Is the letter from 36 Ottawa Organizations to Cancel Dr. Peterson's Show at the Canadian Tire Centre hate speech? 

I think it is.  Vilifying a person with lies and assumptions.  Seriously?????

The letter: a vicious attack on not only Free Speech but Freedom of Religion 

Why? Because my beliefs in the sanctity of life,  sexuality, marriage, and the family, etc... are not tolerated by them ( the haters) 

 My question to the 36:  Have any of you even listened to Dr. Peterson? He is the most gentle, knowledgeable, and compassionate speaker in Canada and cares for the well-being of everyone. That's why he does what he does. 

from the letter  ( lies )

" the toxic and often violent rhetoric touted by Peterson whose quasi-academic ideas are misogynistic homophobic, transphobic and racist has led to an increased environment of hate, especially towards the trans community that has been very evident in Ottawa" the 36

  "Peterson has also advocated in favor of ideas like enforced monogamy that encourages that they should be treated like sexual objects instead of equals"  the 36

in this letter they are also condemning Chris Elson who came to Ottawa   2 years ago to peacefully protest the harmful puberty blockers which incidentally have been prohibited in many other countries. Elson was met by a hateful mob that included a city councilor and School board trustee. 

Letter from 36 Ottawa Organizations to Cancel Dr. Peterson's Show at the Canadian Tire Centre 

To the Group of 36,  the City councilors and all those who oppose free speech if it isn't in line with what they believe check out this article

"The Swedish U-Turn on Gender Transitioning for Children"

Update: May 5, 2021 The U-turn is official.

 Sweden has officially ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors under the age of 18. They have recognized the experimental nature of treating minors with puberty blockers and hormones and have established new protocols that deviate significantly from WPATH and the “professional associations” that the Canadian government and healthcare authorities are listening to. 

We can learn from one another if we listen to the other side