Letter from Admin

Dear WHHS Parents and Families,

We want to thank you so much for pushing through these turbulent times with us! Our teachers are conducting Zoom meetings with classes this week as well as continuing the enrichment activities that have been occurring since the closure. We miss seeing students every day and look forward to getting back to school as soon as when we can!

We have several important announcements below as a result of State Board of Education decisions and then further decisions made by Sumner County Schools. Here are some important topics:

  • Graduation is scheduled for June 25th at 7 p.m. at Long Hollow Baptist

  • A live feed will also be available

  • Graduation cap and gowns are distributed through Jostens

  • They cannot distribute until the Stay at Home order is lifted

  • Once the Stay at Home Order is lifted, Jostens will communicate the plan for delivery

  • Reach out to chad.bone@jostens.com with questions

  • Prom has been cancelled

  • Spring sports, spring practices, club trips, etc. are all cancelled through the closure

  • For information on yearbooks, email Kristopher.freeman@sumnerschools.org

Graduation Requirement Adjustment

The State Board of Education decreased graduation requirements for the 2020 Senior Class from 26 credits to 20 credits. Students are required to have the following credits in order to graduate:

4 Math

4 English

3 Science

2 Social Studies

7 Electives

Please direct any questions concerning graduation requirements to guidance counselors:

Last name A-J Sheldyn Zazzaro sheldyn.zazarro@sumnerschools.org

Last name J-Z Anne Curtisanne.curtis@sumnerschools.org

Please direct any questions about transcripts to the school registrar:

Karen Piazza karen.piazza@sumnerschools.org

If you have any well-being needs that are not being met please reach out to our teacher leader:

Rachel Watts rachel.watts@sumnerschools.org

Technology Needs

We understand that there are many families in our community who do not have access to technology, and we have been loaning out laptops to meet those needs. Please email Brad Mosley (brad.mosley@sumnerschools.org) if you need to arrange to pick up technology for your student.

Please follow this link for internet resources available to you from the Sumner Connect Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sumnerconnect/home?authuser=0#h.30b32dq4w4au

If your family does not have internet accessibility due to the location of your residence, email Brad.mosley@sumnerschools.org to discuss a plan for instruction.

Enrichment Assignments

All WHHS teachers have made enrichment assignments available for your student through Edgenuity, Google Classroom, or a combination of both. All distance learning and enrichment assignment information for each class can be found by visiting this page on the school website: https://sites.google.com/view/whhs-distance-learning

Quarter 3 Grades

All grades as of March 20 are frozen. Your student’s grade at the end of the third nine weeks will not decrease through the end of the school year. However, per Sumner County policy, students will have the opportunity to increase their grades by (up to) five points by completing enrichment activities assigned and monitored by each teacher from Monday, April 20 through Friday, May 22. The points earned will be added to the student’s Q3 average at the end of the semester. More information regarding specifics on how these points will be earned in each course will be communicated on Friday, April 17th.

**Rigor points for Honors-3 pts / AP-5 pts will be added to the final grade in addition to the enrichment points at the end of the semester

Thank you for being our partners in this learning experience!

-WHHS Administration