Welcome to Monday!

Welcome to the first day of Wellness Week 2020. Thank you for joining us!

Today is all about gratitude. Research shows that practicing and cultivating gratitude benefits our minds, bodies and social connections. As we navigate this period of change, it's especially important to acknowledge the good in our lives. We hope today will give you some inspiration and tools to do just that!

Please join us for a very special Self-Care Swap this Saturday, April 11. We'll meet on Google Classroom to write thank-you letters to healthcare workers who are tirelessly caring for those impacted by COVID-19. We plan to send the letters to local healthcare facilitates to show our gratitude. Visit our Instagram for more information > @1LIFEnpt

Loving Kindness

Join Ms. Mac as she discusses Loving Kindness Meditation!

Ms. Mac has had a personal practice of meditation for four years, including the completion of an eight-week MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) course, silent retreats and a daily personal practice. She believes it is an important foundation for listening, communication, social interaction and overall mental health and happiness.

Self-Care Activity!

This is a Loving Kindness Meditation that will help you develop mindfulness and compassion for yourself and others. Loving Kindness Meditation is proven to relieve anxiety and stress and to increase feelings of well-being. We hope you enjoy this meditation!

Thank you for joining us today!

We hope you'll end your day with a sense of gratitude. We sure are grateful that you joined us!

We recommend you check out "The Kindness Diaries." Watch unsuspecting good samaritans across the globe receive life-changing gifts from a stranger. Now on Netflix!

Be sure to visit our Instagram and comment on your favorite part of today's content.

Until next time!