Year 7

Welcome to all of our new students! We know you will have a fabulous time here at WGSB.

There are lots of careers activities for you to get involved in. Even if you do not know which career you would like to pursue yet, get involved! You will become more confident by getting involved in the activities on offer and you will be developing your skills getting you prepared and ready for the world of work!

Year 7 Careers Programme

Aspire to go to Oxbridge?

Click on the image to gain access to a plethora of resources from The University of Oxford for KS3/KS4

Useful Websites

Wheel of Strengths

Play this game to find out which jobs you might be suited to based on your skills and interests

The University of Oxford

11-18 year old digital resource. Big questions tackle complex ideas across a wide range of subjects and reflect the kind of critical thinking students undertake at university 

Quick Links

See where your favourite subjects could take you!