  good Selenium levels help ward off  flu viruses and the UK is one of four   countries with soils containing low Selenium levels.

                  Note; Oregano and Majoram share this property.

The lungs:

                     Note; Florence Nightingale specifically encouraged open  windows in every   ward all year round. In those days they were battling with TB, another lung  tissue disease.

Example of a lung excersise; Here is one from the ancient writings of the Yellow Emperor's book of the Tao, long regarded as one of the pillars of Chinese medicine. It takes 50 secs.

Apparantly, 7 times is perfect!  I would suggest you breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth  however this last is not clear from the texts.

...when the danger passed and the people joined together again they created new ways to live and heal the earth fully as they had been healed.

                                                                                                 Attributed to Irene Vella.