
Information for Fall Athletes


Q. When do practices begin?

A. Football practice begins on September 11. Equipment will be issued that same day at the high school. Coach Campi will provide details. All other teams will begin on September 14. This includes Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer, Cross Country, Cheer, Girls’ Tennis, and Marching Band.

Q. What about volleyball?

A. Volleyball will begin on February 16. It will not be a fall sport this year. Any girls’ volleyball players can participate in a different fall sport if they choose. Middle school volleyball is also postponed.

Q. What are the first things I need to do in order to become eligible for the fall season?

A. First, complete the COVID-19 Questionnaire before September 7. Student-athletes who presently have COVID-19, or who have tested positive for COVID-19, shall provide clearance from a physician before he/she is allowed to participate in workouts. If you have already completed this form, it still needs to be completed again because of the amount of time that elapsed.

B. Second, have a parent complete the Health History Update Questionnaire, save, and email to Barrett Isaza at bisaza@weehawken.k12.nj.us. If your physical is more than 90 days old, this must be completed prior to the first practice. The signature line is not functional on this page, so your parent’s email to Barrett will be considered parental consent to participate.

Q. When do I complete the Daily Pre-Screening Questions?

A. These must be completed electronically 30-60 minutes prior to every practice. Upon arrival, your temperature will be checked. If your temperature is 100.4°F or greater (or if you have any symptoms), you must leave the facility immediately and cannot return unless cleared by a physician.

Q. What should I bring to practice?

A. Every athlete should bring a large personal water bottle, mask or face covering, and hand sanitizer.

Q. Do I need a physical?

A. For 90% of our athletes, the answer is NO. Your physical from last year has been extended so that you can begin the fall season. If you do need a physical because of extenuating circumstances, you will be contacted by our Athletic Trainer, Barrett Isaza. The full physical packet, including parental sign-offs, can be printed here.

Q. What if I never had a physical for a WHS activity?

A. If you are entering 9th grade, you may be in this situation. I recommend visiting your family physician with the physical packet for clearance.

Q. When are this year’s school physicals?

A. During the fall season, our school physician will visit WHS to perform school-sponsored physicals. This round of physicals will maintain our athletes’ eligibility for the remainder of the 20-21 school year. As always, you may visit your family physician to complete the physical.

Q. Is there anything else I should know?

A. We will be abiding by the governor’s travel advisory. There are currently 31 states and U.S. jurisdictions included in the travel advisory. If you visit any of these states during the season, you will need to self-quarantine for 14 days.