Book Chapter
Okada, A. (2014). Scaffolding school students' scientific argumentation in inquiry-based learning with evidence maps. In eds. Alexandra Okada, Simon Buckingham Shum, Tony Sherborne (Eds.), Knowledge Cartography: Software tools and mapping techniques (pp. 135-172). Springer Verlag.
Kowald, D., Seitlinger, P., Kopeinik, S., Ley, T., & Trattner, C. (2015), Forgetting the Words but Remembering the Meaning: Modeling Forgetting in a Verbal and Semantic Tag Recommender. In Mining, Modeling, and Recommending ‘Things' in Social Media (pp. 75-95). Springer International Publishing.
Kowald, D, Kopeinik, S, Seitlinger, P., Ley, T., Albert, D., & Trattner, C. (2015). Refining Frequency-Based Tag Reuse Predictions by Means of Time and Semantic Context. In Mining, Modeling, and Recommending ‘Things' in Social Media (pp. 75-95). Springer International Publishing.
Special Issues
Rizzardini, R. H., Schmitz, H. C., Mikroyannidis, A., Kloos, C. D., & Chao, L. (2013). Cloud Education Environment J. UCS Special Issue. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(14), 2034-2036.
Journal Articles
Bedek, M., Firssova, O. Stefanova, E., Prinsen, F., & Chaimala, F. (2015). User-driven Development of an Inquiry-Based Learning Platform: Qualitative Formative Evaluations in weSPOT. Interaction Design & Architecture(s) Journal - IxD&A, 23, 122-139.
Boytchev, P. (2015). Constructionism and Deconstructionism. Constructivist Foundations, 10(3), 355-363.
Charleer S., Klerkx J., & Duval E. (2015). Learning Dashboards. Journal of Learning Analytics 1(3), 199-202.
Mikroyannidis, A., Okada, A., Scott, P., Rusman, E., Specht, M., Stefanov, K., ... & Chaimala, F. (2013). weSPOT: a personal and social approach to inquiry-based learning. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 19(14), 2093-2111.
Nikolova, N., Zafirova-Malcheva, T., Stefanova, E., Boytchev, P., "Is it too late to be child? Is it too early to be adult?", Journal ANDRAGOGIKA, 2013, 1(4), ISSN 2029-6894, pp.156-173.
Okada, A. (2013) Scientific Literacy in the digital age: tools, environments and resources for co-inquiry. European Scientific Journal, 4, ISSN: 1857 - 7881, United Nations.
Okada, A., Serra, A., Ribeiro, S. & Pinto, S. (2015). Key skills for co-learning and co-inquiry in two open platforms: a massive portal (EDUCARED) and a personal environment (weSPOT). Open Praxis International Journal, 7(1). International Council for Open and Distance Education. Retrieved from:
Protopsaltis, A., Seitlinger, P., Chaimala, F., Firssova, O., Hetzner, S., Kikis-Papadakis, K., & Boytchev, P., (2013). Working environment with social and personal open tools for inquiry based learning: pedagogic and diagnostic frameworks (accepted for publication in Common Ground Journal).
Protopsaltis, A. Seitlinger, C. P., Chaimala, F., Firssova, O., Hetzner, S., Kikis-Papadakis, K., and Boytchev, P. (2014). Working Environment with Social and Personal Open Tools for Inquiry-Based Learning Pedagogic and Diagnostic Frameworks. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Learning, Volume 20, 2014.
Santos, J. L., Verbert, K., Klerkx, J., Duval, E., Charleer, S., & Ternier, S. (2015). Tracking Data in Open Learning Environments. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 21(7), 976-996.
Stefanov, K., Nikolova, N., Stamenov, Sv., Dimitrova, T., & Stefanova, E. (2013). weSpot: Inquiry-based science education approach an technologies in action. Annual of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 101, pp.123-141
Conference and workshop contributions
Bedek, M, Kickmeier, M & Albert, D. (2015). Formal Concept Analysis for Modelling Students in a Technology-enhanced Learning Setting. ECTEL 2015 - ARTEL workshop.
Bedek, M., Kopeinik S., Prünster, B. & Albert, D. (2015). Applying the Formal Concept Analysis to Introduce Guidance in an Inquiry-based Learning Environment. ICALT 2015. July 6-9, 2015, Hualien, Taiwan.
Bedek, M., Blatnik, S., Selimović, S., & Krmpotič, D. (2014). Evaluation framework of weSpot project. 3rd World Conference on Educational and Instructional Studies WCEIS - 2014 06-08 November, 2014, Porto Bello Hotel Resort& SPA Akdeniz Bulvari 1. Sk. Konyaaltı, Antalya – Turkey.
Boytchev, P., "Deconstructionism in education – a personal wandering towards constructionism". Proceedings of the 3rd International Constructionism Conference 2014, Eds. G. Futschek and C. Kynigos, pp. 93-102, August 19-23, 2014, Vienna, Austria; Austrian Computer Society, Austria, ISBN: 978-3-85403-301-1.
Boytchev, P., Stefanova, E., Nikolova, N., Stefanov, K., "The virtual classroom – a pilot case in inquiry-based learning", In Book of Abstracts, p. 41 and Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education – CSEDU 2014, vol 2, Eds. S. Zvacek, M.
Restivo, J. Uhomoibhi, & M. Helfert, pp. 264-269, April 1-3, 2014, Barcelona, Spain; Science and Technology Publications (SCITEPRESS), Portugal; CD: ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5.
Calonego, R., Serra, A. & Okada, A. (2014). "Social, open and personalised environments for communication and knowledge management between business and educational organisations". Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-Driven Business, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
Charleer, S., Klerkx, J., Santos, J.L., & Duval, E., (2013). Improving awareness and reflection through collaborative, interactive visualizations of badges. ARTEL'13 workshop at EC-TEL'13.
Charleer, S., Santos, J.L., Klerkx, J., & Duval, E. (2014). Improving teacher awareness through activity, badge and content visualizations. First International Workshop on Open Badges in Education at ICWL'14. Proceedings at Springer (Accepted).
Charleer S., Klerkx J., & Duval E. (2015). Exploring inquiry-based learning analytics through interactive surfaces. VISLA workshop at 5th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference - LAK15. Poughkeepsie, USA.
Correa, A.L., Rabello , C. & Okada, A. (2014). Reliability of web-based information in inquiry projects. Proceedings of the 9th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - EC-TEL 2014: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, LNCS 8719 (pp. 385-390). Graz, Austria.
Miteva, D., Nikolova, N., Nikolova, M., Stefanova, E. (2015) THE NEW GENERATION OF RESEARCHERS IN THE SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE, ICERI2015 Proceedings, pp. 3345-3355.
Dafinka Miteva, Nikolina Nikolova, Eliza Stefanova (2015), Data Analytics Support for Inquiry Based Learning, Proceeding of International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL) 2015, IEEE, doi: 978-1-4673-8242-7, pp. 116 – 120
Eliza Stefanova, Miroslava Nikolova, Nikolina Nikolova, ICT in School – More Than a Screen and a Student: How to Enrich the Curriculum with Free Software, teacher training in the frame of ASEF conference (, 16 - 20 November 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
Firssova, O., Kalz, M., Borner, D., Prinsen, F., Rusman, E., Ternier, S., & Specht, M. (2014). Mobile inquiry-based learning with sensor data in the school: Effects on student motivation. In C. Rensing et al (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - EC-TEL 2014: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, LNCS 8719 (pp. 112-124). Graz, Austria.
Kalz, M., Firssova, O., Boerner, D., Ternier, S., Prinsen, F., Rusman, E., Drachsler, H., & Specht, M. (2014). Mobile inquiry-based learning for sustainability education in secondary schools: Effects on knowledge and motivation. In Sampson, D., & Spector, M. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT2014: Advanced Technologies for Supporting Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning, July 7-9, 2014, Athens, Greece.
Kopeinik, S. (2015). Applying Cognitive Learner Models for Recommender Systems in Small-Scale Learning Environments. ECTEL 2015 - CEUR Workshop proceedings.
Kopeinik, S., Bedek, M., Firssova, O., Mack, J., & Albert, D. (2015). Introducing technology-enhanced Inquiry-based learning to support science education in secondary schools: a teacher perspective. Edulearn15, Barcelona,Spain.
Kowald, D., Kopeinik, S., Seitlinger, P., Ley, T., Albert, D., & Trattner, C. (2014). Refining frequency-based tag reuse predictions by means of time and semantic context. In Extended proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Mining Ubiquitous and Social Environments (MUSE). LNCS 8940 (pp. 55-74). Springer.
Mikroyannidis, A., Okada, A., Scott, P., Rusman, E., Specht, M., Stefanov, K., Protopsaltis, A., Held, P., & Hetzner, S. (2012). weSPOT: a cloud-based approach for personal and social inquiry. WCLOUD 2012 Workshop on Cloud Education Environments. Alexander Mikroyannidis, Rocael Hernandez Rizzardini, Hans-Christian Schmitz (Eds.), published in: Sun SITE Central Europe, 2012, pp. 7-11.
Mikroyannidis, A. (2014). The weSPOT Inquiry Space: A Personal and Social Environment for Inquiry-Based Learning. In C. Rensing et al (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - EC-TEL 2014: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, LNCS 8719 (pp. 576-577). Graz, Austria.
Mikroyannidis, A. (2013) A personalised approach in informal and inquiry-based learning. 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2013). Aachen, Germany, SciTePress, 183-187.
Mikroyannidis, A., Okada, A. & Scott, P. (2013) Personal learning environments for inquiry-based learning. In I. Buckem, F. Attwel, & G. Tur (Eds.). PLE Conference. Berlin, Germany, Beuth University of Applied Sciences, 227-237.
Mikoyanidis A. , Blatnik, S. & Krmpotič, D. (2014). The ICT tools supporting inquiry-based learning. 5th International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications. 24- 26 April, 2014. Antalya, Turkey.
Miteva, D., Peltekova, E., & Stefanova, E. (2014). The lost energy' and how to collect it with weSPOT tools. Proceedings of the Doctoral conference "Mathematics, Informatics and Education" , 2014, pp.112-121.
Miteva, D., Peltekova, E., & Stefanova, E. (2014). Research approaches in teaching and learning, weSPOT technology tools. Proceedings of the International Conference in Education and new Developments (END 2014). Madrid, Spain, 2014. pp. 258-260, ISBN: 978-989-97866-7-7.
Miteva, D., Nikolova, N., & Stefanova, E. (2015). Data Analytics Support for Inquiry Based Learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning, 19-20 November 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Nikolova, N., Stefanova, E., Miteva, D. & Stefanov, K. (2015). Feeding with balance-health in advance or the role of ICT in enquiry-based education. Proceeding of the International Conference EduLearn 2015, pp. 7369-7378.
Nikolova, N., Miteva, D., Stefanova, E., & Dimitrova, T. (2015). Inquiry-based learning - applicable in practice, assisted by technology (in Bulgarian). Proceedings of the 44 annual spring conference of union of Bulgarian mathematicians, pp.341-347.
Nikolova, N. & Stefanova, E. (2013). Challenges of the inquiry-based education, P. Kenderov& E. Sendova (Eds.), Regalia 6, Sofia, pp. 93-98 (in Bulgarian).
Nikolova, N., & Stefanova, E. (2012). Inquiry-based science education in secondary school informatics – challenges and rewards, InSuEdu/OpenCert/MoKMaSD 2012. In Cerone et al. (Eds), Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability in Education, InSuEdu 2012. Thessaloniki, Greece, 1 October 2012.
Okada, A., Pinto, S. & Ferreira, S. (2014). Scientific literacy through co-inquiry based on non-formal and informal learning, PCST2014 - 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, Salvador, Brazil.
Okada, A. (2013). Inquiry based learning tools, environments and resources inquiry-based learning tools, environments and resources. In K. Kikis-Papadakis,F. Chaimala, & R. Papanastasiou (Eds.), Enhancing Innovation and Creativity in Science Teaching, IACM FORTH.
Okada, A., Wolff, A., Mikroyannidis, A. & Ashton, S. (2015). Promoting partnerships among universities, schools and research centres to foster responsible research and innovation for smart citizenship. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation. 17–19 June, 2015, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
Okada, A., Wolff, A. & Mikroyannidis, A. (2015). Fostering young smart citizens through personal learning environments for urban inquiries, Workshop: Smart Learning Ecosystems in Smart Regions and Cities at the EC-TEL The 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. ECTEL 2015 - SMART LEARNING workshop. Toledo, Spain.
Peltekova, E., Miteva, D., Stefanova, E., & Stefanov, K. (2014). Mobile Technologies Supporting Research Approach in Teaching and Learning: weSPOT inquiry-based study. Proceeding of the International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL2014), DOI: 10.1109/IMCTL.2014.7011131, Page(s): 198 – 202, IEEE publication.
Rusman, E., Firssova, O., Janssen, T. & Specht, M. (2015). An integrated approach to inquiry based science learning in a secondary school: designing a colony on Mars. Proceedings of the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 4483-4492). 2-4 March, 2015. Madrid, Spain.
Santos, J.L., Charleer, S., Parra, G., Klerkx, J., Duval, E. & Verbert, K. (2013). Evaluating the use of open badges in an open learning environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8095, pp. 314-327.
Santos, J. L., Klerkx, J., Duval, E., Gago, D., & Rodríguez, L. (2014). Success, activity and drop-outs in MOOCs an exploratory study on the UNED COMA courses. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge (pp. 98-102). ACM.
Seitlinger, P., Kowald, D., Kopeinik, S., Hasani-Mavriqi, I., Ley, T., & Lex, E. (2015). Attention Please! A Hybrid Resource Recommender Mimicking Attention-Interpretation Dynamics. WWW'15 WebScience Track.
Specht, M., Bedek, M., Duval, E., Held, P., Okada, A., Stevanov, K., Parodi, E., Kikis-Papadakis, K. & Strahovnik, V. (2012) WESPOT: Inquiry based learning meets learning analytics. 3rd International Conference on e-Learning, Belgrade, Serbia, pp.15-20.
Stamenov, S., & Dimitrova, T. (2013) My classroom – Energy Effective: Inquiry-based Science Education in the Classroom, EDULEARN13. Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 1 - 3 July, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. L. Gomez Chova, A. Lopez Martinez, I. Candel Torres (Eds.), International Association of Technology, Education and Development. Published by the International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Barcelona, Spain, pp: 5475 – 5483.
Stefanov, K., Nikolova, N., & Stefanova, E. (2013). weSPOT: Contemporary approach for science education. Proceedings of the 42 Spring Conference of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 172-182.
Suarez, A., Ternier, S., Kalz, M., & Specht, M. (2014). GPIM: Google Glassware for Inquiry-Based Learning. In C. Rensing et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European conference on Technology Enhanced Learning - EC-TEL 2014: Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, LNCS 8719 (pp. 530-533). Graz, Austria.
Kopeinik S., & Stocker E. (Reporter) (2015). HLA Graz (Testbed). Forschen statt nur Zuhören. Newspaper: - printed version (~200.000 Austrian households).
Kopeinik S. (2015). HLA Graz (Testbed). weSpot im Schulunterricht. Article for yearly school report (received by 3 schools' students, parents and teachers).
Rusman, E. (2015). Kinderen die nadenken. Kinderen die leren om in oplossingen te denken. Newspaper: Interview. Limburgs Dagblad. Retrieved from
Rusman, E. (2015). Pionieren op mars. Newspaper: Interview. Limburgs Dagblad. Retrieved from
Rusman, E. (2015). Vaardigheden in je rugzak. Leren voor de toekomst. Newspaper contribution to article. Limburgs Dagblad. Retrieved from