Everyone has a great story.

Westinghouse Campus Library participates in the Ezra Jack Keats Bookmaking Competition.

This year, books must be completed and submitted to the campus librarian, Ms. Green, by 1:00 PM on Friday, January 18, 2019.

All school-wide entries will receive a certificate and small prize from Westinghouse Campus Library. ONE book will be selected from each of the three campus schools to be entered into the city-wide competition. All school-wide winners will receive a EJK Pin and will be on display at the Brooklyn Public Library Central Branch for the month of May.

City-wide awards will be announced the week of March 11, 2019. City-wide winners will receive a medal and a $500 prize (shared if there is a separate author/illustrator). Borough winners will receive a $100 prize. Winners will be published in citywide mini-magazine, honored at an awards ceremony in May and on display at the Brooklyn Public Library Central Branch for the month of May.

More information, as well as the Submission Form, Consent & Release Form, Declaration of Originality and Author’s Statement are available here.


Does it have to be fiction? NO! You can write a non-fiction or true story, an informational book, a biography or autobiography, graphic novel or picture book, abstract or concrete, poetry or in verse, realistic or fantasy!

Does it have to be a traditional picture book? Picture book - YES; traditional - NO. It can be a graphic novel or collage-based, or even have very little text. There are a variety of examples of picture books in the Westinghouse Campus Library for you to browse.

I love drawing, but I'm not much of a writer. Can I collaborate with someone? YES. There can be one author and one illustrator per book, but you will have to split the cash prize if you win! You can also do a story in poetry, or a graphic novel. It does not have to be a traditional "story."

I need help getting started. Who can I ask? Ms. Green and Mr. Delaney can help you gather inspiration and focus your art and/or story. Come to the library during your lunch for more information.

Where can I get supplies to make my book? The library has craft supplies such as collage paper, cardstock, watercolor, markers, etc. We also have bookmaking supplies including several books on bookmaking if you want to do something non-traditional. All books must be hand-bound - no staples and no sending them off to Staples to be bound.

Do you have any picture book examples? Why YES we do! They are currently on display in the Westinghouse Campus Library MakerSpace. There are traditional picture books, collage picture books, non-fiction and fiction books, illustrated biographies, abstract pop-up books, and more.

I have my story and illustrations, but I don't know how to bind my book. Can you help? YES! The MakerSpace is open during lunches and after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays for extra help binding your book. The library has craft supplies as well as bookmaking supplies. We even have several books on bookmaking if you want to do something non-traditional. All books must be hand-bound - no staples and no sending them off to Staples to be bound.

When do I have to submit my book and what do I have to include? All school-wide submissions are due at 1 PM on Friday, January 18, 2019. Submissions must include the Submission Form, Consent & Release Form, Declaration of Originality and Author’s Statement, available here.