Club Championship
1) The tournament will be run as an all play all event using ECF grades from the beginning of the year (September). All subscribing members of the Weymouth Chess Club are elligible to enter.
2) New members may enter the championship at any time
3) All players can play each other once in a Round Robin format. Colours for each match are pre-determined and shown in the Round Robin table.
4) The time control will be all moves in 1 hour with a 30 second increment from move 1. Where the clock does not support that time limit then the time control will be 75 minutes for the first 35 moves followed by a 15 minute quick play finish. The ECF rules for Quick play will apply.
5) An illegal move by a player will result in their opponent gaining an extra two minutes on the clock.
6) By default, all matches will be non-rated for grading purposes. Only if both players agree before their match that they would like their match to be rated will the match count for grading purposes.
7) Both players will notify the tournament controller of the chess result and the whether the game was rated.
8) Ungraded players will be provided a provisional grade by the tournament controller, subject to amendment, unless there is previously known information about their playing strength.
9) The tournament will end on the 1st May 2024. Ideally all players will need to have played a minimum of 3 games for their scores to count in the final league table at the end of the season.
10) The winner of the tournament will be the player with the most points. Tie breaks will be determined by a play off.
Cross Table