2024-2025 Speakers

1 - Khaydar Nurligareev, Université de Bourgogne, FR.

Khaydar Nurligareev, LIB, Université de bourgogne (University of Burgundy), France.


Dr. Khaydar Nurligareev has obtained his phd thesis in 2022 at LIPN, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, under supervision of Lionel Pournin and Thierry Monteil. He works in Enumerative and Analytic Combinatorics. Also, I am interested in Tilings and Lattice Models.

2- Tatiana Starikovskaya. ENS-Paris, France.

Dr. Tatiana studies at Lomonosov Moscow State University, where she specialized in the theory of algorithms and mathematical logic, brought her an undergraduate degree, followed by a PhD, and ultimately a position as Assistant Professor in the newly-created Computer Science department at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics. In 2015 she took up a research associate post at Bristol University in England. In 2016 she becomes a post-doc researcher at University Paris-Diderot.  Since September 2017 she was Associate Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science at ENS-PSL, France.

Dr Tatiana is specializing in algorithms on strings as part of the Talgo team (Theory, ALgorithms, Graphs, and Optimization), where she is joined by Pierre Aboulker (graph theory) and Chien-Chung Huang (approximation algorithms). A key focus for the next four years will be her project on Approximation and Randomized String Processing (PARSe), which was awarded a grant from France’s Agence Nationale de Recherche in September 2023. 

3- Wenjie Fang, Gustave Eiffel Univ., France.

Dr. Wenjie Fang is an associate professor at LIGM, Université Gustave Eiffel. My field of research is combinatorics, mainly in various enumerations and bijections of combinatorial maps, but I am also interested in combinatorial interpretation of characters of the symmetric group, random aspects of various combinatorial objects, and some other combinatorial models. 

4- Samir Ben Hariz, Le Mans University, France.

Dr. Ben Hariz has obtained his Phd Thesis from the university of Orsay, France in 2000 under Professor  Jean Bertagnole. He is Associate professor at the University of Le Mans since 2002.

Research Topics: 

·         Estimation, Detection, Mathematical Statistics, Estimation and Detection Theory, Signal Processing, Statistical Signal Processing,

·         Estimation Theory.

5- Bishal Deb. LPSM, Sorbonnes U., Paris, FR.

I am a postdoctoral researcher Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation (LPSM), Sorbonne Université and Université Paris Cité, CNRS, Paris. I am supported by the DIMERS grant. My primary interest is in enumerative combinatorics. I try to exactly enumerate combinatorial families of objects. I love bijective method of proofs and proof without words.

I finished my PhD at University College London in 2023 under the supervision of Alan Sokal. (Here is a picture with Alan during a Lake District hike.) My PhD dissertation is titled "Enumerative combinatorics, continued fractions and total positivity"

6 - Jean Bertoin, Zurich University, Switzerland.

Bertoin received in 1987 his doctorate from University of Paris VI under Marc Yor with Étude des processus de Dirichlet.[1] Bertoin taught and did research there and is now a professor at the University of Zurich.

In 1996 he received the Rollo Davidson Prize. In 2002 he was an Invited Speaker with talk some aspects of additive coalescents at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing. In 2012 he was an Invited Speaker with talk Coagulation with limited aggregations at the European Congress of Mathematicians in Kraków. He is a corresponding member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.  His research deals with Lévy processes, Brownian motion, branching processes, random fragmentation, and coalescence processes.

His doctoral students include Grégory Miermont.

7 - Bernhard Gittenberger, Austria.

Bernhard Gittenberger is a researcher affiliated with the Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria. His work primarily focuses on discrete mathematics and geometry, with an emphasis on developing innovative algorithms and computational methods. Gittenberger has contributed to various research projects and has a keen interest in applying mathematical concepts to solve practical problems in engineering, computer science, and related fields. His expertise in discrete mathematics and geometry has led to significant contributions to academic publications and collaborations within the scientific community.           

8- Joshua Sparks, USA

Joshua Sparks is a mathematical statistician at the US Census Bureau and Adjunct Professor at The George Washington University in Washington, DC., USA. His research is in applied probability, focusing on random discrete structures, including the asymptotic behavior of random trees and urn models. Much of his work incorporates martingale theory, spectral decomposition, and analysis of algorithms to determine the probabilistic natures behind evolutionary models such as genetic dispersion and random networks. 

9- Azhar Saeed Alhammali, Imam Abdurrahman Bin Faysal University, KSA.

Dr. Azhar Saeed Alhammali  has obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics in  4 June 2019 from Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA,  under the supervision of Professor Malgorzata Peszynska

 Research Field: Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis

 Thesis title: Numerical Analysis of a System of Parabolic Variational Inequalities with Application to Biolm Growth