Coach G's Shop Class


Ulysses P Brown   Marvin Doucette

Coach G is an imposing figure with a commanding presence, standing tall and broad-shouldered, making him a formidable statue of a man. As the assistant coach for the football team at a large, predominantly Black high school, Coach G is widely recognized for his exceptional coaching abilities. However, his true passion lies in teaching his high school shop class students, a vocation that brings him immense pride and satisfaction.

In his shop class, Coach G teaches a variety of hands-on skills that extend far beyond the football field. He specializes in auto paint and bodywork, auto mechanics, and woodworking carpentry. The majority of his students are also members of the football team, and he takes a personal interest in ensuring that each one of them learns practical skills that can serve them well in life, long after their high school days are over.

Coach G is deeply committed to his students' education and well-being. He frequently relies on donations to gather the necessary materials for his classes, but he is also known for dipping into his own pocket to cover any shortfalls. His generosity extends beyond the classroom as he often repairs his students' family vehicles, ensuring they have reliable transportation.

One of Coach G's cherished traditions is ensuring that every student takes home a handmade piece of furniture by the end of the semester. This not only gives them a tangible sense of accomplishment but also teaches them the value of creating something with their own hands.

During a recent school merger, which brought about considerable chaos and tension, Coach G played a crucial role in providing stability and a safe haven for his students. In the midst of the turmoil, his shop class became a sanctuary where students could channel their energy into constructive activities, learning to use their hands for building rather than fighting.

Coach G's dedication, compassion, and unwavering support have made him a beloved figure among his students. He is not just a coach or a teacher; he is a mentor, a role model, and a guiding force, helping his students navigate both the challenges of high school and the broader journey of life. His unique blend of strength and kindness, combined with his practical teaching approach, makes him an indispensable part of the school community and a cornerstone of his students' success.