WGSB Careers

(Last updated: 23/05/2024)


More news to follow!!!

STEM Club Quality Mark 2023 - GOLD!

This award recognises the exceptional provision offered by our school. The STEM Club Quality Mark provides a framework for success assisting schools to identify and recognise high calibre extra-curricular provision 

We provided evidence for several criteria across 5 main strands demonstrating our commitment to the club:

•Leadership and organisation

•Educators and resources

•Students and learning

•Working with others

•Evidence of impact

The SCQM endorses the embedding of careers awareness, enhanced STEM subject learning and promotes best practice and transferable skills amongst club leaders and young people


Personal Development (including Careers)

Pupils in Years 7 to 13 access a thorough careers programme. They enjoy regular visits from employers. Alumni regularly visit the school to share their careers experiences with pupils and students. Year 10 pupils and Year 12 students value their work experience opportunities. As a result, they are well prepared for life beyond school. 


Careers and Enterprise

It was an absolute honour to receive this award on behalf of WGSB. To be recognised as the top school in the North West for our Careers Education provision is an outstanding achievement. 

A true team effort from all members of staff who help students develop their employability skills in both lessons and extra-curricular activities, the opportunites our students are exposed to through trips, enrichment, charity events and visiting speakers is second to none. 

It is not just about educating students regarding ‘jobs’ that are out there but also preparing them for the challenges of their future ventures through all these fantastic experiences. We are thrilled that this has been acknowledged by an esteemed panel of judges. 

The awards ceremony was a stunning red carpet event held at the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool. We were welcomed by a samba band and champagne reception followed by a sumptuous 3 course meal and entertainment leading into the awards ceremony hosted by local DJ Simon Ross.

Congratulations to our Careers Team who have been shortlisted for the Careers and Enterprise Award by Educate Magazine North West. A great achievement and a reflection on the quality of guidance provided to everyone here at WGSB. 

The awards ceremony will be held at the Anglican Cathedral, Liverpool in November 2022 


We are proud to announce that WGSB have achieved Gold Standard from National Careers Week for our Careers Ambassadors programme. Please click the button to find out more!

Our Careers Vision

Through our Careers Education programme we encourage our students to develop their skills, have the confidence to succeed and make informed decisions about the future

Take a look at our Careers Video which showcases some of the fantastic opportunities that our students have access to

We have a dedicated team ready to help and support our students throughout their 'Career Journey'

Wirral Grammar School for Boys are proud of the partnerships we hold with several employers and universities to help enrich our students experiences of the world of work and access to Further and Higher Education

We hope you find the information that you require within these pages, but students and parents are welcome contact members of the Careers Team anytime if you require further assistance

The Careers Team

Please do not hesitate to contact any member of the team using the 'Contact' button at the bottom of this page, through or social media channels or calling school on 0151 644 0908


Governor: Mr B. Davies

SLT link: Mrs L. Ahern - Assistant HT: Head of Sixth Form

Careers and Progression Manager: Mrs S. Wilson

Work Experience Coordinator: Ms J. Kennah

Student Enrichment Lead: Mrs K. Byrne

Careers and WEX Administration: Mrs L. Ward

Head of PSHE: Mrs E. Nicholls

Alumni Development Officer: Mrs R. Hodkinson

Enterprise Coordinator: Ms. C. Lawrence (LCR Careers Hub)  

Enterprise Advisers: Mr S. Liddell (Mindful Training Ltd) / Ms J. Detheridge

Student Careers Ambassadors

Y8: Henry Thompson / Noah Collins / Jack Courtney / Alasdair McArdle / Lucas Pitt

Y9: Brian Sandasiri

Y10: Peter Terry / Isaac Carney

Y11: Hannes Cooke / George Thomas

Y12: Harry Gillies

Sixth Form Senior Careers Prefect Y13: Elliot Williams

Careers Calendar

Academic Year 23-24

Y11 1:1 Careers Interviews ongoing

Y13 1:1 UCAS Application Support / 1:1 Apprenticeship Application Support ongoing

Y13 Mock Interviews: October 2023 

National Green Careers Week: November 2023

National Apprenticeship Week: February 2024

National Careers Week: March 2024

Y10 Mock Interviews: May 2024

Y10 Work Experience: June 2024

Y12 Next Steps Your Future: June 2024

Y12 Work Experience: Any time throughout the year excluding assessment and Next Steps weeks

All Years University Outreach events ongoing

All Years Further Education / alternate pathways outreach events ongoing

Careers Clubs

We offer a number of bespoke careers support groups throughout the year including Oxbridge, Medics, Law and Apprenticeships support. Please contact the following members of staff to register your interest:

Mr Webb/Miss Vaughan - Medics

Ms Sibeon/Mrs Williams - Oxbridge

Law - Mr Hinde

Apprenticeships - Mrs Wilson

All Years Careers Support: Drop In every Tuesday in IT3

Job of the Week

Quick Links

Social Media

Careers Twitter

Careers Instagram

WGSB6 Twitter

WGSB6 Instagram

Useful Websites

University Outreach Partners

We endeavour to provide a university outreach event for every year group. Here are some of the universities that we have worked with in recent years.