2020-2021 Speakers

1 - Houssem Haddar, France.

Houssem Haddar. Director of Research at INRIA, Professor at Ecole Polytechnique. Research fields: Numerical and mathematical problems related to waves and diffusion. Inverse scattering, Linear Sampling Method, Interior transmission problem, Generalized Linear Sampling Method, Cracks identification, Conformal mapping.

Thin layer approximations, Asymptotic analysis and Homogenization, Rough surfaces, Diffusion MRI, Periodic media. Transmission conditions for rough interfaces. Homogenized models for Diffusion MRI. Modeling of scattering from periodic media.


2 - Laurent Bourgeois, France

Laurent Bourgeois is "ingénieur de l'aremement" at Ecole Nationale de Techniques Avançées, Paris. His research topics are on: Inverse problems, regularization of ill-posed problems.

More precisely : quasi-reversibility method for Cauchy ill-posed problems and application to inverse problems. Inverse problems related to the mechanics of materials. Inverse diffraction in waveguide by sampling method. Inverse diffraction for generalized impedance conditions. Uniqueness and stability of ill-posed problems, notably by Carleman inequalities.


3 - Enrique Zuazua, Spain.

Enrique Zuazua. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Deusto Foundation, Bilbao, Spain. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.

His fields of specialization cover Partial Differential Equations, Systems Control and Numerical Analysis. These interconnected fields have as ultimate goal the modelling, analysis, computer simulation and control and design of natural phenomena and other problems arising in R+D+i.


4 - Sana Louhichi, France.

Sana Louhichi is a full Professor of University of Grenoble.

Her research topics are Probability and Mathematical Statistics.

website1 website2

5 - Mohamed Masmoudi, France.

Mohamed Masmoudi is a full professor of the University Paul Sabathier, Toulouse, France. His research interests and fundamental contributions to academics and industry are in following domains: Absorbing boundary conditions for acoustic and electromagnetic problems. Classical shape Optimization. Automatic differentiation and higher order derivatives. The topological gradient. Mathematics of imagery and mathematical image processing. He is also the President of ADAGOS, a spin off of the Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse (IMT), the CNRS and the Universite Paul Sabatier.

website Adagos-website

6 - Nizar Touzi, France.

Nizar Touzi is a professor at the École Polytechnique. Specialized in mathematical finance, his fields of interest relate more particularly to the following themes: deterministic and stochastic control problems in finance, economics and insurance, statistics of continuous-time processes, Monte Carlo simulations, and game theory in continuous time .

Research fields :

Deterministic and stochastic control problems in finance, economics and insurance, continuous time process statistics, Monte Carlo methods, continuous time game theory.


7 - Belhassen Dehmane, Tunisia.

Belhassen Dehmane is a full professor at "Faculté des sciences de Tunis", Tunisia.

His research topics are: Control, controlability, microlocal analysis, wave equations, stabilization of semi-linear wave equation, ...


8 - Mohamed Ben Alalya, France. (Cancelled Talk)

Mohamed Ben Alaya is a full Professor at University of Rouens. His research topics are: Numerical probabilities, Monte Carlo methods, shift method, Multilevel method

Monte Carlo, low-discrete sequence, variance reduction methods, stochastic algorithms, finance. Particulate method, propagation of chaos. Weakly dependent process, α − mix. Process statistics, calibration problem in the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model. Stable and semi-stable laws in the sense of the sum and the max, self-similar processes.


9 - Christophe Hazard, France.

Christophe Hazard is a Researcher at CNRS and Ecole Nationale de Techniques Avançées. His research topics are: Artificial borders, Waveguides, Harmonic waves, Transient waves, Coupled phenomena.


10 - Mejdi Azaiez, France.

Mejdi AZAIEZ is full professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux since 2001. He is Ph. Doctor by the University of Orsay Paris XI (1990). He served as post-doctoral researcher at the CRS4 (Group of Alfio Querteroni), Associated professor at the Univ. of Paul Sabatier Toulouse (1991 and 2001), and recently as invited researcher at the Univ. Sevilla at several occasions since 2015. His adjunct professor at Xiamen University (China) , IIT Kunpur (India). He is managing activities include serving as Director of the TREFLE Research Department, Director of International affairs. He is expert in many agencies of research

His research activity has been motivated by modeling and simulating natural and industrial problems and applications. His expertise fields are the numerical approximation of PDEs arising in fluid mechanics, numerical modelling of heat and mass transfer

and phase change material for storage energy. Finally numerical investigation of reduced order models and data reduction.

11 - Nejib Zemzemi, France.

Nejib Zemzemi is a researcher at the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA). He obtained his PhD in applied mathematics at Université Paris-Saclay in 2009. He moved, in 2010, to the department of computer science at Oxford University where he made postdoctoral research about numerical assessment of drugs effect on the electrical activity of the heart. Since 2012, he has been working at Inria-Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, on modelling and numerical methods in cardiac electrophysiology with a special focus on inverse problems in cardiac electrophysiology using physical-based and data-driven appraoches. He also works on in silico assessment of drugs effect on the heart activity. He recenty co-founded with Nuerosurgeons from the CHU de Bordeaux the Company RebrAIn which develops artificial intelligence tools in order to optimise the targetting in depp brain surgery to treat Parkinson disease and essential tremor.


12 - Adel Blouza, France. (Cancelled talk)

Adel Blouza is associate professor in Applied Mathematics at University of Rouen Normandie in France.

He is member of Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem (LMRS https://lmrs.univ-rouen.fr, UMR 6085 CNRS-University of Rouen Normandie). Team : PDEs and Scientific Computing.

He is director of the mathematics department at the University of Rouen Normandie.

Adel Blouza research interests are mainly on Shell Theory and Elasticity. He is also interested in the applications of mathematics to biology.

13 - Michel kern, France.

Michel Kern is a researcher of INRIA, Paris, France. Hes was a deputy Director of Maison de la simulation, From 2012 to 2018.

Research topics :

Scientific computing.

High performance computing.

Numerical method for flow and transport in porous media.

Algorithms for coupled problems, reactive transport.

Decomposition methods on space - time domains.

14 - Jérôme Harmand, France.

Jérome Harmand is a Director of research at the national intitute for agriculture, alimentation and environment (INRAE), He is currently the animator of the "system, analysis, modeling and computer Science" Thematic Object (SAMI ) within the Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (LBE). He is also lead the TREASURE Euro-Mediterranean research network on the reuse of unconventional water and I co-leaded the SICMED-REUSE network (2013-2018). The research of Jérôme Harmand focuses on the modeling and control of microbial ecosystems and bioprocesses. More specifically, it involves developing methods of automation for analysis and design, control and observation and, more generally for the optimization of biological processes with bioprocesses as the main application. treatment and recovery of biomass.

According to the modeling scale adopted, by considering as an elementary entity of a biological system sometimes the microbial individual, sometimes the floc or even an infinitesimal element of biofilm sometimes still the reactor, He strive to identify and understand the links and interactions which condition the macroscopic behavior observed at the level of a population or a process and to use the generated knowledge (formalized in the form of a system of differential equations) to better understand, even optimize the functioning of the entity studied.

Website of Jérôme Harmand.

15 - Wissem jedidi, Saudi Arabia.

Wissem Jedidi is currently associate professor at University of Tunis el Manar and at King Saud University. He graduated from the university of Tunis and earned his PhD in 2000 under the supervision oh Jean Jacod. After a post-doctoral sojourn at the university of Mainz-Germany he held the position of assistant professor at the University of Sfax then Tunis. He also worked in 2003 at the university of Moncton-Canada in a research project on the Modelisation of internet trafic in presence of heavy tailed phenomena. WJ supervised 2 PhD thesis and several Master's disserations and was invited professor several times in France, Germany and Poland.

His interests are in Lévy processes, Stable processes and their distributional porperties; Analytical tools and special functions for the characterization of infinitely divisible measures; Limit theorems; Statistics of stochastic processes; Queuing theory.

16 - Hosam Mahmoud. USA.

Hosam Mahmoud is a Professor of statistics at Geoge Washington University, USA. Website.

Ph.D. in Computer Science. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1983.

M.S. in Computer Science. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1981.

B.Sc. in Mathematics. Cairo University, Egypt, 1979.

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering. Cairo University, Egypt, 1976.

Areas of Expertise: Probabilistic analysis of algorithms, Random structures and algorithms, Randomized algorithms, Analytic probability and Statistical computing.

He is author of three books:

1) Mahmoud, H. (1992). Evolution of Random Search Trees. Wiley, New York.

2) Mahmoud, H. (2000). Sorting: A Distribution Theory. Wiley, New York.

3) Mahmoud, H. (2008). Polya Urn Models. Chapman-Hall, Orlando.

and more 90 research papers.

17 - Hatem Zaag. France.

Senior Scientist at CNRS, member of

Institut national des sciences mathématiques et de leurs interactions (INSMI)

member of Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications (LAGA, UMR 7539). Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Team: Physique mathématique et équations aux dérivées partielles.

Associeted Editor of Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (APAM).

Local coordinator of Laboratory of excellence (LabEx) Inflamex, dealing with inflammation.

Hatem zaag is particularly interested in the singularities of equations with parabolic and hyperbolic partial derivatives. He is also interested in the applications of mathematics to biology.

18 - Nicolas Kielbasiewicz. France.

Nicolas Kielbasiewicz : PhD in Applied Mathematics. Research engineering the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS).

Nicolas Kielbasiewicz is one of the main developers of XLiFE++ (eXtended Library of Finite Elements in C++), the C++ library inheriting from Melina, the calculation code jointly developed by Daniel Martin, Numerical Analysis Team, IRMAR (UMR 6625), University of Rennes I, France, and POEMS, (UMR 7231), CNRS/INRIA/ENSTA-Paris and inheriting from Montjoie library developed by Marc Duruflé (INRIA).

19 - Faouzi triki. France.

Faouzi triki is currently an associate professor in mathematics at Grenoble Alpes University in France. Before moving to France he was research instructor at Michigan State University in USA. He received a Master's degree in 1999 and a Ph. D in applied mathematics in 2002, from Sorbonne University, and Ecole

polytechnique respectively. His research interests focus mainly on the study of inverse problems for partial differential equations and mathematical modeling in optics.

20 - Chacón Rebollo, Tomás. Spain.

Tomás Chacón is full professor of Mathematical Analysis at the University of Sevilla since 1993. He is Ph. Doctor by the Universities of Seville (1984) and Paris VI (1985). He served as post-doctoral researcher at the Courant Institute of New York (1988), invited professor at the Univ. of Paris VI (1991 and 2014), and recently as invited researcher at the Univ. Bordeaux at several occasions since 2015. His managing activities include serving as Director of the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (2013- 2014), Director of the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Seville (2015-2018) and Chairman of ICIAM2019-Valencia Congress (July 2019).

His research activity has been motivated by the vision of mathematics as a powerful tool to understand, predict and control natural and industrial systems. His expertise fields are the numerical analysis of PDEs arising in fluid mechanics, mathematical and numerical modelling of turbulence and geophysical flows, and more recently numerical analysis of reduced order models for industrial applications.

21 - Marc, Lenoir. France.

Marc Lenoir is a senior scientist at the French National Scientific Reserach (CNRS) and Full professor at The Ecole Nationale des Techniques Avancçees. He is now retired, but continue to have a big scientific contribution at The POEMS laboratory (ENSTA).

From 1987 to 1999 M. Lenoir was Lecturer in Applied Mathematics

at Polytechnic School.

From 1988 to 2000 : Director of the Laboratory "Simulation and Modeling of Propagation Phenomena".

From 1995 to 2002 : Director of the Applied Mathematics Teaching and Research Department, ENSTA.

22 - Cyril Banderier. France.

Cyril Banderier Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord

UMR CNRS 7030. Institut Galilée - Université Paris-Nord. France.

Cyril Banderier is a CNRS Researcher at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. He got his PhD thesis under the supervision of Philippe Flajolet, at INRIA, in 2001.

Since, he wrote more than 70 articles applying the techniques of enumeration and asymptotics of combinatorial structures

to trees, permutations, words, random graphs, random walks, urns, etc.

His collaboration with Hsien-Kuei Hwang in Taiwan was rewarded by an international award of the Académie des Sciences in 2013.

Fields of interest:

1) analytic combinatorics,

2) probability theory,

3) number theory,

4) analysis of algorithms

5) computer algebra.

23 - Cecile Mailler, United Kingdom.

Cecile Mailler is an EPSRC postdoctoral fellow and a lecturer at the University of Bath, where she was a member of the probability group Prob-L@B. Between 2013 and 2016, she was a postdoc at Prob-L@B, as part of Peter Mörters' EPSRC project Emergence of Condensation in Stochastic Networks. Between 2010 and 2013, she was a PhD student whithin the Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles under the supervision of Brigitte Chauvin and Danièle Gardy.

The topic of research of Cecile Mailler is mostly focused on the study of random trees, and more generally on branching processes, reinforced processes, and Pólya urns. Her research is often motivated by application to other scientific areas such as computer science or physics.

Fields of interest:

1) branching processes, random trees

2) reinforcement, Pólya urns and stochastic approximation

3) random networks, preferential attachment

4) statistical physics: zero-range model, preferential attachment

5) satisfiability, random Boolean trees and analytic combinatorics

Since 2011 Cecile Mailler wrote more than 22 research papers.

24 - Mourad Bellassoued, Tunisia.

Mourad Bellassoued completed his PhD dissertation at the University Paris 11 (Orsay) in France in 2000. Since 2004, he has been "Maitre de conférences" at University of Carthage, Tunisia and since 2009 he has been Full Professor at University of Carthage. Since 2016 he has been a Professor and the director of LAMSIN Laboratory at the university of Tunis El Manar.

His first research area was uniqueness of the Cauchy problems and Control theory and then stabilization of PDE. Progressively, his research activities moved towards Carleman estimates and inverse problems.