
Scientific Committee.

Cyril Banderier Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord, UMR CNRS 7030. Institut Galilée - Université Paris-Nord. France.

Cyril Banderier is a CNRS Researcher at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. He got his PhD thesis under the supervision of Philippe Flajolet, at INRIA, in 2001.

Since, he wrote more than 70 articles applying the techniques of enumeration and asymptotics of combinatorial structures to trees, permutations, words, random graphs, random walks, urns, etc.

His collaboration with Hsien-Kuei Hwang in Taiwan was rewarded by an international award of the Académie des Sciences in 2013.

Michael Wallner, Institute of Discrete Mathematics and geometry, Tu Wien, Wiedner. AUSTRIA.

My interests lie in all areas of analytic and enumerative combinatorics, and in particular in interactions with probability theory, number theory, and interdisciplinary applications in computer science and computational biology. I have studied lattice paths in one and higher dimensions, tree-like structures like directed acyclic graphs, deterministic finite automata, and phylogenetic trees, as well as Young tableaux and permutation patterns. The methods I am specialized to include 

- combinatorial methods, like generating functions, the symbolic method, and bijections; 

- analytic methods, like singularity analysis, saddle point analysis, and the kernel methods; 

- Probabilistic methods, like the method of moments and martingales.

Senior Scientist at  CNRS, member of Institut national des sciences mathématiques et de leurs interactions (INSMI) member of  Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Applications (LAGA, UMR 7539). Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Team:  Physique mathématique et équations aux dérivées partielles. Associeted Editor of Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (APAM). Local coordinator of Laboratory of excellence (LabEx) Inflamex, dealing with inflammation.

Hatem zaag is particularly interested in the singularities of equations with parabolic and hyperbolic partial derivatives. He is also interested in the applications of mathematics to biology.

Abderrahmane BENDALI is Professor Emeritus at the National Institute of Applied Sciences and University of Toulouse, member of the Mathematical Institute of Toulouse and and Scientific Consultant at CERFACS Toulouse, in Computational Electromagnetism. He was  Assistant Professor at University of Algiers (1970-1979) and Appointed Researcher at the  Center of Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique, France (1979-1984) and University of Pau (1990-1995).

Research topics : Integral equations for acoustic and electromagnetic waves. Finite Element Methods. High-order radiation conditions. Multi-scale problems. Domain decomposition methods.

Organising Committee.

Tunis El Manar University


Nabil Gmati:

....:      ....

King Saud University


Rafik Aguech:

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 Imam Abdurrahman Bin Faisal University


Mohamed Majdoub : 

Azhar Saeed Alhammali: