Maslow's Army, January 26

"I was honestly a little frustrated for having to do this on a Sunday instead of sleeping in a little longer. I thought it was going to be boring, and not beneficial at all. It ended up being the exact opposite. Maslow's Army really made me realize some thing, and it was nothing like any other service I have done before. I was just expecting to hand out some food to ten, or fifteen homeless people. That was not it at all. There were hundreds of homeless people that gathered around us seeking our help. We gave them pizza, lunch for later, fruits, and also deserts. After we helped them get their meal in, we also provided them clothes that were stacked four piles high, and fifty yards down. There were jackets, socks, sweatshirts, and everything they needed to stay warm in this time of year. It wasn't just a meal, it was food for weeks, and clothes that would keep them warm for the rest of their lives. It really made me realize how blessed I am, and how good I have it. These people who are struggling to stay warm, and eat everyday, and I am complaining about my Mom not getting Gatorade. It was truly just a life changing event, and seeing the smile on these peoples faces after their needs were meant, and how grateful they were just made me smile. It just feels great when someone in struggle lets you know you made their day, and I will for sure be visiting Maslow's Army again!"

-Zack Williams

"This was my first time volunteering at Maslow's Army, and I regret not coming in the past. Also, as a "Why Not?" member, this was my first time having hands-on interaction with the homeless. I loved seeing smiles on the peoples' faces that I was handing out the pizza to because I knew that I was making a difference in their day. Sadly, these people do not have a lot of smiles and happiness in their life, and if I can change this just from one interaction I know that I am doing good. The volunteers at Maslow's Army are extremely close to each other and it makes the day run very smooth. We can all learn from the good that they are doing for the community. The warmness and brightness spreads throughout the room, and I hope that I can be a part of it again."

-Nathan Bill

"This is was truly an amazing event for me. Seeing how little some of the people in my city have, but seeing the smiles and hopefulness that illuminated from them was something inspiring. This event has the ability to change the lives of others, especially due to the fact that it happens every Sunday. This is definitely an event I will be attending again."

-Mike Connolly