
Memorial Day - Prut

Kingswood- Oxford Podcasts

Remy and Jillian discuss how our town can broaden our knowledge and better memorialize the enslaved in West Hartford. They evaluate the decision to name the Middle School after Bristow with a former Bristow student, as well as discuss with Rev. Elliott Munn from First Church in West Hartford what role the church has in shedding light on this history.

Tim and Stacey tackle the subject first articulated to us by Titus Kaphar: how can we amend - not eradicate - the history in this town? When is an appropriate age to begin that conversation? They discuss with KO history teacher Katie McCarthy her thoughts on how to do that.

Remy and Jocelyn take a closer look at how educational institutions like KO can and should integrate the Witness Stones curriculum in our school, with interviews with KO's Head of School, Tom Dillow, among others.

Emily and Julia take a look at the question: why and how should we honor the enslaved in West Hartford in interviews with Witness Stones Director Liz Devine, KO Director of Diversity, Inclusion & Cultural Competency Joan Edwards, KO students, and Dr. Linda Meditz, a teacher at The Academy of Penguin Hall who recently embarked on a similar project with her students.

Prut, Ned, Ben, Rubin
Prut Whitman The Context