Letter from 36 Ottawa Organizations to Cancel Dr. Peterson's Show at the Canadian Tire Centre 

Is the letter hate speech?  It's definitely pretty nasty.

  Have any of these  36, even bothered to take the time to listen to him? Dr. Peterson is a brilliant, and compassionate Canadian who cares for the well-being of everyone. That's why he does what he does. 

from the letter 

this is a lie " the toxic and often violent rhetoric touted by Peterson whose quasi-academic ideas are misogynistic homophobic, transphobic and racist has led to an increased environment of hate, especially towards the trans community that has been very evident in Ottawa"

 This is a lie "Peterson has also advocated in favor of ideas like enforced monogamy that encourages that they should be treated like sexual objects instead of equals"  

the 36 hated the Freedom Convoy as well  Do they even know why the truckers did what they did? Probably not. Why don't they consider reading the back story of the Freedom Convoy We are losing our freedom in so many ways and finally, a group of ordinary people do something about it. And what was wonderful was that there was a cross-section of all Canadians. Pro-life Canadians, LGBTQ Canadians, Christians, Muslims, Athiests,  ........

 And Calling on the Creative Arts Agency to cancel their show and drop Peterson as a client. Really ???

 In this letter, the 36  vilify Chris Elson came to Ottawa to protest the harmful puberty blockers Elson was met by a hate mob yelling and screaming at him which included a city councilor and School board trustee. Never mind trying to listen to his concerns., Incidentally, puberty blockers have been prohibited in many countries. Here in Canada we can't even talk about the harm being caused without being labeled as promoting hatred, How did all this happen? 

Do the 36 even know what's going on in our schools? From the National Post, last August 


The NP called for Canada to ban gender surgeries for minors and “take inspiration” from the recent reforms in Finland, Sweden, and the UK to ensure Canadian gender questioning children receive appropriate and multi-disciplinary care. This statement from the NP came just weeks after the UK announced the closure of the Tavistock gender clinic for children and youth after an independent commission determined the current model was “not a safe or viable long-term option”.

 the 36 seem to think that if you have a different belief or opinion than they have, then it is automatically hate speech. The bullying from the left is relentless 

It's sad and alarming that the OCDSB isn't able to distinguish between "acts of hatred and " acts of Love and concern "