WARMINGTON: Jordan Peterson knocks out his haters with verbal blows againhttps://torontosun.com/
Joe WarmingtonPublished Jan 31, 2023

Maybe the cancel-culture progressives in Ottawa should have consulted Freedom Convoy organizers on how to hold a protest — because theirs was a bust. 

There were no protesters at Ottawa’s Canadian Tire Centre Monday. No police horses, riot squad, guns, teargas, handcuffs, hot tubs, or bouncy castles — and no declaration of the Emergencies Act.

But up against the “nihilists” and “neo-Marxist” pack, Jordan Peterson won this round. They may still try to take away his psychologist’s license, but on Monday night, he scored a knockout.

 Despite the boisterous attempt to cancel Peterson, this event attracted more than 5,000 fans who loved every minute of it. No one, however, seemed to be loving it any more than Peterson himself.

 The world-famous professor, author and psychologist not only didn’t hold back, but he also got the best shots in of the night.

“Where are the ‘36 organizations’ who called for the event to be cancelled?” Peterson chortled on Twitter as he showed the size of the large crowd. “There were exactly zero protesters.”

“CBC News, have anything to say about that? No? I thought not … you pathetic lying cowards.”

You can try cheap shots and low blows on this guy, but not without a counterpunch to the chops. He’s a savage opponent in the ring.

The only visible protester was on social media — not stationed outside the home of the Ottawa Senators. Peterson had comebacks for her, too

“Jordan Peterson is spreading far-right, misogynistic rhetoric in my riding tonight. Instead of condemning Peterson’s hate, Pierre Poilievre is defending him. You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep,” Liberal MP Jenna Sudds tweeted.

 Sudds didn’t mention her affiliation with famous-for-blackface Prime Minister Trudeau, but Peterson turned to Twitter to fire back.

“Did you come to the lecture and hear what I have to say, or are you content to stay online and employ the anti-social narcissistic tactics of anti-social females to denigrate, insult, and exclude?”

Peterson’s penchant for pushing back against haters is part of why so many Canadians — handcuffed by the liberal-left mob that wants bank accounts frozen and opinions outlawed — love him. They can’t say anything themselves and are glad someone with such a high IQ has the guts to stand in the ring to do battle.

On his way to London for an appearance Tuesday, followed by another in Hamilton on Wednesday, Peterson said he’s focused on the people who covet free speech, not those who want it shut down.

“I am trying to provide those who are listening and watching with a vision of themselves and others that are scientifically and metaphysically or even religiously grounded,” Peterson told me. “A uniting vision is necessary, technically and practically. It fortifies people against anxiety, provides hope, and provides the ground for truly peaceful and productive unity.”

He added: “Those who believe that the only dynamic is power, whether they are cynical nihilists, radical neo-Marxist leftists or ethnocentric nationalists, oppose what I am saying because they are opposed to responsibility, unwilling to shoulder the burden of courageous, truthful conduct, and hoping to elevate their moral stature by diminishing those they regard too conveniently as enemies.”

Peterson said he and members of his audience are not anybody’s enemy.

“They claim that what I am saying is political and pretend that the people who are coming to see me are doing so for political reasons.”

Not true — they just want to think for themselves in a free country.

 Turns out, nobody came to the arena in Ottawa to protest that.
