Ulysses P Brown   Marvin Doucette

Ulysses P. Brown

Creator | Writer

Marvin Doucette


In the 1980s, Ulysses P. Brown, known as Porter, and Marvin Doucette found themselves as new students in the merged Washington High School and Marion High School.  Porter, a quiet and introspective young man, was keenly aware of the social dynamics.

Meanwhile, Marvin Doucette had his own journey within the school community.   Although he and Ulysses didn't immediately connect, their paths would eventually intertwine through unexpected circumstances.  

Years later, after working together at the Greyhound Bus Station, Marvin and Ulysses formed a bond that transcended their initial perceptions.

Fast-forward two decades, and Ulysses has become Vice President of Creative in the broadcasting and original content industry.  His career includes launching Starz Entertainment, series like "Power," starring 50 Cent, and working on hit series such as "Spartacus," "White Queen," "Outlander," and "Boss." Despite his success, Ulysses felt a calling to tell an untold story: the narrative of the merger between Washington and Marion High Schools, two rival black schools in the South.

As Ulysses neared completion of the series, he reconnected with Marvin in 2023.   Marvin invited Ulysses for dinner, where he shared his project.  Impressed yet critical, Marvin felt the story needed the school's true essence and depth.  He described Ulysses' perspective as too distant, missing the raw soul and underbelly of their shared past.

Unwilling to accept Marvin's critique without a fight, Ulysses proposed a bold idea: co-writing the series together.  Marvin initially balked, insisting he wasn't a writer.  Undeterred, Ulysses countered with determination, quoting, "In order to accomplish something you've never done, you have to become someone you've never been." He convinced Marvin to invest in a used MacBook and provided guidance as Marvin began to write.

Months passed, and Marvin's contributions and writing transformed the "Washington Marion High School Series" into a compelling narrative teeming with rich characters and authentic emotion.  His newfound passion for storytelling proved transformative, demonstrating that with dedication, anything is achievable.