2021 - 2022 Speakers

1 - Philippe Marchal, France.

Philippe Marchal. LIPN ( Paris 13).

Short Bio: Philippe Marchal is a CNRS researcher at Université Paris 13.

He studied at ENS (1993-1997), completed a PhD under the supervision of Jean Bertoin (1999) and defended his habilitation at Sorbonne Université (2010). He was appointed at CNRS in 2000. He was an invited speaker at the International Conference on Lévy Processes in Angers (2016).

2 - Hedi Nabli, Tunisia.

Hedi Nabli. Faculte des sciences de Sfax. Tunisia.

Hédi Nabli is a Professor in applied mathematics at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. He received in 1990 the B.Sc. in Mathematics from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bizerte, Tunisia, and in 1995, he obtained the PhD in mathematics and applications from the University of Rennes I, with a fellowship from the CNRS, France. In 2004, he obtained the ‘‘Habilitation” degree from ENIT, Tunisia. His main research interests are in the areas of stochastic fluid models and performability measure upon Markov processes, with special attention to their applications on communication networks and fault-tolerant computer systems. He is interested in the field of linear programming, and also in mathematics in medieval Islam. Recently, he conceived a new topic called combinatorial arabesque.

3 - Faouzi Ghrib, Canada.

Faouzi Ghrib, University of Windsor, Canada.

Dr. Faouzi Ghrib is a Professor of Structural Engineering at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada. Dr. Ghrib research interests include the development of efficient numerical tools for assessing the health of existing structures. In particular, Dr. Ghrib works on the application of computer vision in monitoring structures.

4 - Claude Lobry, France.

Claude Lobry prepared a thesis in control theory in Grenoble in 1972. He was a professor at the University of Bordeaux (1972-1982) and in Nice (1982-2009). He worked on the theory of nonlinear controlled systems (controllability) and later on the theory of singularly perturbed differential systems. He uses the methods of non-standard analysis (ANS). The controversies surrounding the use of the ANS led him to sustain a PhD in philosopy (history of ideas) in 2019 : https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02448561 In the 1970s, he participated in the creation and animated (with in particular A. Benveniste, M. Fliess, I.D. Landau, G. Sallet ...) the G.D.R. automatic. He worked for the development of mathematical research in Africa by being director of CIMPA (April 1995-September 2000), then by leading the G.I.S. SARIMA with B. Philippe (2003-2008).

Research topics

  • Dynamic Systems, Controlled Systems

  • Slow-Fast Differential Equations, Singular Perturbations

  • Non-Standard Analysis

  • Mathematical and Computational Models in Microbial Ecology

  • Epistemology.

5 - Rajae Aboulaich, Morocco.

Rajae Aboulaich is a Professor at Mohammadia School of Engineering, Rabat, Morocco, Mohammed V University: since 1988. She was a head of applied mathematics laboratory : « Laboratoire d'Etude et de Recherche en Mathématiques Appliquées - LERMA » since 1991 to 2016.

She participated in the structuring of research in applied mathematics in Morocco as a founding member of the Moroccan Society of Applied Mathematics and as vice president of the Society. She participated also in this structuring in Africa as Associate Director of the International Laboratory of Computer Science and Mathematics “Laboratoire International de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées – LIRIMA” 2009-2013, and as a funding member of LEM2I.

Since 2013 she is a director of Islamic Financial Engineering Laboratory – IFE Lab, founded in collaboration between I’sDB and Mohammed V University in Rabat.

She supervised more than twenty PH-D students in numerical methods for the resolution of various engineering problems.

PH- D. in 1986: Numerical Analysis, Faculty of Sciences and engineering, Laval University, Québec, Canada.

Research topics: Partial Differential Equations, Numerical methods, Optimization and inverse Problems.

Application areas: Biomathematics, Risk management and Mathematical Finance.

7 - Tewfik Sari, France.

Tewfik Sari, INRAE, Montpellier, France.


8 - Omar Fewzi, France.

After obtaining a PhD in computer science from McGill University in 2012 under the supervision of Luc Devroye and Patrick Hayden, Omar Fewzi worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Quantum Information Theory Group at ETH Zurich.

from 2014 to 2018, Omar Fawzi has been an associate professor in the IT department of École normale supérieure de Lyon.

Since 2018 a reseach director at Inria in the Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme hosted by École Normale Supérieure de Lyon. He is part of the team "Models of Computing, Complexity and Combinatorics" at Laboratoire de l'informatique du paralleleisme.

Research topics:

His research focuses mainly on quantum information, applied probability and theoretical computer science.

9 - Paula Moraga, Saudi Arabia.

Paula Moraga (https://www.paulamoraga.com/) is an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and the Principal Investigator of the Geospatial Statistics and Health Surveillance Research Group. Paula's research focuses on the development of innovative statistical methods and computational tools for geospatial data analysis and health surveillance, and the impact of her work has directly informed strategic policy in reducing disease burden in several countries. She has developed modeling architectures to understand the spatial and spatio-temporal patterns and identify targets for intervention of diseases such as malaria in Africa, leptospirosis in Brazil, and cancer in Australia, and has worked on the development of a number of R packages for Bayesian risk modeling, detection of disease clusters, and risk assessment of travel-related spread of disease. Paula has published extensively in leading journals and is the author of the book 'Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny' (2019, Chapman & Hall/CRC). Paula received her Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the University of Valencia, and her Master's degree in Biostatistics from Harvard University.

Research topics:

Data Analysis, Geospatial Statistics, Health Surveillance, Bayesian Risk Modeling, Detection of disease clusters.

10 - Gursham Kaur, USA.

Biography: Gursharn Kaur is currently a postdoc research associate at the Biocomplexity Institute, University of Virginia. She completed PhD in statistics from Indian Statistical Institute and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the National University of Singapore. Her PhD thesis work is focused on the urn models with applications in load balancing problems, and modeling opinion dynamics. Her work at NUS has been focused on developing fluctuation results for the subgraph counts in large random networks. She is also interested in studying different shapes for random phylogenetic trees. At the BIocomplexity Institute, she is working on epidemiological modeling and analysing missing infections.

11 - Panpan Zhang, USA.

Biography: Panpan Zhang is in a post Doctoral position in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, USA.

Panpan Zhang grew up in Shanghai, China. He received M.A. in Mathematics from Wake Forest University in 2012, and started his doctoral training in the Department of Statistics at the George Washington University in the same year. He got Ph.D. in Statistics in 2016. his dissertation was On Properties of Several Random Networks under the supervision of Professor Hosam M. Mahmoud.

12 - Philippe Chassaing, France.

Biography: Philippe Chassaing is a french researcher from the institut Elie Cartan and Professor at the University of Lorraine, France.

13 - Hanène Mohamed, France.

Biography: Hanène Mohamed followed the Master of Probability of Paris VI in 2003 and did a thesis at INIRIA Paris ( 2007) under the supervision of Philippe Robert on probabilistic algorithms in tree (Divide & Conquer) applied to distributed communication networks. After a post-doctoral stay at the University of Versailles under the supervision of Brigitte Chauvin, as well as an ATER year at the IUT de Sceaux, she was recruited as an associate professor at the University of Paris Nanterre (2009). Actually, she is a member of the MODAL'X research laboratory, her field of research currently has two axes: the first, initiated in a thesis, is the probabilistic study of distributed algorithms. It is present in her first works as well as her thesis dissertation. After the thesis, she got interested in Velib ’and more generally in carsharing systems. The idea was to use mathematical techniques and experience gained in communications networks to simply model such systems to effectively adapt to changing demands. Probabilistic or mean-field techniques are the basis of any study of such systems.

14 - Marcus J. Grote. Switzerland.

Marcus J. Grote. Basel University, Switzerland.

Biography: M. J. Grote is a Professor of Numerical Analysis and

Computational Mathematics in the Mathematisches Institut, Universitat Basel, Switzerland.

1995 - Ph.D. in Scientic Computing and Computational Mathematics,

Stanford University, USA.

1990 - M.S. in Mathematics and M.S. in Computer Science. Universite de Geneve, Geneva, Switzerland.

Research topics: Controllability, Absorbing Boundary Conditions, Inverse Scattering, Local Time-stepping Methods, Multiscale Methods, Hight order methods, Finite element methods, Discontinuous Galerkin methods, wave propagation, integral equations.

15 - Chrysoula Tsogka, USA.

Chrysoula Tsogka. University of California, Merced, USA.

Biography: Chrysoula Tsogka joined the department of Applied Mathematics at UC Merced in July 2019. Between 2007 and 2019 she was a faculty member of the Applied Mathematics Department at the University of Crete, Greece. Initially an Associate Professor (2006-2014) and then a Professor (2014-2019). Between 2017 and 2019, she was a Visiting Professor at the Mathematics Department at Stanford University and a Project Scientist at UC Merced. In the past she has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, a Tenured CNRS Researcher at LMA in Marseilles, France, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago. She received her PhD degree in Applied Mathematics from University Paris IX (Dauphine), France.

Her research interests are in numerical methods for direct and inverse wave propagation problems and imaging in complex media. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), the Journal of Computational Physics (JCP), the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (JMIV) and the Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society. As of 2017 she is a member of the Scientific Research Board of the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM). Among others, she has been the recipient of an ERC Starting Independent Research Grant in Mathematics, and of a SIGEST paper award.

16 - Yacine Chitour, France.

Yacine Chitour. Paris Saclay University, France.

Short Bio: This Y. Chitour obtained a PhD in 1996 from Rutgers University. He was from 1997 to 2020 with the University of Paris Sud, France, first as assistant professor until full professor. Since 2021, he is with Universite Paris-Saclay, France, teaching control theory at various levels. He interests range from geometric control to applied differential geometry, with a recent emphasis on control of pdes. He is coordinator of H-CODE a research institute of University Paris-Saclay devoted to control and decision in life sciences, economics and engineering.

17 - Eric Moulines, France.

Eric Moulines. Ecole Polytechnique, France.

Short Bio: Éric Moulines is a French researcher in statistical learning and signal processing. He received the silver medal from the CNRS in 2010,[1] the France Télécom prize awarded in collaboration with the French Academy of Sciences in 2011. He was appointed a Fellow of the European Association for Signal Processing in 2012 and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 2016.[2] He is General Engineer of the Corps des Mines (X81).