Careers Ambassadors


Wirral Grammar School for Boys have achieved GOLD standard in the National Careers Week Careers Champion Programme - July 2022

I have had a look through what you have published and there is a lot here to inspire and instruct other schools. I love what you have put together for your website and the dedication shown by your NCW Champion team. 

Wirral Grammar School for Boys definitely qualify as a NCW Gold Champion School. Congratulations to you and your Champions!

You have been doing a wonderful job and the whole school community benefits from your efforts.

Dr Farheen Khan

NCW Management Board

WGSB Gold Case Study.pdf

Please follow our social media for updates Twitter: @WGSBCareersed Instagram: wgsbcareersed

Careers Ambassador Activity 2023-2024

Liverpool City Region Careers Hub: Growth Sector Project (May 2024)

Our ambassadors were fortunate to receive training from Charlotte Lawrence, our Enterprise Coordinator Charlotte outlined what each sector entailed, the types of jobs available within each sector and the key employability skills that are required. 

Students have now been tasked to research the sectors and work through a series of activities to help promote this information throughout school

Introducing our new recruits: Y7 Careers Ambassadors (May 2024)

Congratulations to Joe M, Will F, Hayden R, Oliver D, Hashim B and Lucas Q who performed exceptionally well during the selection process that was held before Easter

Senior Careers Prefect Harry and Mrs Wilson announced the new recruits during form time and students were set to work straight away with their first official event, our Y10 Mock Interviews

Welcome to the team, gents!

Y7 Careers Ambassador Recruitment and Interviews (March 2024)

The Careers Ambassador Team have interviewed for new recruits! Y7 students were put through their paces as they participated in a series of stations set to assess their employability skills and suitability for the role. They were all an absolute credit to themselves.

Lots of deliberating to be done by the team… Our successful recruits will be revealed after Easter. Massive thank you and well done to our current ambassadors for leading the whole process themselves. Mrs Wilson felt rather redundant!

Our academic year so far... March 2024

This year has been a hive of activity within the Careers Ambassador team!

Due to the increased number of events that we have committed to hosting we have held meetings on many more occasions than in previous years and have been unable to document them all on here!

Mrs Wilson meets with the Senior Careers Prefects (Elliot and Harry) every two weeks to discuss priorities, map out new ideas and evaluate our school Careers provision

We then disseminate this information to our younger Careers Ambassadors who help to deliver the events, take care of our guests and ensure the smooth running of activities

Here are some pictures of our work so far this year (March 2024)...

Mr White with Y8 Careers Ambassadors welcoming guests to our Careers Fair

Noah (Y8) and Harry (Y12) with our Careers Fair Guest of Honour, Claire Bear

Y8 Ambassadors speaking with old boy Chris Scott following his talk on Sustainability for National Green Careers Week

Mrs Wilson showcasing the efforts of our fantastic team with Y7 students and why we are looking for more team members

Brian (Y9) giving a brilliant recruitment speech to Y7

We met with one of the Directors of National Careers Week, Bernie. He was really interested to hear how our student leaders support the Careers programme at WGSB

James (Y8) and Senior Careers Prefect, Elliot (Y13) delivered an outstanding assembly with Y7 explaining the benefits of our Careers provision

We had the honour of meeting with, and hearing from, Lord Storey who has celebrated a very successful Parliamentary Career

Noah, Lucas, Jack (Y8) and Peter (Y10) were House Leaders on Y7 Careers Day. Here they are presenting Careers Star of the Day with Y7 Head of Year, Miss Malcomson

The picture with most of us on it! (Hannes, George and Isaac missing) With our good friend, Spot the Dog, following the finale of NCW24 and last session of Y7 Careers Day

Careers Ambassador Activity 2022-2023


Y8: Henry Thompson / Noah Collins / Jack Courtney / Alasdair McArdle / Lucas Pitt

Y9: Brian Sandasiri

Y10: Peter Terry / Isaac Carney

Y11: Hannes Cooke / George Thomas

Y12: Harry Gillies

Sixth Form Senior Careers Prefect: Y13 Elliot Williams

Careers Meeting: April 2023

We inducted the new Y7 members into the Team meeting with the Champions from all year groups and discussed everyone's roles and responsibilities for the forthcoming Y10 Mock Interview event

We also bid a farewell to our Senior Careers Prefect, Ewan, who has been been outstanding in supporting the work of the Careers Department behind the scenes and worked closely with the Senior Prefect for Brand and Communications, Toby, to redesign the weekly Careers Planners and streamline working processes within the department. We will miss their innovative approach and unwavering support of the department

New Members: April 2023

Elliot, Isaac and Peter led an assembly for Y7 to announce our newest recruits

"The Y7 students were so brave putting themselves forward to be interviewed by us (older students). We don't think it's something we could have done in Y7. They should all be really proud of themselves"

Isaac and Peter, Y9 Careers Champions

Students attended their first meeting and supported at their first event - Y10 Mock Interviews - in May

Ambassador Recruitment: March 2023

Sixth Form Careers Prefect, Elliot conducted a meeting with lower school Careers Champions about the recruitment process. He then devised a plan for selection and some interview questions. On recruitment day we had ten Y7 students who were interviewed by our Y9 champions, Peter and Isaac. All students conducted themselves impeccably and were outstanding candidates. Peter and Isaac did a fantastic job putting the younger students at ease. They deliberated after the event and it was a tough decision. Our new team members will be announced after Easter.

Y7 Careers Day: 8 March 2023

Careers Champions welcomed our guests and looked after them throughout the day, offering refreshments and guiding them around school. They were also attached to a Y7 form each. During the day Careers Champions got involved in the activities but were also observing students who demonstrated outstanding engagement and awarded them with a certificate and prize for being a 'Careers Star of the Day'

Ambassador Assembly: March 2023

Mrs Wilson and the Careers Champions launched NCW in assemblies 

In the Y7 assembly, the champions explained what their role was, the responsibilities that come with it and how we are looking to expand the team!

Exciting information was also given about the forthcoming Y7 Careers Day

Recruiting Y7 Ambassadors

We are looking to add to our fantastic team of ambassadors with at least 2 members from Y7

Interested students can speak with current Careers Champions during the Y7 Careers Day on Wednesday 8 March to find out more!

UPDATE: We had so many Y7 students apply! We recruited 6 ambassadors to represented the school

Meeting: February 2023

All members met to discuss events coming up during National Careers Week and everyones roles

Additionally, champions were invited to look over the plans and make suggestions for improvement. They don't miss a trick!

Everyone will also be present in an assembly launch and selected champions will prepare a short presentation about a different aspect of the Careers champion role and Careers Programme

Meeting: January 2023

We reviewed the achievements of the department this academic year so far...

Support with Y13 Mock Interviews, 1st ever National Green Careers Week, Winners of Educate Careers Award, a fantastic Ofsted report outlining the strengths of our programme, university events, 12 Days of Careersmas, visiting speakers and workshops delivered in lessons, trips and visits to places of work

Discussed future events and support required

The champions would like to be involved in the recruitment of some Y7 members to the team

Careers Champions Activity 2021-2022

Our fabulous team @NCW2022 Careers Fair with Spot the Robot Dog!


Y7: Tom Ehrlich / Josh Reeder

Y8: Peter Terry / Isaac Carney

Y9: Hannes Cooke / George Thomas

Y10: Harry Gillies

Y11: Elliot Williams

Sixth Form Senior Careers Prefect: Ewan Dowzer

Previous Senior Careers Prefects: Shubo Deb

Careers Champions Meeting 5: July 2022

We reviewed the past year and looked at key Autumn events requiring the support of our Careers Champions, including Y7 Curriculum evening and the Y5/6 Open Evening

Our new Senior Careers Prefect Ewan introduced himself to the team and outlined his priorities for next year

Careers Champions Meeting 4: April 2022

We reviewed NCW and shared feedback from the event, suggesting areas for improvement for future weeks. Forthcoming events were discussed: Mock Interviews and Next Steps Fair and roles for each

Good Lucks and Farewells! This will be the final meeting of the year for Elliot and Shubo. We wished Elliot well with his GCSE's and he has committed to supporting the team when he returns in Y12. We also bid a fond farewell to WGSB's first ever Senior Careers Prefect, Shubo. We know he will return as a valued WGSB alumni member

Careers Champions Meeting 3: Feb 2021

We talked through plans for National Careers Week, in particular the roles and responsibilities of the Careers Champions at the Careers Fair.

We walked through the venues and roles for each champion on the day. The Careers Champions will work alongside our Head Boy Team to welcome and look after our guests throughout the Careers Fair.

Each Careers Champion also took responsibility for the creation of subject starter slides to celebrate World Engineering Day. The Music example is shown here.

Careers Champions Meeting 2: Dec 2021

We welcomed our new team members. Staff careers champions also attended this meeting

Our main discussion points were:

'Going for Gold' - An outline of criteria we need to cover to achieve Gold standard in the NCW CC programme 

NCW2022 - Plans made so far, roles and responsibilities during the week

Careers Champions Meeting 1: Oct 2021

We discussed what is going well in the careers programme and ideas for improvement

The Careers Champions will be the advocates for Unifrog in their respective year groups and will be asking their peers which industries they would like represented at our forthcoming Careers Fair in March 2022

Open Evening Sept 2021

Shubo and Peter helped to promote the Careers Department at our Open Evening for prospective students and parents. Shubo helped to collate students aspirations and Peter ran the popular 'Before they were famous' card game. We also ran a 'Guess the Logo' competition. Well done to Zac from Woodlands EP who won a £10 Amazon voucher!