
Thomas Montalbano

Head Coach - Wrestling

Contact: fmontalb@weehawken.k12.nj.us


I will be returning for my fourth year as Head Wrestling Coach and teacher of AP US History at Weehawken High School. As a Head Coach, I make sure that practices have objectives and schedules for my athletes and coaches to follow. When analyzing my teams’ performances, I use data to determine our progress. I share this data with my student athletes to help them better understand the areas the team needs to improve upon. Data is also used as a differentiation tool, which targets the specific needs of individual student athletes. I view coaching as an extension of my classroom.

I am so proud of the fact "Wee" have established an independent program now entering its 3rd season, after an almost 25 year absence of Varsity Wrestling in Weehawken. Full credit must go to the athletes that made this happen, along with the unwavering support from administration and BOE. In addition, there is a Middle School wrestling team for those studen
