
weSPOT will create a "Working Environment with Social, Personal and Open Technologies" that supports users (from 12 to 25) to develop their inquiry based learning skills by means of:

  • a European reference model for inquiry skills and inquiry workflows,
  • a diagnostic instrument for measuring inquiry skills,
  • smart support tools for orchestrating inquiry workflows including mobile apps, learning analytics support, and social collaboration on scientific inquiry,
  • social media integration and viral marketing of scientific inquiry linked to school legacy systems and an open badge system.

For software support the project will develop an open source toolset for structuring workflows and supporting personal experience sampling. The toolset will be open source and also have open interfaces for integration with existing learning solutions in use with the target group. The toolset will include an open source backend service for inquiry workflows, open client APIs, and dedicated user interfaces for mobile experience sampling, collaboration, and reflection, as well as concept mapping and argumentation interfaces.

On the following pages you can find publications, software, and all deliverables of weSPOT for download.