The unjust treatment of the Freedom Convoy  and  its supporters   ( a few examples )

Prime Minister Trudeau  and his media  mouth pieces were relentless in fanning  the flames of hatred towards the protesters and  their supporters 

by  lying, brainwashing, scapegoating, you name it


The paradigmatic is Orwell’s 1984, (published in 1949 in the wake of the collapsed Nazi regime) with Big Brother both watching every move we make and every breath we take, as well as shaping and controlling our thoughts by declaring obvious falsehoods from which none dare demur. Two plus two is five, and the past is what we say it be

Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (1953) has the people of 1999 (which seemed far off in the fifties!) mesmerized by giant, wall-sized television screens, filled with inane entertainment – clowns and circuses – with interludes of ‘news’, shaped to form the opinions the government desires.

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), the people of 2540 (at this point, I’m not sure we’ll reach mid-century) addicted to the soporific soma, accepting whatever Mustafa Ford tells them. Unlike the hapless citizens of 1984, they were more lulled into obeisance than forced.

Before all of these, there was E.M. Forester’s The Machine Stops (first published in 1909, no future date given for the story, but we’re all more or less in it) which eerily predicts a giant information/entertainment ‘machine’ to which everyone in the underground city is connected, and which gives them everything they need, from music, to food, to news. They have forgotten there is a world ‘up there’, for the machine does everything for them. But what happens when the machine no longer works?

These are all meditations on a theme of Plato’s original allegory of The Cave, from chapter VII of his Republic (written circa 400 B.C.). In a metaphorical underground cavern, people watch shadows of images, thinking they are real. When the philosopher tries to convince them that there is a beautiful, glorious world outside, the sun shining, the water sparkling, the rocks, grass and hills…Well, you may guess what they do to him, deemed a liar and dreamer, contradicting their ‘narrative’, as they return to their shadowy idols dancing on a stage.

Every one of these dystopias, from Plato to Bradbury, were written well before the internet, full-immersion media which has made mass psychosis a very distinct and all-too-real possibility. Peruse this interview with Robert Epstein on how we are all being manipulated by Google and friends, and how easy it is. Dr. Epstein is quirky and liberal, but dedicated and courageous. The first twenty minutes give you most of what you need to know, which is to get gone from Google, for they are indeed not only watching us, but manipulating us in very subtle ways.

An article in Wired commented that two of the recent SuperBowl ads advocated the new Meta virtual reality and their idiotic headsets as a way to escape the hell we’re building here. Yet,  a contrary one, with all-American Matthew McConaghey urged us to fix our problems right here on planet Earth.

It’s in reality that we must remain grounded if we’re to see our way through the deceit and mayhem that is on the horizon. Saint Thomas defines truth as the adequatio rei et intellectus, the ‘conformity of the mind to reality’, God’s good, holy cosmos and all the living and non-living beings therein.

Satan hates all of this. Christ quite aptly describes him as a liar and murderer, the two evils not unrelated. The unborn child is declared a non-person, a lie repeated enough, and, eventually, their lives can be snuffed out. The Jews in Germany were deemed by physicians and Goebell’s propaganda machine as disease-ridden and untermensch. In the Rwandan massacre, Hutus were urged on by the media to massacre and rape their ‘inhuman’ Tutsi neighbours by the tens of thousands; many claiming they did so because the ‘radio told them to’.

Whither now, dear reader, as the rhetoric ramps up? Will peace and good will prevail?

One way to ensure they do, to some extent, in some locales, refuges, remnants, or at least in some hearts, is to immerse yourself in the truth, not least those of our Faith, in Scripture, the Catechism, the Fathers, the Summa, in a myriad of great and good books. As well, spend far more time in reality than in the virtual version on screens. In nature, friendships, music, home-cooked food, laughter, love – hug someone, and let’s see some friends shaking hands.

Lies enslave, while the truth sets us free. By living in the really real, we can, by the grace of God, quite easily tell the difference.

Ad veritatem, in caritate! +

As a member of the pro-life movement, I see it all the time. If he doesn't share your views then to hell with you.  So I can honestly say to the men and women and families of the Freedom Convoy,  "I know how you feel" Join the ranks of the Canadian Leper Society, I have heard the non stop disgusting rhetoric directed toward folks who for one reason or another refuse to take the vaccine. You have been vilified lied about lost your jobs banned from restaurants  (and even some churches God forbid ) but it's happening.  Thomas Mulcair when asked in a CFRA Interview a couple of weeks ago what he thought of the health tax that Quebec's premier was planning to impose on the unvaccinated, his response was that it was a great idea because these are selfish people who only care about themselves and therefore the tax will affect them and so change their minds. Disgusting disgusting disgusting!

Of course, we all know the lies that Trudeau has spewed over the land regarding the unvaccinated in general and the members of the Freedom Convoy in particular. Misogynistic Racist violent Nazis etc etc. etc. He spews hatred like a volcano all of it is repeated by his radio and television buddies. The lies brainwashing and scapegoating never stop. It just keeps going and going like the Energizer Bunny.  

This is exactly what  Pro-Life people have experienced for years. We too are vilified, demonized, lied about in the most vicious ways. Peaceful Pro-Life Marches are never covered by the mainstream media. We are absolutely hated by Prime Minister Trudeau and Mayor Watson, If a pro-life person even dares to attempt to peacefully provide counsel to a pregnant woman in distress watch out! 

Let me tell you: I have been spit on, yelled at called a pervert, called a woman-hater for simply praying with a rosary in my hand, and guess what, the mainstream media never ever reports the instances of violence directed at Pro-Life People. And there's lots of it believe me!

 For the past several years our mayor has not even allowed our Annual Pro-Life March to pass the Human Rights Monument and down Bank Street towards Parliament Hill. But guess what he allows the rowdy,  rude, violent anti-Christian Pro-abortion bigoted anarchist thugs to block our route and insult obscenities at the peaceful men women, and children who are standing up for the unborn. It's not only disgusting but it is cowardly. They carry rude anti-Christian signs, filled with gross profanities all the while yelling and screaming the same profanities all of which is just fine with the Prime Minister and our Mayor. There are often banners as well displaying Communist symbolism and that's totally fine too. What the????? in fact one of the persons displaying the Communist symbol was Lyra Evans who is now an Ottawa school Board Trustee.  And that's ok?

To those who say that Prime Minister Trudeau and the majority of politicians and their mouthpieces in the mainstream media are not biased, all I can say is: "Are you kidding me? The bias  flows like poop down a toilet."

My letter to JT

Most Canadians are aware of the reason for the Freedom Convoy; to express the trucker's frustrations over the vaccine mandates that our Political leaders are imposing. I would like to know why after two weeks you still have not met with them. Enough is enough. It's about time we get back to normal for the sake of our country, our economy, our mental health, and for the brave and dedicated men, women, and children of the convoy. Please, sir, meet with these peaceful Canadians. 

Prime Minister, over the past three weeks you have made some pretty outrageous comments which are untrue and extremely inflammatory. Could you be trying to deliberately provoke the protestors?  Have you ever even looked at any of the hundreds and hundreds of videos of the men and women and children who ARE the Freedom Convoy

At one of the Press Conferences, you said that “freedom of expression, assembly, and association are cornerstones of democracy, but Nazi symbolism, racist imagery … are not. ”You were asked by a reporter if you would meet with the truckers or attend the protest, as you attended, for instance, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) demonstrations during the height of lockdown in 2020, but you said you would not.  You said, “I have attended protests in the past when I agreed with the goals,” referring to BLM, but you are choosing to stay away from the trucker protest because of “hateful rhetoric” and “violence toward citizens?  And a couple of dirtbags visible on the first day of the protest one with a NAZI flag and another with a Confederate Flag ( highly unlikely to be members of the convoy) is your reason not to meet with these Canadians? Are you kidding me?

 Anyways there you have it Mr. Trudeau according to you, the freedom Convoy protestors are a bunch of racists and Nazis with hateful rhetoric and violence towards citizens. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was on Parliament Hill the Sunday after they arrived. The grounds were awash in Canadian Flags. The speeches were heartfelt, compassionate and humble, and conciliatory.  There was a spontaneous singing of O Canada.  There were men, women, and children of every race and creed, There was nothing with even a touch of violent rhetoric. Twice I lost my gloves taking videos and twice a kind soul picked them up and brought them over to me.  Prime Minister Trudeau you clearly support violent anarchists such as the BLM movement but you won't even meet with sincere Canadians who drove thousands of miles for a meeting with their prime minister?  Are you not their Prime Minister too? Over the course of the last three weeks,  I have heard you lie about them in such horrible language inciting hatred towards them which is also echoed by our Mayor and the mainstream media as well. Incidentally, in case you don't know this is called brainwashing a tactic used by the NAZIS during the Second World War in order to instill hatred for the Jews by the German People.  Another tactic Hitler used to incite hatred for the Jewish people was  "Scapegoating". In case you don't know what that means it means blaming every bad thing that happens on one group of people. I have also seen a lot of that happen during the past three weeks as well 

Please watch this video

In conclusion Mr. Prime Minister

God bless those who promote love and not hatred, truth and not lies! God bless all who work for freedom, justice, and peace!  And God bless Canada! 


Mrs. Maureen T Ward