Rival Fraternities


Ulysses P Brown   Marvin Doucette


Origin and History:

The Yo-De-Yos trace their roots back to Marion High School, a prestigious institution known for its academic excellence and community involvement. Established decades ago, the Yo-De-Yos have always been a symbol of intellect, discipline, and ambition within the school. The organization's name, derived from an old fraternity chant, symbolizes unity and pride among its members.

Membership and Persona:

Comprised mostly of well-dressed, smart, and academically active Black male students, the Yo-De-Yos represent the epitome of scholarly achievement and social grace. Members often hail from upper-middle-class families, providing them with a certain level of privilege and access to resources that support their academic and extracurricular pursuits. They are frequently seen in tailored blazers, crisp dress shirts, and polished shoes, embodying a sophisticated and polished appearance.

Values and Activities:

The Yo-De-Yos prioritize academic success, leadership, and community service. They are heavily involved in student government, honor societies, and various clubs that promote intellectual growth and civic responsibility. Their meetings often involve discussions on current events, strategies for academic improvement, and plans for community service projects. The Yo-De-Yos take pride in their reputation for excellence and strive to be role models for their peers.


Origin and History:

The Wild-Bunch originated from Washington High School, a school known for its spirited student body and strong athletic programs. Formed as a counter-culture group, the Wild-Bunch embraced their identity as rebels and underdogs, creating a brotherhood based on loyalty, toughness, and resilience. The name "Wild-Bunch" reflects their fierce and untamed nature, highlighting their readiness to challenge authority and societal norms.

Membership and Persona:

The Wild-Bunch consists of rough, tough, and wild Black male students who often come from lower-class families. Their appearance contrasts sharply with that of the Yo-De-Yos, as they typically wear casual and sometimes tattered clothing, showcasing their disregard for conventional dress codes. Members of the Wild-Bunch are known for their street smarts, resourcefulness, and strong bonds forged through shared hardships and common backgrounds.

Values and Activities:

The Wild-Bunch values loyalty, bravery, and brotherhood above all else. They are known for their athletic prowess, often dominating in sports and physical competitions. However, their activities are not limited to the sports field; they also engage in various forms of mischief and pranks that challenge school rules and authority figures. The Wild-Bunch members see themselves as protectors of the underprivileged and are quick to defend their peers against any perceived injustices.

The Clash

With the recent merger of Marion High School and Washington High School, the Yo-De-Yos and the Wild-Bunch find themselves under one roof, leading to inevitable clashes. The Yo-De-Yos, with their structured and disciplined approach, view the Wild-Bunch as a disruptive force that undermines the school's academic integrity. Conversely, the Wild-Bunch sees the Yo-De-Yos as elitist and out of touch with the realities faced by the less privileged students.

This tension manifests in vicious pranks, physical altercations, and a constant struggle for dominance and respect. The rivalry threatens to tear the school apart, as members of both organizations are suspended and even expelled due to their disruptive behavior. The school's faculty and staff are now faced with the daunting task of finding a way to dismantle these two powerful organizations before they bring the school to its knees.

The Faculty's Dilemma

The school's administration is caught in the crossfire, struggling to restore peace and order. They must navigate the delicate balance of addressing the underlying social and economic disparities that fuel the conflict while also enforcing discipline and promoting a unified school culture. Innovative strategies, open dialogues, and community-building activities are essential as they work to break down the barriers between the Yo-De-Yos and the Wild-Bunch, fostering an environment where all students can coexist and thrive.