
It's great news.

He came back with a memo telling us that he recovered.

And along with it came the news of BTS becoming active again as a group!

Now this is what I had been waiting for, ever since the discourse on his impending military service which started way back in late 2021, the origin story of STAY’s formation. I had been very particular with the group’s schedules since then, particularly Cara, and after a few months of rest I’m finally glad that the BTS members have already proved their worth as an ABYSS member group, and Cara as the leader of a group meant to stay in Year 4. He and the other five members really lived up to their name - they were really ‘Stars To an Amazing YEAR 4’, and they really stayed.

It was something that they had promised since the end of their last activity as a group, when they announced as validation of their activity that they will have a show in March of 2022. But why does it feel like I’m surprised? Maybe because it is something that they were expected to break, only because it’s time? I really thought that the members will not make it to that date because.. with many of their peers already went at this point, and also considering their activities as a group at this time, I feel like this could be the end for these seven. Especially Cara.

Which was concerning because it was still not yet time for him to go.

He was doing so well as a leader, like he only started yesterday, and STAY had only debuted not too long ago.

So I was really happy that he was able to do what I thought he could not do. But more so, I found it hard to believe that he’s already doing things I thought he could not, on the year I thought he would not make it. I don’t know why. I just needed validation that he stayed for the above reasons.

On top of resumed activities for BTS, STAY meanwhile opened what can be taken as their YouTube equivalent, STAYTV. Another accomplishment from the boys. They were on their way to truly function like a real group.

However.. I started to feel bored. Although BTS resumed their group activities and had since proved that they were staying, that did not stop me from feeling that way, because I was expecting something more from them.

In case you are wondering, I was working on a new event with them headlining in mind. It was already in the works since before STAY’s formation. In fact it can also be credited for the project group’s origin. For months, I went through a lot of replanning, and I also had to update the lineup every once in a while. Yet, this is becoming rather tiresome. It’s becoming pointless.

Had I been working on an event that will never actually happen?


pre-sequel  ·  january  ·  february  ·  march  ·  april  ·  may  ·  june  ·  july  ·  august  ·  september  ·  october  ·  november  ·  december


i love me  ▪︎  me & you  ▪︎  enjoy yourself  ▪︎  summer notes  ▪︎  to be  ▪︎  full circle  ▪︎  prequel  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 1  ▪︎  winter's sequel part 2